Contagous ~ Kuroo Tetsuro 3

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It was THE day. Kuroo planned to take you out on a date. Not just any date, a formal one. This obviously wasn't Kuroo's thing. He was never seen as a "formal guy". When he told you that he wanted to go out on what he called, "a fancy date", you agreed wanting to see what this would look like.

He told you to wear something formal. You wore a red dress that was tight at the top but flared by your knees. You knew Kuroo would go ape shit if other men so much as looked at you in this dress. Hence one of the reasons you decided to wear it. You were wondering what he'd look like in something that was considered "fancy" or "posh" to him.

You finished getting ready. You looked stunning in your outfit and couldn't wait to see Kuroo's reaction to it.

There was a knock at your door shortly after you had just gotten ready. You almost jumped in excitement. Quickly, you got to the door and straightened yourself up just to make sure you looked good. You opened the door expecting to see Kuroo.

It was Kenma. His eyes widened at the sight of you but he quickly tried to hide the emotion. Who can blame him? You looked gorgeous. "Oh. Hey Kenma." You smiled. "Hi. Uhm. Kuroo sent me." He said.

As soon as those words exited Kenma's lips, you felt like a giant spear had just impaled your heart. Kuroo wasn't bailing on you? If he was, he didn't have the balls to say it himself? He sent Kenma to do the dirty work! Real professional! How is it that Kenma had the confidence to say it to your face and Kuroo, the handsome, suave, volleyball captain didn't?

"He just wanted someone to make sure you were ready." Kenma said sensing that you thought otherwise. Your heart slowed and you calmed down. "Oh thank goodness." You sighed and put a hand on your forehead. "Wait. Why didn't he come himself to check?" You asked, puzzled. Was Kuroo shy or nervous about the date so much so that he couldn't face you? 

"He didn't want to spoil what you look like for himself. I think he'll be happy though." Kenma reassured you. "Well. I'll just text him that you're ready. Bye, L/N." He waved and left.

It wasn't long that an other knock was heard from your door. You smiled in excitement and sprinted to the door to open it. You opened the door to see Kuroo in a typical, white button up shirt with a necktie, dress pants, ablack coat was on his arm and.... HIS HAIR WAS CLEAN?!?!

"HOLY SHIT!" You both exclaimed. Kuroo was taken aback by how amazing you were looking and you were blown away that he actually attempted to do his hair. His face was bright red. Good old hormones were kicking in.

"You look good." You smiled. Kuroo was still in the zone from the appearance of his girlfriend. "Tetsu. Are you okay?" You laughed. He finally awakened from this trance and blinked a couple times. "Huh? Uh yeah." He nodded. His then amazed and in aw expression changed to his usual smirk. "You look hot. Can't wait t'ill we get back from the date." He said knowing that you'd be slightly irritated with this remark. "Who said we'd have to wait until after the date?" You smirked. Obviously you were kidding and you knew Kuroo wouldn't think you were. It took him a while to comprehend what you said before he grabbed your waist and pulled you into him.

He very quickly started kissing you and untying his necktie. As soon as he pulled away to head for your dress, you were finally able to speak. "Tetsu! Shit man, I'm kidding!" You took a deep breath.

"Aaaaaw! Why do you have to do that? Teasing me like this..." he sighed in disappointment. "Maybe later." You said and started tying his tie again. "Maybe?" He questioned you. You glanced at him and let out a huff. "Okay. After the date we can. Maybe..."

"Again with maybe?" He asked wanting a definitive answer. You sighed. "Alright! Fine, Tetsu." You responded. His eyes shined and lit up in response to your answer. He once again pulled you into a hug. "Can we just a go? If we take too long and end up coming back late, we won't-" Kuroo cut you off by speed walking with you down the road. "Hey! Let me lock the door, dumbass." You groaned. He released you to let you lock the door and get a coat.

You quickly got your items and ran back to Kuroo who wanted to get to the destination at a reasonable time so that you had time to be intimate after the date. "Kay. Let's go." You smiled happily. You were very exited and Kuroo could tell. His expression softened and became for innocent as he approached you and held your hand, leading you to the designated area. "You're beautiful." He said happily. You looked at him, slightly weirded out. "What did you do to your hair?" You asked. "It looks so weird." You started laughing a bit. "I know. I ended up having to wet it a lot. It going to end up puffing up pretty soon anyway so there really was no point." He said, slightly annoyed with his hair.

You just smiled happily and continued walking. Kuroo slowly stopped holding you hand and wrapped his arms around you as you both walked. You didn't mind much. "I can't believe you actually asked me out on a date." You giggled. "Why can't you believe it?" He asked. "I dunno. I didn't think dates were really your thing. I mean, literally we've ever done was homework and making out so I didn't expect a date. Especially not a formal date." You replied. Kuroo laughed his creepy laugh. "Me neither. It's gonna be so weird." He smirked. "But our little after party's gonna be much better."

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