Stupid ~ Kageyama Tobio 3

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"You're so cute!" You were fanning over your boyfriend. "What?" He had no idea what was going on. He had no clue that while he was concentrating on a volleyball match on the television, you had tied the flap of hair that hangs over his face with an elastic. "You're a Tobio Unicorn." You laughed and took a picture of him with your phone. "What are you talking about?" He asked, completely oblivious. "Nothing. Doesn't matter. You're about to be late for practice!" You informed him. His eyes widened and he bolted out the door.
"Hey wait! You forgot to lock it!"
You screamed and ran out, locking the door behind you. 


You arrived on time with Kageyama. He still hadn't noticed that he was turned into a unicorn and you were anticipating the reaction of the rest of his team. He walked in. As soon as he made his way in, he yelled. "Am I late?" It was only the first and second years since the third years had some sort of trip for their grade. "You're not late." Yelled Tanaka without looking at him. Hinata ran up to him. "Toss for-BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" He fell over onto the floor and started laughing at the hairstyle Kageyama was rocking.

"What are you laughing at, dumbass?" Kageyama scowled. Hinata was about to point out his hair but you signaled for him not to, so he didn't. "N-nothing. He wiped tears from his face after all the laughter. Shortly after that, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi walked into the gym. "Pfft. What the hell kind of statement are you trying to make?" Tsukishima laughed as he walked past Kageyama. "You look like a unicorn." Yamaguchi laughed also. "What? How many people are going to call me a unicorn in one day?" He glanced at you. You shrugged and tried to hold in your laughter.

"You look dumb." Nishinoya informed Kageyama with a straight face. "You know you messed up when Nishinoya calls you dumb." You And Tanaka laughed together. "I don't look dumb. What the hell?" Kageyama was confused. "Just because you are stupid, doesn't mean you have to look stupid." Tanaka laughed. "Why not? Hinata gets away with it." Tsukishima laughed with Yamaguchi on the side. You laughed into your fist as Hinata stuck his tongue out at Tsukishima. "Well! Have a good practice Unicorn-Chan." You kissed your boyfriend on the cheek before leaving the gym.

Much Later

You were sitting with Hinata at your favourite table to eat. "Kageyama's probably looking for milk. He'll be here soon." Hinata stuffed bread into his mouth. "So how did he react when he noticed what I did to his hair?" You asked Hinata. "Oh. Kageyama didn't notice it." Hinata continued to eat. "I didn't notice what?" Kageyama's voice came from behind you. He was still sporting the hairstyle. Did he seriously not notice? "Hey Unicorn-Chan!" You smiled. Hinata laughed in response.

"Why is everyone calling me a unicorn today?" He asked and sat down beside you with his milk. "Someone even called me a narwhal. I don't even know what that is." He grumbled. "It's like a whale but it has a giant, long horn in the middle of its head." You informed him. "WHOA! You're so smart L/N!" Hinata shouted in awe. "Thanks." You ruffled Hinata's already messy hair. "So I'm a whale? Why did someone call me a whale?" Kageyama wondered. "Cause you're ugly!" Hinata yelled. "No he's not. He's handsome." You pouted and kissed his cheek. "You're not ugly like a whale, Tobio-Chan. You're handsome and kingly like a lion." You patted his shoulder. "Don't call me a king." He muttered. "Sorry... TOBIO-CHAAAN!"
You said his name the way Oikawa did to piss him off.

He just sipped his milk. You took a bite out of your sandwich. "You want a bite?" You asked and lifted your sandwich closer to him. He took a large bite out of your lunch. "Is it good?" You asked. He nodded. "Can I have some?!" Hinata eagerly asked. "No." Kageyama glared at him and wrapped his arm around you in a protective manner. "So mean." Hinata whined. "I'll make an extra one tomorrow okay?" You suggested. Hinata nodded and smiled.

"Today was weird. Aside from being called a unicorn and a norwhale or whatever." Kageyama stated. "I could see REALLY well today." He said sounding proud. "You could see well?" You asked. He nodded. "Probably cause that weird flap isn't in your face anymore." Hinata laughed. "HINATA!" You shouted. "Whoops." He mumbled.

Kageyama placed his hand on his head and felt the large ponytail. He looked at you. "Really?" He asked and took out the elastic. His hair flopped back down to the way it usually is. "Damnit." You grumbled. "You look so cute when your hair's not in your face. You're so cute you could pass as a really weird looking girl." You took back the elastic.

"Well not everyone can be cute like you." He muttered. Hinayana looked shocked. "Did you just call me cute?!"
You screamed. His face turned bright red. "N-no... Yeah." He responded not looking at you. "You're cute, F/N." He mumbled.

You leaned on his shoulder. "You too."

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