Cute ~ Yamaguchi Tadashi 1

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He looked at you as if something was wrong with you, as if you were insane. It was a look of pure shock and  curiosity.

You returned the look. First, you looked pretty embarrassed and flustered since you had confessed. But now, you also were curious. Curious as to what his response would be. The only times he broke eye contact was when he blinked.

This went on for at least a minute.

He still remained silent. This was eating away at you. He wasn't saying a word. Did he just not like you and want to find a way to let you down easy? No. That can't be it. Why would he wait so long to break the ice? This was now intolerable and you were growing impatient. Now, you weren't even impatient. You were flat out annoyed.

"Are you going to say anything or what?!" You said attempting to sound polite and calm. But you were now impatient and annoyed so it came out rather aggressive. This rough tone made him blink a couple of times in shock with wide eyes.

You quickly noticed that you came at him with a pretty aggressive tone.
"Uh shit, it wasn't supposed to come out like that!" You exclaimed pretty embarrassed.

"Oh! Uhm it's okay. I was just wondering what to respond with." He replied with as his usual awkward and adorable self, with a tiny giggle in his tone.

"Well, it's alright that you're not interested. Sorry for wasting your time." You said sadly as you slowly started to walk off.

You were hoping that he'd romantically run after you, grasp you by the wrist and tell you he loved you like in a cheesy, romantic, shojo manga. But he didn't. He didn't do or even say anything. You decided to pick up your pace and walk faster since he obviously wasn't going to do anything. He just stood there seeming as if he was lost for words, not knowing what to say or do.

20 Minutes Later

You turned the key of the lock to your door. You usually would turn it quickly with force but you felt so upset that you turned it slowly like an old lady.

You entered your house and shut the door behind you. You overall felt fine from the heartbreak. Nothing was wrong, you were just thinking a lot about it. But, it didn't get to you that much.

After changing your clothes, finishing your homework and your chores, you plopped yourself on your couch and grabbed the remote to turn on the television. And then you dropped it.

You dropped the remote and buried your face into your palms, crying.
Why did your feelings take so long to get to you? You had no idea. Maybe you were forcing yourself not to think about the heartbreak, maybe you pushed yourself so hard that you just collapsed.
This really sucked.

You were usually so funny, loud, confident and just fun to be around. But you didn't want this heartbreak to change you.

It's just some guy. I'll get through this. It's not the end of the world, it probably wouldn't even last. High school relationships rarely last... You thought to yourself. It's just some guy... Right? But he wasn't just some guy. He was THE guy. The one. But you respected his decision. His choice. If he wasn't going to be happy to be with you then what would be the point?

Next Day

Friday. Finally, you could stay up tonight watching movies and reading manga to get over what occurred yesterday.

The last period just ended and you were to meet with your friend, Satomi by the main entrance. While you were walking to meet Satomi, you thought about how good your day was. You expected it to be suckish since you were pretty upset about yesterday's episode but everything turned out well.

While lost in your thoughts, you received a text message. You looked at your phone to notice that Satomi had just texted you.

"I'll be five minutes late since Kou wants to come too. So don't be impatient!! <3"

Kou, commonly known as Kousano was also another one of your friends who would sometimes walk with you to your house with Satomi.

"K. I'm not at the entrance yet but I'll see you there in a little bit." You texted back.

"Great bebe <3"

Her writing style never fails to tick me off. You thought to yourself.

Satomi and Kousano were very beautiful. They had many admirers at the school and would often get notes or letters from fans. Usually when they were together, they compared the amount of love letters they got. You remember the exact score. Satomi had a whopping 43 and Kousano had 48 besides being the less approachable one compared to Satomi who was kind and cheerful. Kousano was completely emotionless and sometimes rude.

You were also pretty attractive but you didn't really receive many letters since your annoyed and usually angry or sarcastic attitude would scare boys or work as a repellent.

Not only that but, you came to the realization that when girls at your school were single, they received less letters. The single ones would get face to face confessions and the girls in relationships would get letters since their admirers feared being caught by their boyfriends.

Kousano was in a relationship with this tall, rude, dude on your school's volleyball team and Satomi had something going on with a guy from Seijoh who in your opinion very much resembled a turnip.

You on the other hand were not in a relationship. Which is why you  assumed you didn't receive many letters.

Exit your thoughts:

You turned the corner and walked straight into someone. "Ne Sorry." You said on default. "It's okay." He responded with. The voice was familiar. It made your heart drop. "YAMAGUCHI!!!!" You screamed at the top of your lungs. He was startled.

"Hehe... Whoops. I er... Eh, didn't mean to yell." You awkwardly said and started walking away.

You put your hand in your pocket to grab your phone to text Satomi to meet some place else when you were stopped.

"Eh! L/N-Chan, wait." Yamguchi quickly jogged over to your side. You stopped and turned to face him. "Yes?" You asked.

His face turned pink. "I'm uh, sorry for yesterday. I didn't know what to say... I mean in response to your... Ehm, confession." He said awkwardly as usual. "Uh. Okay it's no big deal don't worry about it." You responded and began to walk away.

"I like you." He said sounding considerably confident for him. "HAAA!?" You exclaimed completely shocked. Yamaguchi just stood there scratching the back of his head. "Say that again." You smirked. His face deepened in color as he said the words. "I like you... A lot." He said slowly and awkwardly again.

"Why didn't you say anything yesterday?" You asked. "I didn't know what to say. And you walked away before I could." You felt stupid. "Oops." You said monotonously. "SHIT! I'm so sorry! I jumped to conclusions and thought you weren't interested! SHIT, FUCK, ASS, SHIT, DAMN!" You cursed loudly.

"Well I uhm. Do you think we could maybe uhm date? Maybe?" He said. You didn't say anything. All you did was jump and wrap your arms around him. He had to catch you and remain steady since you were literally hanging from his neck. "YES! I LOVE YOU!" You screamed, kissing his cheek. "Thank you." He muttered, resting his head between your shoulder and your neck. "You're so cute." You said happily.

He'd have to put up with this for a while but it would all be worth it.

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