Oikawa's Secret ~ Kunimi Akira 2

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You were walking down the hallway after a lecture about running in the halls from a teacher. You quickly noticed one of the guys that saw you in the locker room the other day. It was the guy with the big arms that laughed at Oikawa for dropping his towel. He stopped talking to the people he was conversing with and walked over to you. "Uh. Hey. You're L/N right?" He asked. "...Yes... Who's asking?" You responded suspiciously, trying to put on a tough face. Noticing your delinquent act, he crossed his arms and straightened his already up posture. "Iwaizumi. You walked in on my team and I changing." He said sternly. You dropped your tough act at the sight of his crossed arms. "God damn." You thought. Iwaizumi saw that you dropped your act and softened his expression. "Listen, You're only a first year so I'll take it easy on you. Oikawa was too embarrassed to talk to you about what happened the other day. He just wants me to tell you that he's sorry for being an ass before and spreading rumours." Iwaizumi sighed. "He's only saying that so I don't tell people that he has a small dick." You said. Iwaizumi tried not to laugh. "Well yeah that's the point. Just, try to forget about what you saw." He said and walked off. You sighed and continued your little stroll.

You were in Math Class. "So if my X1 is 2, my X2 is 5, my Y1 is 8 and my Y2 is 14, what will the final answer be?" The teacher asked, waiting for someone who raise their hand. No one did. "L/N, do you know the answer?" He asked. You gave him a death glare. He smiled and giggled nervously before asking someone else for the answer. No one knew the answer to the question. You continued to do nothing until there was a knock at the door. The teacher went to answer and left the room for a few seconds. He came back shortly after. "L/N. You're needed at the office." He said. You sighed aggressively, startling a few of your classmates as intended and walked up to the door. "The answer is two." You said before leaving to seem like even more of a badass.

You arrived at the lobby and immediately, was pointed in the direction of the Dean's office. As soon as you walked in, you noticed the school's social worker instead of the dean. She was the one who usually dealt with you when you got into trouble. Before the desk sat that bitch from the bathroom. She was wearing layers upon layers of makeup to cover the red mark you left and her hair still had a faint red stripe. She looked hella pissed. "Pffft! BAHAHAHAHAHAH!" You started laughing at what you did to this girl. "Ms! Look at her! She's laughing!" The girl said hysterically. The social worker ignored her. "L/N, this is Saitou-San. I assume you remember her." The social worker said. "Yeah I remember. Sup, Red-Stripe?" You asked, laughing. "Guh! Just punish her already!" The stupid girl stammered. "Quiet. You're being hysterical. L/N, I've been on the phone with your Aunt. Again, you're only being slightly punished. But this should be a very serious warning!" The social worker said. "What's my punishment?" You asked. "Well, you vandalized the girl's washroom so you have to clean graffiti from every washroom in the school." She said. You sighed. "Uggh. Fine. I'll get to it." You said and left.


You were staying late after school to clean washrooms. You had finished cleaning every girl's washroom. Now it was time for the boy's.... Yay.... You were scrubbing away under a sink when you heard a toilet flush behind you. Someone was in a stall. "Fuck." You said to yourself. "WHAT THE- oh my gosh." Said the male voice from behind you. You turned around. It was Kunimi. "Kunimi!" You said, happy to see him. "Uh. Hi, L/N. Why are you here? Do you just have a thing for going into boy's rooms?" He asked, laughing a bit. "Hahaha. Veeeery funny. I'm here on punishment for vandalizing one of the girl's bathrooms." You explained and went back crouching down and scrubbing beneath the sink. Kunimi paused for a moment and walked over to the sink to wash his hands. For some reason, he decided to wash his hands at the sink that you were currently cleaning.

You looked up, your face was right in front of his crotch. "Dude!" You said and backed up. "What?" He asked. "I already saw Oikawa's chode, what makes you think I want to get close to your's?" You asked with a blush. Kunimi turned pink in the face. "None of the other sinks work. I'm not about to leave without washing my hands." He explained. You stood up and walked to the sink beside you. You turned one of the knobs and water began to flow. "Hm. None of the other sinks work my ass." You said, laughing. "Whoops." He sighed and continued to wash his hands. You stood back. "You're cheeky, you know that?" You asked. "Cheeky? What do you mean, cheeky?" He asked, looking offended. "It means you have a witty, subtle and clever form of humour. Like sneaky humour." You tried to explain. "Oh. I thought you meant something else." He said. You raised a brow and took the moment to check him out. You smirked. "Well you're also another kind of cheeky." You said. "Likewise." Kunimi said, not even looking at you while he dried his hands. "I have to get back to practice. Try not to walk in on us in the changing room." He said and took his leave. You smirked at his comment and continued your cleaning. "Imma fuck that guy." You thought and continued to scrub under the sink.


Finally, you were finished the cleaning and started to leave. As you were leaving, so were the guys from the volleyball team. The majority of them didn't really notice you but the ones who did, recognized you well. This included Oikawa. He started whispering something to Iwaizumi who responded by elbowing him. Oikawa looked nervous for some reason and then ran up to you. "F/N!" He said. You turned around and activated level 100 of your delinquent act. "That's L/N to you, scrub." You said. You saw two guys with Iwaizumi laughing at what you called Oikawa. "What do you want?" You asked. A terrified Oikawa cleared his throat. "Uh. I just eh.... you didn't tell anyone about what you saw in the changing room... did you?" He asked. "Not yet. Don't piss me off and maybe I'll keep it that way." You said. "O-okay. Cool." He said with a thumbs up. "Shut the fuck up." You growled and left. Oikawa nodded and went back to the boys. "Ew." You said as you rolled your eyes. You briefly caught sight of Kunimi who was looking right at you. You'd decided to be bold and winked. His face turned pink as he laughed in response to your winking. Damn, he was a real cute thing wasn't he?

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