Admirable ~ Tanaka Ryūnosuke 2

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Makoto followed you down the hall to the locker room. You had left your P.E uniform in one of the lockers and wanted to go get it during the lunch break. Makoto still continued to follow you thinking you didn't know she was there.

You turned around and looked her. "Why are you following me?" You asked her. She sighed. "Am I not allowed to walk down the hall with my best friend?" She asked. "You are. But we're going to eat with each other anyway. There's no point in you following me." You said back logically and continued to make your way to the locker room. Makoto still followed after you teasing you. "So.... I've been speaking to Nishinoya." She said in a strange manner. "I really don't care." You said with some sass continuing to walk. "Don't you want to know what he told me about Tanaka?" She teased. "No. I don't care." You continued, lying of course. "Oh come on. Just listen. You two are destined to be together! To get married and have well endowed children!"

You turned the corner while jerking your head back to face her. "Will you just STOP following me?!" You shouted not paying attention to your surroundings and walking right into someone.

You quickly backed up apologizing to who you just bumped into. Of course, it was Tanaka. "Shit." You thought. "It's alright." He said rubbing the back of his head with a light, pink coat covering his cheeks. Noya was right beside him smiling at the scene since he'd made it clear that he shipped the two of you. "Why were you screaming at someone to stop following you?" Noya asked. "Do you have a stalker?!" He asked again but louder with a a concerned tone. Makoto winked at you. "Yeah. Makoto." You said glaring at her.  "Well." You started. "If you'd excuse me I-" Makoto cut you off. "Hey! Do you two mind if we come to watch another practice today?" As soon as the words exited her lips, Tanaka's face lost all emotion as he remembered what he said a couple days ago.


"I think you should ask her out. She's really nice." Nishinoya said to Tanaka. "Yeah but what do I do?" Tanaka asked his friend, not ever knowing how to ask a girl out. "I dunno. Just tell her you like her and ask her to be your girlfriend." Nishinoya advised. "Okay I'll do that the next time she watches another practice."

That line repeated itself in his head for a while.

Back to the Present

"Sure you could come to another practice!" Said Noya happily while he gazed up at Tanaka also remembering what he said a couple days back. "No problems there." Noya said excitedly. "Uh. Yeah that would be great..." Tanaka monotonously said trying to find somewhere else to look besides at you. "Okay we'll see you later then bye!" Makoto waved while dragging you towards the locker room. You waved as well.

It wasn't long before your back was slammed into the lockers. Makoto was holding you against them. "What now?" You asked. "Did you see the way he was blushing? He's SO into you, F/N." She said poking you on the nose. You shoved her off of you and picked up your gym clothes from the locker. "Whatever. I doubt he does." You walked off out of the locker room with your friend close behind you.
"So you're coming right?" She asked. "Coming where?" You asked. "Uh. To the volleyball practice duh!" She said obnoxiously. "I guess I am. I have nothing better to do." You said, not knowing what Makoto had planned. "Oh good! I'll see you later!" Makoto said strangely, pulling out her phone and texting someone. "Weird." You thought and left.

After School

Tanaka was pacing around in the gymnasium. Daichi's loud voice startled him. "Why aren't you practicing?" Said the captain walking close to the sexy baldy with all of the other teammate's attention towards Tanaka. "I know why." Said Noya walking towards them with his head held high. "He's nervous about asking out his crush today!" Noya exclaimed while slapping his nervous friend on the back.

Hinata seemed very interested and ran over. Soon the entire team was standing around Tanaka who was greatly embarrassed. "Is there any way we could help?" Asked Daichi who was willing to aid Tanaka. Before he could say anything, he was cut off by Nishinoya. "I know what to do! Asahi, you have to pretend to steal L/N-San's bag and then Ryu could beat you up and be a hero!" Hinata's eyes sparkled like it was some brilliant plan. "What? I'm not doing that!" Said the gentle Asahi. "Well we need someone big and scary!" Noya said. Kageyama and Tsukishima walked away knowing they would be nominated next. Daichi simply said he wasn't going to do it. Then Suga offered some advise. "Tanaka, if you really like her, then just tell her how you feel about her. That's the most direct you could be in expressing your feelings."

"Wow. That was so beautiful." Said Nishinoya as a tear was brought to his eye. "Wait. Do you hear that?" Asked Hinata as everyone got quiet and listened. Soon, the sound of female voices and footsteps were heard walking towards the gymnasium. "That must be her and her friends!!" Tanaka freaked out as Noya patted him on the shoulder. "Just take Suga's advise." He said in encouragement. "It'll be fine! I texted Makoto almost all day today about this. Everything is going to be perfect." Said Noya.

Outside the Gym

You and the same girls from last time were at the outside of the gym. They all looked into the gym at Suga, admiring how cute he looked. Makoto took you aside and asked you how you were. "How you doing, F/N?" She asked. "Uhm. Fine I guess? Why do you ask?" You puzzled. "Hm? Oh er nothing. Nothing. That's good." She said weirdly. You glanced into the gym seeing some of the boys all talking to Tanaka who looked like he was going to be sick.

"I wonder what's wrong with him." Said one of the girls. Makoto went over to them and whispered something. They all looked at you, then looked at Tanaka, then back at you. Makoto was saying something about you and you knew it. So you walked up to the girls while Makoto was still whispering only to hear: "And whatever you do, don't tell F/N!"

"Makoto what the hell?" You asked. "Hehe. Nothing. You'll find out soon." She grinned. You were not liking this at all.

Tanaka suddenly showed up at the door where you all were. He turned his head to his teammates real quick who all gave gave him a thumbs up. "Uh. L/N-San, could I talk to you for a minute?" He asked rubbing the back of his head. The rest of the girls walked to the other side of the gym, leaving you and Tanaka alone. "Is something wrong, Tanaka?" You asked. His face was bright red as he stumbled over his next words. "I uhm. I really like you, L/N. I like you a lot. You're pretty, smart and funny and... I just- I like you! And I wanted to know if you'd wanna go out some time." He looked away as his face got even more red.

You continued to stay silent but you could feel your face getting hot and could your heart beating the fastest it's ever beaten. "Would you want to go out some time, L/N-San?" Tanaka repeated himself with more confidence stepping a little closer to you. "Of course I will." You said moving a little closer to him. "Seriously?" Tanaka asked as if there was something wrong with you. "Yes, seriously." You said happily.

Tanaka looked shocked. His face turned pail. "Uh. Are you okay?" You asked and put a hand on his (incredible) arm. He instantly pulled you into a tight hug. It wasn't suspected but was very sweet. You wrapped your arms around his neck and returned his embrace. He proceeded to kiss you on the forehead which he had to bend his knees a bit to reach. You could feel his heart racing at first but then coming to a normal pace as he calmed down.

You both pulled away. "I should get back to practice." Said your new, potential boyfriend. "Okay. I'll see you tomorrow." You responded pulling apart only to notice the entire volleyball team peaking out at the two of you from inside the gym and Makoto and the rest of your friends looking from the other wall of the gym. "You guys are so cute!!" Shouted Makoto. "Yeah! I can't wait for your wedding! And don't even get me started on how cute your kids are gonna be!" Yelled Noya clapping his hands. "I hope I'm not invited to the wedding." Tsukishima mumbled. Tanaka ran back to the gym all embarrassed and you returned to your friends.

"What a great day." You thought to yourself while walking with your friends to leave and taking one look back at the gym door where Tanaka was turned around yelling at the boys for spying on the two of you. "And hot damn what a great ass". Was the last thing you thought of before leaving.

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