Learning ~ Kyotani Kentaro 1

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You were walking back home. ALONE. No thanks to Oikawa or Iwaizumi. I mean really, you watched their practice, waited for them to clean up and change after practice and then, hung out with them at a mall for a while. And then they let you walk home alone while the sky darkened. Some friends.

As you were walking down the dimly lit road home, you sighed. Your phone battery died so you couldn't listen to music. You didn't mind being left with just the sound of your footsteps and the occasional car passing by. It was kind of nice. As you relaxed and walked, you heard a sound. It sounded like an animal. You stopped and looked around to find where the sound was coming from. That's when you looked up and noticed that in a tree above you, there was a sad and injured looking cat.

Usually, cats are to be left alone in trees. They like trees. But this one looked pretty scared. Not to mention, the branch it was on looked like it was about to snap. Unfortunately, you aren't tree sized. You were too short to reach the cat and it wasn't like you were going to just be an asshole and walk away. So even though you knew it was almost useless to do so, you went on your tippy toes and outstretched your arms. You attempted to beckon the cat down or encourage it to take a risky leap into your arms. But the cat just continued to meow and cry. "Come on, kitty." You said encouragingly and and made slight lip pursing noises with your mouth.

"You're too short." Said a shockingly agressive voice from behind you. You were startled by the voice and turned to face who it belonged to. You recognized him. He lived near you and also went to your school. You knew him best from Iwaizumi's constant complaints about him. His name was Kyotani and he was always in a pissy mood.

"Yeah. I know." You said bluntly in response to what he said. He walked right up to where you were standing and did the same thing you were just doing. He couldn't reach the cat either though. He sighed aggressively and then faced you. "Get on my shoulders." He said. He didn't even ask. He demanded. You gave him a funny look. "Do you want to get the cat or no?" He asked rudely. You sighed and agreed. He lowered himself to the ground and allowed you to sit on his shoulders.

You were still getting settled onto his shoulders and weren't steady yet when he abruptly stood up. He didn't even ask if you were ready or anything. You almost fell off of him and were only somewhat steadied when he leaned forward a bit. "Why didn't you say you weren't fine?" He asked, annoyed. "You didn't ask!" You said back and looked down at him. He rolled his eyes. "Just get the cat." He said. You rolled your eyes too. What the hell was this guy's problem? You outstretched your arms again and managed to reach the cat. It sat in your hands as you held it to your chest. It wasn't screaming anymore. "You have it?" Kyotani asked. "Yeah." You said as he began to lower you down. Suddenly, the cat leapt out of your hands and onto the pavement. It ran off into a bush and didn't come back out. "Shit." You said. "What happened?" Kyotani asked and turned around to look at the bush that the cat ran into, somehow completely forgetting that you were on his shoulders and had your legs around his head. This caused him to stumble over and you to soon take a fall.

He fell face first onto the sidewalk and you just landed right on his head. Thank god you weren't a dude or you'd totally be teabagging him right now.

You stood up right away. "A-s-Sorry!" You exclaimed, kind of embarrassed as he sat up on the sidewalk. "Why are you apologizing?" He asked, rubbing his head. He was blushing profusely. "Well the cat's gone." You said and stomped a bit. "It'll be fine." Kyotani said and started walking away. He didn't say bye, just took off. "Rude." You muttered.

Next Day

It was the next day and you were getting ready to have lunch with Iwaizumi and Oikawa. You sat on the roof, awaiting their arrivals. "Hey." Someone said from beside you. You looked. It was Kyotani and he was holding a box. "Uh. Hey." You said back to him. You both shared an awkward stare off as none of you were socially skilled enough (too real) to say anything else. "Here." Kyotani said and held out the box. "What is it?" You asked and took ahold of the box. You took off the lid and got a bit freaked out.

"The cat from yesterday. He followed me home last night after I left and he wouldn't leave. I figured you might want him." He explained as you and the cat stared at each other. "You... YOU BROUGHT A CAT TO SCHOOL??" You said asked, shocked and kind of surprised he'd do something so dumb. "Where else would I have given it to you?" He asked. "We live in the same neighbourhood! You could have just knocked at my door and left the box with a note or something." You said. Kyotani shrugged. "Oh well." He said and turned to leave. "Wait! Where am I supposed to leave the cat for the rest of the day?" You asked. "Just hide it somewhere." He said as he took off.

Iwaizumi and Oikawa were standing together, watching the entire thing unfold. They had no idea about what you got though. They just heard you and Kyotani talking loudly. The two made their ways over to you. You decided not to show them the cat because Oikawa, being a childish shit, would freak the hell out and let the whole school know about the cat. So you just closed the box as the boys approached.

"Uhm L/N, did you just get a confession?" Iwaizumi asked. "From... Kyotani??" Oikawa asked as he began to laugh to himself. "No! It's just... no." You said. "Oh my god! He totally just gave you a gift!" Oikawa said and jumped up and down like a stupid high school girl. "Oh my god. Did you accept his feelings?" Iwaizumi asked. "Go away! NO! It's not that! It's- well. Something but...." You tried to look for an excuse or story. "Well what did he get you?" Oikawa asked and started to take the lid off of the box. You got up and ran away with the cat in the box. "SEE YA!" You shouted as you ran to go hide the cat.

Oikawa and Iwaizumi just sat there. "Welp. She's gone. Wanna be gay?" Oikawa asked his friend. "You better be kidding." Iwaizumi said and gave Oikawa an intimidating look. "It was a joke! I'm kidding!" Oikawa said, terrified. The two proceeded to have a very pleasant lunch.

You didn't know that this was only the start or Oikawa shipping you and Kyotani.

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