Stupid ~ Kageyama Tobio 2

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"Why are you dating Kageyama? He's so mean." Asked Hinata. You were eating lunch with him and your boyfriend today but Kageyama was nowhere to be seen. So you patiently waited with Hinata. "He's not mean, Hinata. Actually, it's your fault for not coming to the tutoring session." You laughed. "What? What happened when I wasn't there?" Hinata sounded offended and bothered. "That's when we started dating." You smiled.

Hinata scolded himself under his breath for not coming to the tutoring session. Finally. Your grumpy setter showed up. He turned the corner sipping on his milk.

He sat closely beside you allowing your shoulders to touch. "Sorry I'm a bit late." He apologized looking at you. (since he wasn't sorry for making Hinata wait) You leaned over and gave him a quick peck on his lips which made him blush a bit. Hinata tried not to vomit at this action. "It's no big deal." You smiled.

Next Day

You were a considerably good student in your grade. Actually, you were one of the best and your classmates knew you as "Smart girl" which is probably why you started tutoring Hinata and your boyfriend who sucked at school. However, you weren't the only smart person in your grade. One of the males in your class who you got along with was Tsukishima Kei. He didn't seem to get along well with Kageyama to begin with but as soon as you started dating the setter, Tobio found himself more hateful towards the blonde giant since you and him were pretty much rivals when it came to class despite getting along well with one another. Why is this important? It isn't unless your boyfriend hates it when you are anywhere near his tall and smart teammate which was the case.

You and the other students had received your test marks today. You as an outstanding student got the highest possible mark of 100%. You smiled a bit at your mark while you watched the volleyball practice from outside of the gym. "What did you get?" A familiar voice asked in front of you. You looked to respond to Tsukishima who had just asked you a question. You knew exactly what he was referring to since you both often shared your test marks to see who's smarter. "You don't have to respond if it was a shifty mark." He said with a smirk. You also smirked. "100. What about you?" You replied with a light giggle. Tsukishima sighed in slight frustration. "I got the same mark." He finally said without looking at you, clearly bothered.

"Is something the matter?" You asked him knowing what the problem was. He looked at you. "I thought for sure this time that I was going to finally beat you." He said in complete honesty. He never beat you and you never beat him. You both always got the highest marks in all of your classes it was no surprise you two were rivals. "I'll get a higher mark than you I know I will." He muttered to himself thinking no one heard him.

You couldn't help but laugh at what just came out of his mouth. "Sorry what was that, Tsukishima?" You teased. "Nothing. Nothing that should concern you." He replied pretty embarrassed that you heard him. You began to laugh even more. "Oi! Stay away from Kageyama's girlfriend, Tsukishima! Stop flirting with her!" Hinata said loudly from beside the middle blocker.
"He's not flirting, Hinata." You told Hinata who looked at you with a suspicious look on his face. "I was wondering why you were here." Tsukishima stated. He laughed a little bit. "Don't worry Hinata, if her taste in men is Kageyama, I wouldn't bother hitting on her." He said while walking off. Hinata looked bothered by what he just said.


You waited silently for Kageyama and Hinata to meet you. Soon, the two familiar silhouettes came into view.

While the two were walking you home, Hinata decided to inform Kageyama about a few things. "Kageyama, I'm sure you know this by now but your girlfriend is very pretty. One of the prettiest girls in our grade. So it's only natural that a lot of guys would hit on her." He randomly stated. "Yeah. I know." Responded Tobio. "Just be careful. I had the unfortunate event of seeing her being creepily hit on by non other than our teammate, Tsukishima." For some reason, Hinata thought it was a good idea to say that. Kageyama's eyebrow twitched.

"I already told you, there's nothing going on we were only talking." You sighed. "Maybe it was only talking to you but he might actually like you in that way. You guys speak a lot in class." Hinata said slightly concerned. "We compare marks often." You said. Kageyama who was silent spoke up. "Look's like I'm going to have to talk to him about flirting with my girlfriend." He said annoyed. "What the fu-no! Listen, I'm with you, Tobio. Even if Tsukishima IS hitting on me which he isn't, I'm still always going to want to be with you instead of any other person on this damn planet." You slapped Hinata in the arm. "And stop misinterpreting things, Hinata!" You ordered. Hinata nodded in response.

After you and Kageyama said your goodbyes to Hinata, you both continued to your home. You were about to turn the corner to your street when Kageyama pulled you into a hug and rested his chin on your head which he did a lot while hugging you. "I'm sorry, F/N. are you mad at me?" He asked with genuine concern in his voice. "No. I'm a little bit pissed at Shou-Chan for writing off a simple conversation as flirting but besides that, I'm fine." You spoke into your boyfriend's chest. This warm and beautiful hug lasted a while. "I love you, F/N." Tobio said still holding you in his firm but loving embrace. You looked up and kissed him. It didn't take long for him to return the kiss. "I know. I love you too." You responded.

You waved goodbye and stepped into your house. "Well. I'm gonna study!" You exclaimed and walked into your bedroom for some good old fashioned self-torture (studying).

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