Help ~ Kindaichi Yuutarou 1

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Why you? For some reason, you just didn't get along with girls. Boys adored you. You were the most beautiful creature anyone had ever set their eyes on. When walking in public, heads would always turn in your direction. Your breathtaking looks always caught the attention of people. Maybe it was how much the boys adored you that got the girls to hate you so much. Boys couldn't help but tell you how beautiful they found you. But girls on the other hand, loved telling you how ugly you were. Even if you weren't. No one was ever on your side. Not even the boys who loved you so dearly. But that's because they didn't know of your constant torment.

It was a normal day. You were on your way home but of course, THAT group of girls decided to give you your daily treatment. They hated you. They hated you because you spent time with Oikawa. Anyone who spent time with Oikawa was envied by every desperate girl.

Oikawa found you one day, being beaten to a pulp by a group of girls. When he saw this, he had to help. And he did. After he walked you home and spent time with you, he got that group of girls expelled for their treatment of you.

Ever since then, a new group of girls who were obsessed with Oikawa would bother you. You were so beautiful, it was pretty clear to see why Oikawa fell for you. But when those girls found out he was interested in you, they ruined it all. Forging creepy letters from you and spreading rumours, they slowly took apart your friendship with the handsome captain part by part. It got to the point when Oikawa couldn't spend time with you anymore without feeling uncomfortable. He was foolish enough to believe that crap that was floating around about you. Soon, he didn't spend time with you at all anymore. He missed it but, he felt reassured. No matter how many times Iwaizumi scolded him, it didn't matter. Oikawa just avoided you.

It was your daily torment. After School, on your way home, one of them tripped you as the others laughed. Your knees were now bleeding from the fall and the books you were carrying were scattered across the floor. You didn't say anything in response. You just proceeded to pick up your items. One girl said she'd help you pick up your items but she actually just threw one of your books down the road, laughing. You held your items under your arms and got up to get the book that bitch threw when one of the girls grabbed your shirt from the back and dragged you to a side wall, slamming your body against the wall. She punched your stomach. Another girl grabbed you by the hair and slammed your face into the wall three times. She was laughing the entire time. So were the other girls. They were all standing around you, hurting you and making a mockery out of you. "Why did Oikawa even like her?" One said. "I know right! She's such an ugly little slug." Another laughed. "One day she's going to die. And you know who's going to care? No one." Another girl kicked you in the shin. "Oikawa will. If anything would happen to me, regarding you, you'll end up just like the other girls that did the same." You informed the girls. Blood started spilling from your lip. They were not happy to hear that. One of them grabbed your hair and threw you to the ground, kicking you.

"Wait!" One of the girls yelled. "Maybe... We could get in trouble with the school." She said. "Especially if Oikawa finds out." She added on. The girls looked at you. You tried to stand up when one of the girls kneed you in the jaw, sending you to the floor. You began to spit up blood. "Look she's sick!" One of the girls laughed at your pain. Another one kicked you.


Were the words that were heard from someone down the road. Then, the beating stopped. You opened your eyes, seeing the girls all looking in one direction. The direction where one of the girls had thrown your book. "Shiiiiit." One of the girls said. "Isn't that one of Oikawa's teammates? What if he tells Oikawa?" Another girl said. "Leave her alone!" The voice repeated down the road. "Let's go!" One of the girls urged as they all bolted down the street to get out of view.

You lay there on your side. Waiting until they leave. Once those monsters were out of sight, you got up to your knees which were still bleeding. Even so, you began picking up more books when a pair of footsteps were heard from behind you. You hoped it wasn't those girls again. It wasn't.

You'd met Kindaichi before. He was half a year your junior and you'd spoke before. You didn't know each other that well though.

"Are you alright?" He asked you and helped you up. "I'm fine. Thank you." You weekly smiled in response. He looked genuinely worried as more blood started to flow from your lip. "No you're not." He responded and handed you the book that was thrown down the road by one of those girls. He started picking up the other books around you.

"Uhm. Thank you. You really don't have to do this." You said quietly.
"Someone has to help you." He replied carrying all of your things. "Lead the way. I'll walk you home." He waited for you to walk off. "But. I mean. You don't need to. Thank you for helping me." You thanked him. "I'm still walking with you. What if those girls come back?" He asked you and looked at you, waiting for you to start walking.

You both walked together towards your home. "How long have those girls been bullying you?" He asked, wanting to know what your response would be. "Only after Oikawa stopped wanting to spend time with me." You slowly said. He looked at you. "Why did he stop hanging out with you?" He asked. You were hesitant to respond. "Because.... of what those girls said about me. He thought they were true so. You know." You said sadly. Kindaichi opened his mouth to say something. But then, water started hitting you both. It was lightly drizzling.

You looked up at the clouds that had formed. "I didn't hear anything in the weather about rain." You said. While looking up, you felt something on your shoulders. It was warm and soft. You quickly noticed that Kindaichi had put his volleyball jacket on you. "Wha-" you started. "Don't worry. I'll be fine." He smiled at you. You looked at him for a while. The familiar expression of a smile forming upon his lips was in a way, soothing.

You arrived at your house and placed the books on the floor. "Thank you." You thanked Kindaichi for walking you home. "It's no problem. Just tell me if those girls bother you again." He responded. You nodded. "Oh! Here you go." You took off his coat and neatly folded it before handing it to him. "Oh thanks. I forgot about that." He smiled and grabbed the coat. His hands closed around your's when you handed him the coat, rewarding you with a light, pink blush on his cheeks. "Uhm. Uh thanks. I'll see you." He smiled awkwardly and walked away. You waved at him until he was not longer in sight.

Was he always this adorable?

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