Sex Deprivation ~ Akaashi Keiji 1

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Akaashi was sitting in front of you, looking at his phone. His back was facing you. He was probably on social media or something but he wasn't paying attention to what you were doing. You smirked and softly slid your finger up his spine. "Keeeeiji." You hummed next to his ear. "Yes?" He asked. You wrapped one arm around his chest and pulled his back into your torso. Meanwhile, you pressed your lips to his neck. "Coooome on." You hummed. He sighed like he was annoyed but he was blushing so you knew he wasn't annoyed at all. "If you're trying to get me in the mood, it's not working." He informed you. "Ugh! Keiji!" You pouted and fell back onto the couch. He simply continued whatever he was doing on his phone.

The next day, Akaashi was changing after he spilled some juice on his shirt. Before he got into the room, you hid all of his other shirts. He removed the one he was wearing and started looking for a shirt. You laid yourself on the bed and admired his lack of fat mixed with some muscles. His back was toned in muscle and his arms only revealed muscles when he flexed. You liked his delicate body. If he wore a shirt that was tight enough, his abs would subtly show but you liked it better when he wasn't wearing a shirt. "Where are my shirts, F/N?" He asked. You huffed. "Hidden." You said. "Where?" He asked. "Keiji, come on. Let's mess around a bit." You said. "Maybe when I get a shirt." He said. You scrunched up your face and tossed him a shirt from behind the pillow. "There. You have a shirt now." You said. He put the shirt on. "Thank you." He said and left the room. "What?! Keiji you said we could!" You shouted. "I said maybe." He shouted back. "Uhhgghh!" You groaned and fell back onto the bed.

It was now Monday. You and Akaashi were walking into the school hand-in-hand. "You look beautiful today, F/N." He said. You blushed. "So do you." You said happily and leaned up to peck his cheek. "HEY GUYS!" Bokuto shouted and went up to you. "How's my favourite couple?" He asked. "Fine." Akaashi said. "Kind of." You mumbled. Akaashi rolled his eyes. "What's wrong?" Bokuto asked. "The man never wants to have sex." You said. Bokuto looked at Akaashi in disbelief. "How do you live?" Bokuto asked. "Like you ever get some action." Akaashi said to Bokuto. "Well no. I don't. But you have a consenting girlfriend offering you sex and you don't want to?!" Bokuto asked. "Someone understands. You know what, Keiji? When you're horny and ask for sex, imma say no." You said, still holding your boyfriend's hand. "OH! GET RECKED!" Bokuto shouted. For some reason he thought you were some reckless savage now. "Hmm." Akaashi nodded and continued to walk with you. You soon realized that other students were staring at you. It probably wasn't a good idea to openly talk about your sex life in front of students. Teachers probably also heard you. Great.

You sighed as you wrote notes in class. In the corner of the room was this other, annoying girl. Yui. Yui was an attention whore. She faked injuries and pretended to be asked out by a bunch of guys on the daily. All she needed to do to annoy you was open her crooked mouth. Today, Yui was whispering something to a few girls. They were loud but the teacher didn't seem to care. You heard the girls giggle and couldn't help but feel as if they were staring at you.

You turned around rapidly to see if they were staring and they instantly turned their heads around. Oh! I forgot to mention one other thing. Yui has a very creepy and obsessive crush on YOUR Akaashi. That annoyed you more than anything. That something so annoying and repulsive had feelings for your one and only. You even saw her hitting on him before or staring at him from across the room. Good thing he wasn't in your class.

The girls continued to whisper and you soon understood what they were giggling about. Basically, Yui over heard (eavesdropped on) your conversation with Akaashi and Bokuto this morning and now was laughing about how your boyfriend doesn't want to touch you. You gritted your teeth and resisted the urge to stab Yui's mouth with your pencil.

The class was finally over and Yui was still talking about Akaashi and you. "I swear, Keiji texted me last night, wanting to hook up." She said obnoxiously to her gross friends. Akaashi didn't text her last night because he was with you and you knew he didn't text her. But it wasn't so much what Yui said about him texting her that bothered you. It was that she called him by his first name. Not even his close friends like Bokuto called him by his first name. That was strictly reserved for you and his family members. Luckily, Yui and her rat-friends were huge pussies so to make them shut up, all you had to do was say a few words.

You walked up to them and stood in front of them creepily for a moment. You soon stepped right in front of Yui and moved your face about an inch from her's. Funny, you smelt trash when you did that. "Who texted you last night? Haha. Sounds interesting." You said in monotone. "N-n-no one." Yui stuttered and stepped back. You just stepped closer again, trying to hold your breath as to not breathe in her toxic filth. "If you ever talk about my boyfriend again or even call him by his first name, I'll get Bokuto to punch you." You threatened. "And you smell like shit." You finished and left the room. She looked terrified.


Aakashi and Bokuto walked out of the gym, meeting you. Akaashi's face was scrunched up, like he was mad. "F/N." He said. "Yes?" You asked. "Did you tell a girl that you'd get Bokuto to punch her?" He asked. Bokuto started to laugh. "Well yes. How did you know?" You asked. "Some guys saw you threaten her and told me. Apparently it was hilarious." He said. "Ew. You mean Yui? I don't punch girls but I wouldn't even feel bad for punching her." Bokuto said. "Why did you threaten her?" Akaashi asked. You sighed. "She was telling people that you texted her last night, asking to hook up. And she called you by your first name." You explained.

Akaashi looked at you for a long time and then he blushed. Why was he flustered? "Wait. Really? So you threatened her?" He asked. "Yep." You said. Akaashi gulped and bit his lip. He started holding your hand. "Do you want to go to my place tonight?" He asked. "But you never want to hang out on school nights." You reminded him. "Well I don't have much homework. Maybe we could... watch something or... something." He said awkwardly. Were you hearing what you thought you were? Bokuto leaned over to your ear. "I think Akaashi's turned on by you being protective over him." He whispered. You smirked. "Okay. Let's go to your place." You said. Akaashi nodded. Perhaps you were going to get some Akaashi tonight. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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