"Like" ~ Iwaizumi Hajime 1

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You sat in the back room of your brother's workplace. You could hear him discussing options with a client.

Your brother, Hisao was a tattoo artist. For some reason, your parents decided it was a good idea to live with him starting in junior high. There were minor issues living with Hisao. One, you were always a very beautiful girl and couldn't have any guys over. And two, Hisao is a lady's man. Random women always came over to your house and often bothered you. Otherwise, your parents sent you an allowance and the two of you could provide for yourselves.

You sat there on you phone. You would browse social media when you were bored like this. You scrolled through pictures of classmates and celebrities. "Boring..." You sighed.

You continued to scroll and found a new post by the volleyball captain at your school. Oikawa Tooru has posted a new photo. For some reason the photo made you stop scrolling and just stare. The description said; Haha finally caught a picture of smiling Iwa-Chan!! #goals #like4like #cool #sneaky!! ( ^ω^ ) "Gross." You muttered to yourself after reading what Oikawa wrote as the description. But the picture was so admirable. Seeming to be taken during a practice or a match, Iwaizumi looked like he was in the middle of speaking to one of his teammates. He smiled with happy eyes and a kind face. He usually seemed so serious or even bothered. But he looked so at peace in this picture.

You've been crushing on Iwaizumi for a long time now. He made the same face that he made in that picture the day you met him. And it was all because of one fateful day in the school library...


You jumped up a few times, trying to reach that one book on the top shelf. Why the hell were these shelves so high up? This was a popular book and someone was definitely going to take this out of the library before you if you didn't find a way to get it. You jumped up and stretched out your arm as much as you could but you still couldn't reach it.

You were about to jump one more time when someone else's hand came into view and grabbed the book. Someone much taller than you was standing behind you and grabbing the book from above your head. You turned around just to notice that this dude was standing so close to you that if you were a bit taller, your noses would touch.

You stepped back, shocked by the cutie and the lack of space between you two. Noticing that he was in your space, he also stepped back. "Sorry about that." He apologized with a pinkish tint on his cheeks. "Here." He said and handed you the book. "Thank you." You thanked him and took the book from his hand. Your fingers lightly touched. His cheeks brightened even more. "No problem." He responded as he turned and walked to another section of the library. He had two books under his other arm. Perhaps he was studying. Cute... You thought to yourself. You couldn't help but check out his ass as he walked off too. More than satisfactory. You also thought and went to the desk to check out the book.

Later that day, you were walking with your friend, Ayumi. You both spoke about annoying girls at school and whatever it is Japanese school girls talk about. You both walked past the gym and heard screaming and the sound of volleyballs hitting the gym floor. A bunch of girls were peeking in through the door. This was normal since the captain was handsome and attracted the girls.

Ayumi tugged on your sleeve. "Let's look. I wanna look at the turnip headed dude." She said and pulled you along with her. You both looked into the door alongside a bunch of other girls.

You watched as the boys practiced all sorts of exercises and movements. One however caught your eye. It was the cute guy from the library. You couldn't help but stare at him. He looked so focused and you loved it.

"Hey. Isn't that the guy you were flirting with in the library?" Ayumi asked. "What? We weren't flirting. And how did you see?" You asked. "I was there. Did you forget?" She asked. "Never mind." You mumbled.

As the boys practised, a ball was headed to the direction of the door and the library guy went to pick it up. Being close to the door, he quickly noticed your presence. He looked away as soon as he noticed you and ran back to where he was. "Whoooo. Did you see his arms?" You asked Ayumi who nodded right away. "You better hop on that before I do." She warned. You rolled your eyes.

"Iwa-Chan, why are you blushing?!" The playful voice of the captain asked. "What are you talking about Trashy-Kawa? I'm not." He brushed off Oikawa. "Pfft! Yeah you are! Is it because girls are watching? Do you like one of those girls, Iwa-Chan?" The captain teased. "I bet it's you." Ayumi whispered. "Shut up." You whispered back.

Present Time

You admired the picture on your phone. You were contemplating taking a screenshot but that would be creepy. You sighed at the friendly look on Iwaizumi's face. "He's kind of attractive." Hisao's voice startled you. His head was right next to your's and he was staring at the phone screen.

"What the hell!" You shut off the phone. "So you have a crush now?" Hisao asked. "No." You mumbled. "Whatever. Whoever he is, he isn't going to be waking up in your bed anytime soon I hope." He warned and walked off.
If only that happened... You thought and sighed.

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