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(Aphmau's POV)
"Why didn't you force her to go home!"
"Laurence I didn't do anything I swear!"
"Don't buy it! Garroth I don't want you around her anymore!"
"Well quite frankly that's not your decision to make!"
I slowly open my eyes to find Laurence and Garroth mid argument.
"Oh thank irene, apmhua you're awake get your stuff were leaving."I see a blurry Laurence get my sword. What's he doing here? Last night hits me hard.
"OMI Laurence it's not what you think!i swear! I would never!" I hop out of Garroth's bed. I see garroth, pain marks his eyes. I mouth to him in sorry. He smiles and waves See you later.i nod. We walk out of the guard tower. I look down as Laurence sighs.
"What were you doing there?"
"I was um.......I couldn't sleep and I wanted to check on got pretty late so he offered to spend the night and I......I accepted." I tuck a curl behind me ear. Laurence scoffs.
"Promise he didn't try anything on you?" He looks serious. Heat spreads over my face when I remember kissing Garroth "p-promise!"  he looks down. "You know. I could've helped you sleep too......" I smile "don't get jealous. Its not big of a deal we just ate cake." I giggle.
He smiles, relieved.
"But really, you can't just barge in everywhere. Its not we're a thing." Laurence flinched at the words and his face grows cold but he doesn't say anything.
"Why can't a thing?" He grips my sword. My heart hiccups.
"Well I actually want to-" I get caught off by a scream. I look at Laurence and snatch my sword. He follows behind me. We arrive a where I believe I heard the scream.
"Ahhhhh Hahahaha."
"????" I walk into Kawaii~Chan's house and find Dante spreading icing on her face and she's throwing flour at him.

""????" I walk into Kawaii~Chan's house and find Dante spreading icing on her face and she's throwing flour at him

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"Dante!?" I hear Laurence.
They both pause and look at us Kawaii~chan looks at her feet embarrassed. Dante rubs the back of his neck.
"What's going on here?" I ask calmly.
"Aphmau~senpai!Dante~kun was just helping Kawaii~chan bake a cake and then..well..." she starts fiddling with her dress. Dante takes over "she needed help but, everyone was busy. My shift isn't in an hour so I offered since you weren't anywhere to found." she nods. I sigh "okay but, just don't scream like you're being attacked." her face lights up, probably cause I'm not questioning her and Dante. Laurence and I start to head home. "Aphmau I love you. I want to be able to do that with you." Laurence chuckles. I frown.I don't know why I can't be with him. Something just tells me not to make it official for some reason.I don't know why....
"Aphmau Aphmau hello? Aph?"
I get startled by Laurence waving his hand in front of my face.
"Oh sorry I spaced off."
"Yeah I noticed." he says sarcastically.
I give him sheepish smile.

Time skip: one year
Yes I know that's a long time but not a lot of romance happens mostly mission a. So with that being said. Malachi has joined us along with nichole, the stranger a.k.a Aaron (we need him for some jealosy hehehehe) and pretty much everyone else. Now let's get to the rest of the story.
I wake up I'm my room and stretch. I hop out and fix my hair. I put on the suit Cadenza made for me and go into the boys room. I see Malachi playing soldiers with levin.
"Morning mom!" Malachi jumps up and gives me a hug (he's human now) I rub his head as levin wobbles toward me
"Mama! Bwother. Playing with me!" He giggles.
I pick him up and place a kiss on his head.
"That's nice boys. Careful okay?" the nod in unison as I head out for the door.
"I love you mama!" I turn around
"I love you too!"

"I love you mama!" I turn around"I love you too!"

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Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now