Inseparable ~ Bokuto Kotaro 1

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Bokuto picked you up bridal style and walked casually past the school gate. "What are you doing?" Asked a familiar, monotonous voice. You looked behind you to where the voice came to see Akaashi. "I'm bringing F/N-Chan home." Said your owl-like boyfriend with a big smile across his face. "Doesn't she look good in my arms?" He asked his serious friend. Akaashi sighed and refused to answer. "We have training camp first thing in the morning tomorrow. You should be packing your necessities and what not." Said Akaashi who was still as serious as ever. Bokuto put you down. "F/N-Chan?" He asked. "Is something wrong Koo-Chan?" Bokuto loved it for some reason when you called him by that stupid name. "Is it alright if you helped me pack for tomorrow? I didn't start yet." He asked you in hopes of a yes. Akaashi rolled his eyes and left.
"Of course I'll help you, Koo-Chan!" You said happily. Your boyfriend was happy too.

Bokuto's House

You lifted up the large book and shoved it into his bag. "Why did you put a book in my bag?" Asked Bokuto slightly bothered. "Cause your mother told me to make sure you pack a book. And I know you won't do it yourself so I did it for you." You smiled knowing that Bokuto wouldn't want to read a book while he was at camp.

He sighed and went over to you. You were sitting on the floor next to his bag and he just wrapped his arms around you and rested his chin on your head. "This is going to be problematic." He sighed. "What? Is Koo-Chan using big words now?" You giggled. He smiled a bit and started playing with some of your hair. "I mean it's going to be a problem to be without you." He said with an unusual sincere tone in his voice. "I don't want to be without you, F/N-Chan." He said while moving your hair and putting his face between the back of your neck and your shoulder. "Because I'll miss you." He said with a slight whine.

You turned and hugged him. "I'll miss you too. Just remember to text me." You said and planted a kiss on his cheek. Bokuto hugged you tighter and began kissing your neck. "Don't worry. You'll be back before you know it." You patted him on the head. "I love you Koo-Chan." You gave him a quick peck on the lips and rested your forehead on his.

You two have liked each other for a long time and started dating months ago. Even though you've been dating for months, you've been inseparable and loved spending time with each other for long periods of time. You two were happy together.


You were on your way home with Bokuto holding your hand tightly. He was pretty upset since he wouldn't get to be with his girlfriend for a while. You were going to take the train home but Bokuto insisted on walking you home since you'd be able to spend more time together.

You arrived at your house and stood in front of the door before opening it. Bokuto was still holding onto your hand. "Koo-Chan." You said poking him in the stomach. He rested his forehead on your's for the millionth time this night. "You're going to have so much fun. Lighten up!" You encouraged your boyfriend.
"Don't talk to any other boys while I'm gone okay?" He asked of you. You started laughing even though Bokuto was completely serious. "You're the only one for me, Koo-Chan." You said getting your laughter out.

The both of you shared a sweet and passionate kiss before you went into the house and closed the door behind you.

You knew Bokuto was upset but he'd soon be having a great time at training. He will text you every night and you'll text him. You couldn't wait until the end of his training to be with him again.

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