you're back...

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(Aphmau's POV)

Laurence is back.
Cadenza is treating him.
"Are you okay?" Garroth comes behind me.
"Y-yeah....." I lie.
With everything going on. Zane. I don't know how much more I can take.
" I know Laurence is back and all...but, he's a shadow knight. Its not that I don't trust him it's just...."
He paused.
"I understand, I'll assure you I will be safe around him." the truth makes tests prick at the back of my throat.
"Thank you Aphmau, I just want to keep you safe." worry laced in his voice.
"I would like a word with him.....alone please." I set my hand on the door knob to show I'm not backing down.
He nods " I'll be out here.
I walk in and see Laurence looking out the window.

(all art belongs to me, if you want to use it please contact me

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(all art belongs to me, if you want to use it please contact me.)
The sight of him made me want to cry. He was covered with cuts and bruises. I swallow them back and correct my composure."Is it true?" His voice still drained.
"How do you feel?" I dodge the question.
"Are you afraid of me? I mean I don't blame you." he grabs my hands, his are so comforting I just want him to hold me, "I just want you to know I would die before I ever let anything happen to you." His eyes have no color but, they are clouded with emotion.I free my hands and wrap them around him.
" I know, I just have to keep Garroth at bay, you know how he can get." I let out a small laugh.
He laughs a little, I love the sound of his laugh it's so soft.
"I love you, Aphmau."
I feel a sensation coming up to my throat. I start to cry.
"Aphmau, it's okay you don't need to return my feelings I-"
I pull back from the hug to look him in the eyes. My heart tugs every time I see him."Laurence I-" We were intterrupted with a knock.
I prepared to get up but, Laurence kept me in his embrace.
I knew he couldn't see me, but his eyes were full of concentration.
He reached for my face. His thumb caressing my cheek. I close my eyes and lean into his palm. I grab his hand and give it a squeeze.
"Lady Aphmau?" It was Zoey.
"Yes, I'll be right there." I have her an automatic answer.
"A-alright, Garroth is waiting at the plaza." I hear her walk away.
" I should get going, I'll come check on you later." I yearn for me to stay, but I'm the Lord.
"Of course, my love" he smirks.
"My love?" I laugh a little.
"Oh I'm sorry m'lady." he bows his face still looking at me.
some of his hair falls in his eyes. I laugh And tuck it behind his ear.
His face turns red. Realizing what I just did, I pull my hand away.
"I'll come check on you later." I close the door behind me. My heart beasts out of chest. I clench my dress and I feel the warmth in my face. I'm blushing!? As selfish as this sounds I was kind of grateful he couldn't see it I would never hear the end of it. I take a few breaths and walk away.

Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now