Volunteer Work ~ Yamamoto Taketora 2

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Akiyo, Chitose and Hibiki were waiting in back of the school for you to finish your work with Ms.Kazehana. You took the back entrance and saw Akiyo and Chitose, playing red-ass on Hibiki with rocks. "Are you insane?" You asked as you rushed out to stop them from hurting Hibiki. Chitose threw another rock at Hibiki and hit him on his left ass cheek. "Harder!" Hibiki yelled, jokingly. "You're stupid stop." You said and pulled him off the wall. "Aw come on. We were having fun, F/N." Akiyo whined. "You were being stupid. You could have seriously hurt him." You said like a mom and started walking away from the school. "Where are we going? On an adventure?" Hibiki asked like a child. "I'm hungry. I'm gonna pick something up at a store." You said as you walked. The three continued to walk with you.

"Woah! I just found the best meme account on Instagram!" Hibiki shouted. "Send me a link." Akiyo muttered. "I'm sending you all the link. F/N, check your phone." Hibiki said. You sighed and reached into your jacket pocket to get your phone. "What the hell?" You asked and patted your entire body. "Where's my phone?" You asked nervously. "Damn. Did you lose it?" Chitose asked. "Shit. I think I left it with Ms.Kazehana." You said. "Wait here I'll be right back." You said as you sprinted back to the school.

You quickly made your way to the office. "Please don't have left. Please still be here." You muttered to yourself, hoping that Ms.Kazehana didn't leave and lock the office door. As you turned the corner of the hallway that the medical office was, you saw that the door was closed but someone was standing in front of it. "Excuse me!" You said loudly and walked up to him. "Is the door locked?" You asked as you approached him. It was a student. "Oh. Uh. Yeah it's locked. Hi, L/N." He said to you. "Uh. Hi?" You said back. You didn't know how he knew your name and didn't recognize him. And then you noticed the weird hairstyle he had. "Oh hi. Yamimito right?" You asked. "Hehe it's actually Yamamoto. Good to see you." He said awkwardly. "My bad. What are you doing here?" You asked. "I uh. I tripped and hurt my knee." He said. "Well damn. I wish the office were open. I left my phone in there." You muttered. "I can try and pick the lock." He said. "Why would you do that?" You asked. "Well your phone's in there. And I need a bandaid." He said.

You didn't really have a response as he crouched in front of the door. You couldn't help but notice the perfect and toned shape of his ass as he did. "Someone does squats." You said loudly and then instantly covered your mouth. He gave you a shocked look but quickly blushed with a charismatic smirk. "I do. Thanks for noticing." He said. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say it I swear." You apologized. "It's alright." He laughed as he fiddled with the lock using bobby pins that he pulled out of his hair.  "Aaaaand done." He said. "Why is that a skill that you just happen to have?" You asked. "Secret." Yamamoto said as he stood up and placed the bobby pins back into his hair.

You both stepped into the room. "Thank god." You said as you spotted your phone on the main desk. You walked up to grab it as Yamamoto shuffled around and found a roll of bandaids. He took one off and was about to place it on his knee. "Don't do that. You have to disinfect it and put some cream on it or it won't heal." You said and quickly found a tube of lotion. You tossed it to him and he caught it. "How much do I put?" He asked. "Okay well put it on after you disinfect it." You said and reached onto a shelf, getting the rubbing alcohol.

You walked over to him and handed it to him as he sat on one of the beds laid out for sick students. "Can you uh, do it for me?" He asked. "Sure." You sighed and patted down with a cotton ball, covered in alcohol on his knee. He looked up at you as you did. "Are you always at the nurse's office?" He asked. "I will for a while. Don't know when I'm off." You said as you stopped patting and rubbed some lotion on his hurting knee. "You're cute." He said. Your heart skipped a beat. "What? You commented on my butt. I can't say you're cute?" He pointed out. "Haha fine. Thanks." You said and put the bandaid over his wound.

"Well, well. What's going on here?" The familiar voice of Akiyo asked. Your body stiffened as you looked to see the three of your friends standing at the door. "You were taking long so we came in. What're you doing?" Hibiki asked. "A student needed help that's all." You said and put away the lotion and alcohol. Yamamoto just kind of tossed his roll of bandaids back where he found it.

You all left the room. Yamamoto squatted down again to see if he can re-lock the door. He managed to do so. "So, I gotta go. Thanks." He said and took off down the hallway. You and the others left in the opposite direction. "So who's that?" Chitose asked. "Yamamoto. He hurt himself last week and again today." You said. "He must do squats huh?" Hibiki muttered. "I know right?" You said back.

"So he was so desperate to have his wound healed that he picked a lock. And then all he ended up having was a somewhat bruised knee?" Akiyo asked. "Yeah. Weird but, it's fine I guess." You said as you opened your phone to check out the meme account that Hibiki recommended. "This page is pretty funny. Thanks." You laughed and followed it. Akiyo payed zero attention to what you just said and continued her "analysis" if you would on Yamamoto. "Hmmmm. You said he came last week too?" She asked. "Yeah. What about it?" You responded. "Just. Well, maybe he, you know.... Likes you." She suggested. "Gasp!" Hibiki shouted. "Oh cute!!" Yelled Chitose. "Uhmmm I don't think so. But he did call
me cute today." You said. "Yeah. Okay what the fuck is wrong with you? He likes you." Hibiki said happily. You rolled your eyes. No way. But you liked the idea of it very much.

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