Volunteer Work ~ Yamamoto Taketora 3

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It was about almost break week! Finally, you'd be off from school and able to relax at home. You were eating lunch on the roof with Chitose and Akiyo. Hibiki was supposed to be there but he hadn't showed up yet. "Are you ready for the break?" Akiyo asked. "No." Chitose grumbled. "Why not?" You asked. "Because I was trying to sneak the basketball we stole back into the gym but got caught by coach Nekomata. He got mad at me and now I have to help out with the stupid volleyball training camp thing." Chitose explained. "Good! If I have to work with Ms.Kazehana for doing nothing, it's only fair that you have a crappy break." You laughed. "Fuck you, F/N!" Chitose said all annoyed. You just laughed at this. You heard a door open. Hibiki made his entrance. "Hey, guys! Ms.Kazehana stopped me in the hallway today and asked where F/N was!" He said. "Did you tell her?" You asked. "Well yeah..." Hibiki said. "Hibiki! You dumb fuck! F/N's probably in trouble! Why would you let Ms.Kazehana find her?!" Akiyo shouted, worried and angry. "Language." Said Ms.Kazehana who appeared from behind Hibiki. "Ms! Sorry! Sorry." Akiyo apologized for her fowl language.

Ms.Kazehana went up to you. "L/N, I'm going to need you for something." She said. "What is it?" You asked. "Well as you probably know, the volleyball training camp is coming up and the volunteers from another school got banned from attending." She began to explain. "Yes?" You asked. "Now I don't know why they got banned but they lost a lot of volunteers including a nurse. So I've been asked to be a replacement and I need an assistant. I thought that after you help with the training camp, you could stop helping me after school every day." She explained. You couldn't exactly say no since helping out at the camp would mean the end of your undeserved volunteer work. So you just sort of sat there. "Uhm..." You started. "Wait! If you come then maybe my break won't be so shitty!" Chitose said excited. Ms.Kazehana glared at her. "Sorry." Chitose mumbled for her use of profanity. "L/N, the choice is your's." Ms.Kazehana said. "Uh okay. Yeah I'll go." You said. "Perfect. Thank you." The nurse said and left.

"Yesss! Thanks so much!" Chitose thanked you. "Yeah no problem. At least I'll get off of the nursing stuff after school." You said. "Well damn. Now I have no one to spend the break with." Akiyo groaned. "What do you mean, no one? I'm free." Hibiki said, annoyed. "But you're... dumb." She said. You sighed. "Maybe it won't be that bad." You said.


You went to the room at the camp that you were staying at. "This is cool!" Chitose said as you both unpacked. Some other girls from different schools were in the room with you. There was this super gorgeous girl with glasses who was speaking with some of the other girls. "Damn. She's hot." Chitose said. "Yeah." You said and stared at her. She noticed your staring and went up to you both. "Hi. Which school are you from?" She asked nicely with a smile. "Uh. Nekoma." You said. "Oh that's a great school! The volleyball team is very talented. You must be so happy to be here." She said. "Yeah. We're super excited." Chitose said with a stupid grin. This girl seemed very nice and she later granted you both permission to call her Shimizu-San. Apparently, she was a Karasuno student in her third year. You were interrupted with getting acquainted with Shimizu when Ms.Kazehana entered the room. "L/N, I need your help with something, come on." She said before leaving quickly. You said bye to the girls and left Chitose and Shimizu to continue the conversation.

You followed Ms.Kazehana through the halls of the main building. You walked by other volleyball players from other schools and your perverted side made you grin. "Look at all that man candy." You muttered as you walked by a super buff dude with his shirt off screaming "Akaashi where did you put my booty-shorts?". You grinned at the sight of his shirtless and toned body. "Damn." You muttered. "What did you just say?" Me.Kazehana laughed. "Nothing." You said loudly. She totally heard you. "Hm. You know how many girls would kill to be in your position, L/N?" She asked. "A lot." You said, looking back at the guy with his shirt off. He was ripped. You bit your lip but looked away once he turned around and caught you staring. "A-Anyway, nursing room." You said and marched up closer to Ms.Kazehana who found your behaviour hilarious.

You were led to the nursing room. "So here it is. You'd be surprised by how many boys hurt themselves while they practice." She began to explain. This room was much bigger than the one at the school. There were more beds and they all had curtains around them. The medicine cabinet was even bigger too. At least you wouldn't spend all your time in a cramped place.


The majority of the boys were heading to bed now and you were going to leave the nursing room. "Suuuup?" Said the annoying and familiar voice of Chitose as she walked into the room. "Shhhh. Some people are already in bed." Ms.Kazehana shushed Chitose. "Yeah that's what I came here for. When's F/N allowed to go to bed?" She asked. Ms.Kazehana looked at her phone. "You can go now, L/N. Thank you for your help today." She said.

You nodded and left with Chitose for your room. "So how was your day?" Chitose asked. "Just putting bandaids on teenage boys." You sighed. "Ugh. Lucky. Did any of them get shirtless or something?" She asked. "No. But I saw this one guy in the hallway with a huge a-."Shhushssh!" Chitose said abruptly and pointed in front of the two of you. You looked to where she was pointing. There were a bunch of guys headed to the sleeping area. "They're coming from their showers." Chitose whispered and then gasped when one guy with a buzz cut lifted his shirt to wipe his chin, showing off his abs. "BahsksnsjaiakjKsishzg he's hot." She whispered. "Yeah. So is basically every single guy here. Relax." You began to say and then took a good look at him. "Shit." You sighed and stared at him. He was chatting with someone wearing a Nekoma jacket. It was Yamamoto! And the Nekoma jacket was the only thing he was wearing on the upper half of his body. The jacket was also wide open. "Bro, isn't that the guy from the nurse's office?" Chitose asked. "Yeah it is. I knew he was pretty cute but..." You started. "Abs and pecs, am I right?" Chitose said while wiggling her eyebrows. "Pretty much." You laughed. Your laugh must have caught his attention because he immediately looked towards you. His face lit up. "L/N." He said excitedly and walked up to you and Chitose.

"Hi." You said. Chitose just awkwardly stood there and checked out the other guys that walked around. "What are you doing here?" Yamamoto asked. "I'm helping with nursing and stuff. So if you get hurt again, I'll be here." You said with a smile. "I can't wait to get hurt then." Yamamoto laughed. "Well try not to." You responded and tried to avert your eyes from his gorgeous, naked torso. Then the guy Chitose called hot showed up beside Yamamoto. "Tora, who's this?" He asked, trying to look intimidating. "I'm L/N." You said. The guy's expression softened. "Hey. I'm Tanaka. Are you Nekoma's lady manager or something?" He asked. "No. I'm just a volunteer for nursing." You said, not wanting to admit how you actually ended up coming. This Tanaka guy gave you a nod. "Well, any cute girl that's friends with Tora is a valuable member of my alliance." He said. He sounded like an absolute idiot. "Alliance?" You asked. "Yeah. My alliance. I'm the Vice President. If you want to speak to the head, his name's Nishinoya. Super intimidating short guy. But don't tell him I called him short." Tanaka explained. "Right. Cool." You said. "If you're part of the alliance, you get free protection from guys that might hit on you here." Yamamoto explained. You and Chitose laughed. The boys were about to continue talking about their alliance when some short guy came out of nowhere and shouted.

"MEN OF THE ALLIANCE! ASSEMBLE!" He screamed. "Noya. What the fuck happened to your hair?" Tanaka laughed. "I TOOK A SHOWER! NOW LET'S GO. EMERGENCY!" The short guy shouted. Yamamoto and Tanaka nodded and started following the short guy who was sprinting down the hall. As they took off, Yamamoto waved at you, looking very serious. Whatever they were going to do, you were strangely intrigued by. And you decided to follow.

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