Perfection ~ Sugawara Koushi 3

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You were at the café. It wasn't breakfast time, lunch time of dinner. It was 4:00pm and there was only one customer who had already been served and was on the phone. You sighed as your co-workers either went outside to smoke or chatted with each other. Obviously, they didn't include the high school student in their conversations. So, you were alone with your thoughts. The only thing keeping you company was your phone and your boyfriend on the other side of his own phone.

I guess you're bored.

Yeah. Only one guy's here.

Want me to come?

No. I don't want you to do that just cause I'm bored. I only have a few hours left I'll visit you soon.

But I wanna see you now.

Me too but you know I have work.

I can come to the café though.

But that'll waste your time.

No it won't.

"L/N! Are you paying attention?" One of your co-workers asked. It was Nakamura, an edgy college student with thick black glasses, piercings all up one ear and a dumb looking man bun. He seemed to hate everyone. He had just come back from his smoking break. "Go to those guys that just sat down and take their orders." He said strictly as he twirled one of his earrings. "Yeah." You sighed and went off. Nakamura continued to twirl his earring and stood behind the counter.

As you approached the table, you recognized three guys. Asahi, Nishinoya and Tanaka. You hadn't ever spoken to them but you knew them from when they broke into Suga's house. "Hi. How can I serve you?" You asked. "Fist, you can sauce me that number." Nishinoya said with a wink. "Oh crap it's you." He said right after. "Ooooh. It's Suga's friend with benefits." Tanaka said. "No. I'm his girlfriend." You said, frowning at Tanaka who looked kind of dumb founded. "Oops." He said. "I'll just have a glass of water, thank you. Also, good to see you again." Asahi said politely. You smiled at him. "You too." You said happily. "Hmmm. I'll have un croissant cil vous plaît." Nishinoya said. "Uh. We don't have whatever that is." You said. Nishinoya sighed. "It's like a crusty clump of bread in the shape of a moon." He said. "You mean a crescent?" You asked. (I heard that crescent is what Americans call croissants so don't get mad if I said it wrong okay??) "And I'll take uh. Some mint tea." Tanaka said and smiled. "Coming up." You said and left.

You went back to where you were. Nakamura was on his phone. "Here." You said and handed him a slip of paper that you wrote the orders on. He looked at it. "Why were you so friendly with those guys?" He asked. "Why do you care?" You asked. He looked you up and down. "What?" You asked. "What's going on?" He asked and stepped close to you. "Nothing, you pasty weirdo." You said. Nakamura stared at you for a bit then went to prepare the orders.

A few minutes later, you brought back their orders. "Ah. Thanks, fella." Tanaka said. You gave him a strange look. "Is there anything else you would like?" You asked. They all shook their heads.

Once again, you headed back to text Suga. "Hey. What're you doing? We have customers get off your phone." Nakamura ordered. You turned off your phone and sighed. You looked at the clock over the door. You still had two and a half more hours to go.


The boys left after an hour. Asahi left a pretty good tip and you were pleased. You started putting on your coat. "End of your shift already?" Nakamura asked. "Yeah. You know that." You said and zipped up the coat. "Ugh. Because you're a teenager, we're not supposed to have you later. Wish I were still your age." He sighed. You shrugged, not wanting to engage in a conversation with Nakamura.

As soon as you opened the door, you noticed Suga. He was standing there with his hands in his pockets. "What are you doing?" You asked. "F/N. Hi." He said and walked over to you. "I thought I could walk you home." He said with a toothy smile. "Haha sure." You said. You two began walking on the slim sidewalk together.

"So, Suga, how long wer- "AZCHOO!" Suga sneezing cut you off. "That was loud. Do you have a cold or something?" You asked. "I think so. I spent the entire day under blankets." He said, rubbing his nose. "Why didn't you stay there? I would have brought you food!" You said. "Cause I wanted to walk you home. Whisk you away from your weird co-wor-WECHOO!" Suga sneezed again. "Forget taking me home. We're going to your place." You said. Suga tried to stop you, but you were stubborn as you brought him in the direction of the Sugawara residence.

As soon as you got in, you noticed how hot it was. "Damn. How high is the heating in here?" You asked. Suga took off his coat, his shoes and ran to the couch where there was a massive pile of fluffy blankets. He disappeared under the bundle for a while and then poked his head out of the front. "Join me, F/N." He said. "I'd love to. But you're sick and I bet those blankets are covered in your sickness." You said and made your way to Suga's kitchen. "What are you doing?" He asked. "I'm making you something hot." You said. "F/N, no. You spent so long in a café." He whined. I don't care. Just get warm under the blankets." You said.

As you were preparing an omelet for Suga, you heard a few muffled sneezes from the mountain of blankets. Then, it stopped. The house was now quiet. You brought over the omelet and some tea to Suga's fort. You set his meal on a coffee table and lifted the blankets. There he was, fast asleep in the fetal position. You quickly snapped a photograph and set aside your worries of getting sick to get under the covers with him.

You brought the omelet with you and ate it before passing out on Suga who was peacefully sleeping. You only hoped that the rest of the volleyball team didn't intrude again.

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