Growth Spurt ~ Semi Eita 2

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You and Semi had briefly spoken between classes on the first day, basically planning to meet after the school day ended. When the final bell rung, you both hurried to meet outside. Semi was there first. "Semi!" You shouted as you exited the school and spotted him. He was starring at some older students running laps around one of the outer fields. He turned around right as he heard you.

"L/N. Hi." He said. "What were the odds of this?" You laughed. He smiled a tiny bit in return. "Yeah I definitely wasn't expecting it either. I remembered that I completely forgot to ask where you were going to high school." He said monotonously. "Me too! I guess we both lucked out then." You said, excited to be speaking with Semi again. "So. Million dollar question." You said. He raised a brow. "Have you grown taller since the last time we saw each other?" You asked. He rolled his eyes and instantly looked pissed. "No. Obviously not." He said, slightly annoyed. He then sighed and walked away. "Hey!" You shouted and went after him. "Where are you going?" You asked. "Home." He said. "Oh. Can we walk together?" You asked. He made a cute half smile but was still frowning like he usually did so he didn't pull it off too well. "Sure." He muttered quietly as you and him walked together.

Later in the School Year

You and Semi had been hanging out since the first day. He quickly took an interest in the school's volleyball team and took the sport very seriously. The entire reason he made it to the school was on a sport's scholarship and he planned to take full advantage of that. Even though you two didn't hang out much on school days because of his volleyball practices and such, Semi still somehow managed to make time to walk you home or work on homework together. Weekends were usually spent together as Semi enjoyed being at your place to avoid random things his parents wanted him to do at home, much like when he was on vacation. And luckily, he got along well with Naoki and Megumi.

"How about this one?" You asked one Saturday night as you held up a DVD of some random, terrible movie. "Definitely not. That movie sucks." Semi sighed. "I know! But it's so bad it's funny. Come on." You attempted to persuade him. "Fine. But if I'm not amused, I'm changing it." He said. You nodded and popped in the film as you relaxed on the floor with Semi, watching the film. "Thanks for letting me spend the night, L/N." He said. You smiled. "Don't worry about it. I know your parents can be intense sometimes." You said. Semi didn't say anything for a long time as you both watched the terrible movie. "Oh hi, Mark." A character from the film said. You laughed. "That wasn't even funny." Semi said with a light giggle. "It was hilarious." You mumbled. Even though the movie was entertaining, your mind was on Semi. He was acting weird. Usually if he hated a film you were watching, he'd just keep discussing random things with you to keep his eyes off the movie. Tonight, he wasn't even protesting and just watched quietly with his usual scowl. He actually didn't say a word throughout the entirety of the film. And this film was terrible. Even you thought so.

When you two finished the movie, you found some blankets and curled up beneath them to fall asleep. "Goodnight, Semi." You said quietly. "Goodnight." He said from under his blanket. You two were lying there for about five minutes before Semi spoke. "L/N." He said. "Yeah?" You asked. "The volleyball team's going to a training camp for the break." He said. "And I kind of have to go." He said. "And?" You asked. "And... We can't hang out for a week." He said. "That's okay. At least you have a reason to not hang out with me." You said. "But I'm kind of nervous." He said. You sighed. "I guess tonight's going to be therapy night for Semi." You thought as you sat up on the floor with the blanket around you.

"Why are you nervous?" You asked. Semi also sat up. "Because I'm a bit shy to be getting closer with the guys from the team." He said. "Why?" You asked. Semi didn't say anything for a bit. "Well I didn't want to get too close with them. But the more time I spend with them, the closer we get." He said. "Why is this a problem?" You asked. "Because what if I only end up hanging around with them and not you?" He asked. "Well do you think you'll let that happen?" You asked. "I'll try not to let it happen." He sighed. You scooted closer to him and decided to bring up a touchy subject for him. "Is it because you didn't hit puberty properly yet?" You asked. Semi's face turned red. "No! L/N!" He said, bothered and embarrassed that you were referring to his height. He hadn't grown much at all since the beginning of the year and this was the first time you asked about it in a serious context.

It was true. Semi was fifteen and was just a bit of a late bloomer. He was taller than you but nowhere near as tall as some of his teammates like Ushijima or Tendou. He may have been muscular but it showed very little as he still carried the baby fat that didn't leave him in middle school.

"Drrrr." He grunted, annoyed. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry for bringing that up." You apologized. "It's fine. You aren't totally wrong." He sighed. "Wait. Is that really the reason?" You asked. "A bit! The others are tall and strong. Not like me." He said. Semi never opened up about his insecurities. You were new to this. "How am I supposed to comfort Semi?" You thought, not knowing how to cheer him up as he never seemed this upset.

You decided to try a friendly approach. "It's okay, Semi. You're still a really great athlete." You said with a bright tone. He looked at you with furrowed eyebrows. "I don't know, L/N." He sighed. "You made it to a super prestigious school on a volleyball scholarship, Semi." You reminded him. His eyebrows arched into a softer expression. "Yeah." He said. You patted his shoulder to which he responded with a hug. Now this was weird. You and Semi had only shared a hug that one time on the island. And that was a more one-sided hug. You returned it hesitantly. He pulled away right away. "Thanks." He said and went back to his scowling expression. "Any time." You said, kindly as you both went back under your blankets.

After the Break

You were waiting for Semi to show up. You were sitting in class, waiting. It was the day after the break ended and your friend would finally be back. Needless to say, you were excited. When you saw a messy bundle of ashy coloured hair, your heart skipped a beat and you almost jumped out of your seat to greet him when... you took a good look at him. And so did every other girl in the room. Somehow, Semi's baby fat was gone, he had an unfamiliar adam's apple and he was taller. A lot taller. All together this turned Semi, your friend who was a really late bloomer into Semi, your friend who was just really hot.

You went up to him. "Semi." You said, hesitantly. "Hi, L/N." He said in his usually serious tone. But his voice was no longer pre-pubescent. You were startled by the deeper voice that had just slapped you across the face. "What the..." You started. "What?" He asked. "You look... different." You said. "Why is everyone telling me that?" He asked. "Because you do. What did they do to you at that camp?" You asked. "Just a bunch of practice. It was fine. And I don't look different at all." He said. "Yeah you do. Have you measured yourself since you got back?" You asked. "No. But I had to borrow a bigger uniform from the office." He said. "That means you grew!" You said. "Or my uniform shrunk in the wash. It happens." He said. You couldn't believe it. Semi was so upset about the fact that he was hitting a late puberty but when he actually hit it, he didn't even notice. "I can't believe this. I must be dreaming." You said and went over to sit at your desk.

You spent the rest of the class looking to Semi and thinking about how he could have had such a drastic change in only a week. That couldn't have been possible. One thing you were sure of, something about Semi's new appearance made your face red for the rest of the class.

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