Oikawa's Secret ~ Kunimi Akira 1

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It was your first year and you told your aunt (who you lived with) that you wouldn't cause any trouble like you constantly did in junior high. In the beginning of the year, you didn't cause trouble. You kept to yourself and went along unnoticed. At least you thought you were unnoticed.

According to most of your classmates, you were very good looking. You hit puberty a bit late so you left junior high looking like a kid and came to high school as the most attractive girl. The people from your junior high were shocked to see how you looked now but since they knew you and your reputation since junior high, they still avoided you, knowing very well that you were a mini delinquent.

You were getting along fine for about a week until some third year thought you were cute and asked you out. You didn't want a piece of him since you'd noticed many girls going crazy about him, considering he was Oikawa A.K.A the good looking and talented volleyball player. You rejected him and when people saw the two of you talking, Oikawa needed an excuse to be talking to you. So what did he do? Said that you'd confessed to him and he had rejected you of course! Because why wouldn't anyone do that? That must have triggered your delinquent side because now, you were hellbent on embarrassing him after he made you look pathetic. Oikawa better watch his back.


You were in the girl's bathroom, being your delinquent self when you noticed that someone and sharpied on the wall: "I <3 OIKAWA" This severely grossed you out and so you pulled out your trusty can of spray paint that you hid under your skirt and put an X over what this person wrote. That's when you were caught. "Ugh. L/N-San." Said a girl that you didn't really know in a disgusted manner, looking at you like you were scum. It didn't really bug you that she knew your name. Most people knew who you were since you're a well known troublemaker.

"Why are you so mean to Oikawa? Just cause you're not good enough for him?" She asked, glaring at the X you created over someone's writing. "Why aren't you telling a teacher, you stuck up little shit?" You asked in response to her question. She was now pissed at what you called her. "I will. You're just angry that Oikawa rejected your ugly ass." She said, angry and turning around. You stood up and walked up behind her. "Hey, wait." You said. "What?" She asked as she turned around. As soon as she faced you, you sprayed a line down from her face to her stomach with your bright red spray paint. "AAAAHHHCK!" She shrieked. You quickly shoved the spray paint up your skirt into your pocket and ran.

You dashed out the washroom and down the hall. You heard the girl exit the washroom and scream for a teacher. "L/N vandalized the washroom and then attacked me!" She cried. "Stop where you are!" Shouted a teacher. You heard the footsteps of people chasing you as you slid through the hallways, looking for somewhere to hide. As you turned a sharp corner and dashed through the hall, you saw a door, not checking the label of the door, you ran through it and shut it hard behind you. You heard the footsteps that were chasing you fade down the hallway. You sighed in relief and then heard a "WHAT THE FUCK?!"

You looked and then realized what room you entered. It was the boys changing room close to the gym and the volleyball team was in there. "A girl?!?" Shouted a dude with enormous arms. Oikawa, wearing nothing but a towel walked out. "What's going o- EIAAAAAAAAH!" Oikawa gave the highest pitched scream you'd ever heard and out of shock, the idiot dropped his towel. "Oikawa, go hide your two inches!" Shouted one of the guys while laughing. You just stared. "Oh. My. GOD!" You shouted out of horror. Oikawa who had just flashed you, got the towel and ran. "GET THE GIRL OUT OF HERE!" He shouted. "What a pervert!" Shouted some random guy. "What's she doing here?! Is she crazy?!" Another screamed. "Guys stop. It was obviously an accident." Said a gentler voice. A slightly shorter guy approached you. This one was fully dressed. Thank god. He lightly put his hands on your shoulders and escorted you into the hallway.

"I'm sorry. Are you okay?" He asked. You looked at him and didn't know what to feel. You'd been attracted to guys before but for some reason, this fragile looking one made your heart stop beating for a few seconds. He had perfect, clear skin, dark hair that framed his face and a pair of brownish eyes. He was so pretty he could have been a girl. "Holy fucking shit." You said under your breath. "I'm sorry that you had to see uh...that." He said. You blushed heavily at his angelic appearance. "Heh. It's okay. I know what tic tacs look like." You laughed awkwardly. He looked startled by your remark for a moment but gave a light laugh. "Well you still shouldn't have seen that." He said. "That's true." You sighed. "You're... L/N right?" He asked. "Yeah. You must've heard of me." You said, laughingly. Uh oh. This cute dude knows your not so good reputation. "Whatever Oikawa says about me is bullshit okay?" You defended yourself. "Yeah I kind of figured that. He made a big deal out of your so called confession." He muttered. Okay, so now you were having a weird conversation with this really adorable guy. "What's your name?" You asked, not trying to sound random or creepy. He blinked a few times. "Kunimi. That's-you-well- you can call me that yeah." He said really awkwardly with a pink face. "Well, thanks for helping me out of that awful situation, Kunimi-Kun. I appreciate it. Now if you excuse me, I need to run to avoid the teachers. See you around!" You said cheerfully before taking off. You heard a faint "Bye." As you made your way out of the hallway, wondering how you'd avoid a punishment by the faculty.


You managed to make it the rest of the day, not bothered by teachers. When you returned home, your aunt was gone. She left a note for you, saying she'd be back late. That meant you had time to chill. You got on your phone and saw a notification from Instagram. Kunimi Akira has requested to follow you.

You smirked and accepted his request, as well as following him back. His profile was of him with a bunny filter. Your face turned warm and you sighed. "What a cutie." You said under your breath. "Now... How to expose Oikawa's very tiny, almost microscopic secret." You smirked mischievously to yourself. This would be fun.

I don't plan to be even a little bit serious with this story. I find Oikawa annoying and want to rip on him real hard. Sorry hehe.

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