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(warning: larmau shippers this chapter may contain garmau moments.you have been warned.now enjoy squeeee!)
(Laurence's POV)
Aphmau falls into me. She blacked out.don't hurt him? Did Garroth do this? I pick Aphmau up bridal style and lay her on my bed. I kiss her forehead and find that she has a bite mark on her shoulder. Then a bruise next to it or is it a......
"Laurence I heard Aphmau!" Zoey busts into the room.
"Something happened while she was with Garroth." I grab my sword.
"Oh my Irene!she's badly injured. What happened?she start to check Aphmaus arms.
"I'm about to find out."I walk out of the room.I thought he was asking her out on a date but he put his hands on her. Who knows what else he did but, I'm to afraid to know. I find Lucinda attending Garroth.
"Get on your feet." I demand him.
He looks at me tears swimming in his eyes. He has scratches on his face and blood dropping from his lip. He looks down ashamed.
"Tsk get up. I said get up you-"I scream.
"Laurence!this was my fault!" she steps in front of me.
"He put his hands on her." I say calmly but, my blood is boiling with anger.
"Yes but, he wasn't himself. I wanted to help him confess to Aphmau so I gave him a love potion as well as a confidence potion. Or so I thought. I actually have him a." she gulps."agressive potion. I probably made a mistake on one of them."
Garroth looks me in the eye before quickly looking down."you want to know what you did to her. She blacked out. You not only abused her but harassed her." he looks up at me, but he doesn't say anything. I don't think he can. But his expression says enough. He's sorry. I want to forgive him but I can't. Not right now. Aphmau is hurt because of him. I understand the situation.I walk out and run home to Aphmau.I run. I take a breath and quietly knock on the door. I hear footsteps and Zoey opens the door. I see Aphmau laying in the bed. She's still not awake. She has one of my white shirts on and Black shorts. Zoey is tending to her bite.
"What's that?" I point to the bruise.
"Hickey." she says.I was right.
I slide the chair over to my bed. I watch over Aphmau. "I'll get going please don't wake her up." I nod and watch over her. I lay my head next to her arm. I slowly fall asleep.

(Aphmaus POV)
I try to get up but, I grimace in pain. My body is easily defeated by gravity and a fall back down on the bed. I see Laurence to my side sleeping. His face is peaceful but his geeks are dry with tears. The sight of seeing Laurence cry pains me.Garroth......what happened to you? I have to get up I can't let a petty fight take me down. I force myself to get up. I grab the blanket and wrap it around laurence. I carefully put on my armor making sure not to hit any tender spots. I out on my chest armor and let out a little scream from the pain.I grab my sword and sneak out. Its already night? I head towards the old guard tower in a little hidden path to avoid all interaction possible. I'm grateful to find Garroth awake.

(Garroth's POV)
I see Aphmau walk in. She has a bruise on her cheek, probably from me. I look down and swallow hard.
"Garroth I'm so glad you're okay." she walks over to my and sets her sword down. She kneels down beside me and lifts up my face to look her in the eye. Her eyebrows draw together and she skins her thum on my bottom lip. If it were from fighting someone else I'd be blushing my butt off but, I'm ashamed. How can she still worry about me? I grab her hand and pull it away from my face. She looks at me her eyes getting blurry with tears.
"Garroth look at me, it's not your fault. I don't care what happened I know it wasn't you. I forgive you. It isn't that bad any way." she gives me a soft smile and I return it.
"Thanks Aphmau." I say my voice still a little haorse.
"Oh that's right. You might not want to talk much since I kinda elbowed you in the throat." she makes a nervous smile and I nod. She pulls me into a tight hug and I accept it.
"Don't beat yourself up over it garroth okay? Promise me?"
"I.....I promise." I cough.
My heart starts to race a little. I give her a kiss on the cheek. And she smiles. I suggested she went back home But she said she couldn't sleep and that Laurence was hogging the bed. Wait, they sleep together!?!?!?
"So?" she asks me.breaking my thought.
"I don't know. I'm pretty sure we have some of Kawaii~chan's cake downstairs. Her face glows up. We sneak some cake up into my room.
"To be honest lady Aphmau. I don't know a lot about you." I ask.she sets her fork down and looks down.
"It's okay, to be honest I don't know a lot either. All I remember is being lost and coming here. And helping out and bring named Lord I guess." she continues to nibble on the cake with her fork.
She smiles. "Wanna play truth or dare?"
"Isn't two people too little?" I cough a little,
"Nonsense!I'll go first!truth or dare?" she point her fork at me. I flinch.
"Um.....truth?" I panic.
"Hmmmm. Is it true that.......you like Lucinda?" she smiles mockingly.
"No!i like-"I cover my mouth before I say anything.
"Who!?" she looks at me with wide eyes.
"Not part of the truth. Now truth or dare?" I sigh great save.....
"Dare. I'm not a chicken!" she smiles. A dare? What do I dare her? I could have the upper hand and dare her to kiss me but....no.
"I dare you.....to.......act like a chicken for 30 seconds!" i chuckle.
She pouts and rolls her eyes.
"Fineeeeeeee." I see her get up and start flapping her arms and bawking. I laugh so hard tears start to form at the corners of my eyes.
She sits back down on my bed and we share a good long laugh.

She sits back down on my bed and we share a good long laugh

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(Aphmau's POV)
I yawn.
"Tired?me too." Garroth picks up our plates.
"It's too late to go home. Mobs are probably lining up at our door. You can sleep on my bed. I'll take the extra room." he winks at me. I don't know what came over me. I walked up to him and gave him a quick kiss. And immediately regreted it. He turns bright red.
"Garroth I'm s-so sorry! I don't know what-"
"It's okay." he bends down, plates still in hands, low enough to kiss me on my forehead.I bite my lip as I watch him leave.I'm in so much trouble.

Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now