Personal Space ~ Ushijima Wakatoshi 3

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It was early in the morning when you woke up for school, only to open your eyes to your surroundings spinning. You were having an insane headache and your stomach was turning. You must have caught whatever Tendou had when you went to give him his homework. You closed your eyes and hoped it would go away but it didn't. As you tried to walk around, almost falling over, the doorbell rang. You grunted and went to answer the door.

You swung open the door and saw Tendou who came to walk you to school. "Hi F/N! I'm all better now isn't that great?!" He said happily. "No. I'm nauseous as hell and can't walk without almost falling over." You grumbled. Tendou looked at you and covered his mouth. "PFFT." You could hear the muffled sounds of Tendou trying not to laugh. "It's not funny." You said while glaring at him. "Just please do what I did while you were sick okay?" You asked. "Of course, F/N!" He said and papped your head. "Now go rest your pretty little self." He said as he pranced off. You thought to yourself that he was exuding his inner Phil Dunphy as you shut the door.

Much Later

You were doomscrolling on your phone ***relatable*** when the doorbell rang again. You got up, sighing and opened the door. Tendou was back and he was with Ushijima. "Hi, F/N. Ushijima was asking about you so I let him come. I hope you don't mind." Tendou said, letting himself and his captain in. "He asked about me?" "Uh. Okay. Hi, Ushiima-Kun." You said, putting on a smile as to not seem as ill as you were. "Hello." He simply said and followed Tendou.

As soon as you shut the door, Tendou got to the stove and started making some soup and Ushijima was sitting on your couch, right beside your yaoi phone. You gasped quietly and picked up your phone, pretending to check the time. "Wow. So THAT'S the time. Hehe." You said awkwardly. Ushijima just looked away. "Tendou, What are you doing?" You asked. "I'm making you soup! How are you feeling?" He asked. "Not great. I'll be back, one sec." You said as you made your way to the washroom.

You went in and locked the door behind you. Time for: Using the washroom 101. You sat on la toilet and pulled down your sweatpants. You took a deep breath and when you inhaled, you smelt something. No, not what you were creating at the moment. You smelled blood. "Uuhh... Shit." You muttered as you saw the small puddle of blood in your panties. You did what you usually do when you bleed yourself and tossed your panties into the sink and turned on the water.

Wait... why did you do that? Now you'd have to awkwardly go to your room and get another pair of panties. These were now wet. You didn't want to risk bleeding in the hallway in front of the boys so you did what you thought was suitable.

You poked your head out of the door. "Pssst! Tendou!" You whispered. Tendou was busy hitting the can of soup with a hammer. And when that didn't work, he began to stab it. That reminded you that your best friend would kill for you, awe. Anyway, he was busy. That was probably better. If you asked him to get you some panties, he'd probably say it out loud and embarrass you in front of the majestic Ushijima. So, you decided to be noble and pulled a towel around your waist.

You began to shuffle down the hallway, trying to be fast. You made it to your underwear drawer, grabbed some panties and headed back down the hall when Tendou and Ushijima stopped you. "L/N, here." Ushijima said and handed you a bole of soup that Tendou didn't even heat yet. "Don't forget the salt!" Tendou said. "One minute guys. I just have to do something." You said. "Oooh! What's that pretty fabric?!" Tendou said and snatched your panties, lifting them up and unfolding them. "Oh." He said as him and Ushijima turned red. "Uh. Why are you walking around with panties?" Tendou asked. "You don't have to answer that. Why are you wearing a towel?" Ushijima asked. The boys were now both looking towards your crotch. "Excuse me." You said, taking back your panties.... And then the worst happened. Your heard the dropping of fluids in the floor. The three of you looked down to the ground and saw the drops of blood. Ushijima jerked his head up and walked away while covering his face, trying to make it look like he wasn't red. "I saw nothing." He said as he sat back onto the couch. Tendou just laughed. "ARE YOU ON YOUR PERIOD?!" He shouted while laughing. "Obviously. Why don't you go heat up the soup now?" You said and went into the bathroom. "Oh. I forgot!" Tendou shouted and ran back to the stove with the soup.

You got out of the washroom with the problem solved. The boys were just sitting on the couch. "Sorry for embarrassing you, F/N." Tendou said with a pout. "It's fine." You mumbled and grabbed a bole of soup. You sat beside Ushijima. Tendou grinned. "You're so beautiful, F/N." He said. "Uh. How random." You said. "What? It's true. Right, Ushijima?" He asked. You caught on to what he was doing and smirked. "Yes. Very." Ushijima said, looking away. This was so awkward. You started to laugh. "Ushijima." Tendou said. "Yes?" Ushijima asked. "You're so hot. Right, F/N?" Tendou said. Ushijima looked at Tendou like there was something wrong with him (which there is). You smiled. "That's true." You said while nodding. "Hm. Well thank you." Ushijima muttered while looking away in a nervous flush of pink.

You glanced at Tendou who gave you a wide smile. "How's the soup?" He asked. "It's very cold. I thought you were going to heat it." You said while laughing. "It's cold? Hey! You know what the opposite of cold is? Ushijima!" Tendou said. You started laughing uncontrollably and so did Tendou. "You're ridiculous." You laughed.

"I have a question!" Tendou said loudly. "What is it?" You asked. "When I got to school today after being sick and you stayed home, the boys on the team were wondering where you were." He started. "And I realized that Yamagata is interested in you. Would you be alright with me giving him your phone number?" Tendou asked. You stared at him. "Huh?" You asked. Tendou looked into your eyes and mouthed the words "say yes" he didn't say them, just mouthed them. You didn't know why he was doing this but he was smiling. He was plotting something. You went with it. "Uh. Okay." You said hesitantly. Ushijima looked at you. "Don't go out with him. It's not a good idea." He said. Tendou's smile widened. "Why not?" You asked. "He's stupid. And not the kind of guy to commit to someone. And he only wants to go out with you because you're pretty." Ushijima explained. "Okay. Don't go out with Yamagata. What about Kawanishi? He's also interested." Tendou said. "Him and Yamagata are basically the same person." Ushijima said. "Fine then." Tendou said. "Wanna go out with Ushijima?" He asked.

Ushijima froze. This time, he had nothing to say. You smirked. "Sure." You said.

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