Not you.

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(Laurence's POV)
"Oh my Irene." I hear Aphmau sigh.
"What are you doing here awful chicken house builder?"
"I'm the Lord Of this place, remember?" I hear irritation in her voice, so I step in. "Castor! What brings you here?" I smile at him.
"Ah, it's stupid Laurence!" I roll my eyes. He got crazier over time.
"I am here for Cadenza." he states
"Oh no you don't. Last time Cadenza was a-" I cut her off.
"For what purpose?"
"The Lord wishes to see her. For what purpose I don't know."
Aphmau doesn't buy it and, in all truth, I don't either.
"How about we let Cadenza know and bring her there ourselfs." I grip Aphmau's hand. She grins to know that we are in the same page.
"Hmmmm, fine." he gets back on his boat.
"Uh castor, it's the other way....." I point.
""Oh yes, I knew that." he turns the boat around and crashes it breaking the boat."Uh I need another boat.".Aphmau groans and I echo as we give him another boat.
"Dealing with him makes me want to sleep forever," she complains.
"Talk about it. I had to live with the guy almost all my life," she pats me in the back.
"You poor thing."
I chuckle.
"Ready to go home fiancee?" I joke.
"I totally forgot about that." she laughs.
"Aw babeeee." she punches my arm hard enough to make me grimance.
"Don't ever call me that."
"Aphmau." I see metalhead (Garroth nickname because he always wore his helmet) call for her. I love him like my brother but he's love competion and I'm not going to lose her I just can't.....if I do I'm afraid and my light will disappear too.My grip tightens and she notices.
"I'll meet you in your room" she whispers. I nod and head down there. He better not get any ideas. Or else......I grind my teeth and force myself to relax.
(Aphmau's POV)
"A-a-Aph I just w-wanted t-to tell you that I um......that I just........m-meet m-me a-at t- the old guard tower." he is a stuttering mess.
"Um sure." and with that he runs off like a nervous five year old. I giggle.
I make my way downstairs to meet Laurence.
"What did he say to you? Was it something about me?"
"Laurence calm down, you're steaming and no it wasn't. He just asked me to meet him at the guard tower." I put my hair up in a pony tail and put on my armor.
"I'm coming."he demands,
"No you're not. He respects our privacy so respect his. He probably just wants me to train with the whole Zane thing going on." I roll my eyes.
"Was he stuttering!?" he looks me in the eyes.
"Uh yeah why?"
"You can't go"He grabs my shoulders.
"Laurence you can't tell me what and what not to do." I move his hands away. I grab my sword. "Respect my decisions please." I give him a hard glare and he rubs the back of his  neck.He sighs "fine but, No funny business okay?"
"Yes dad." I roll my eyes. He looks at me and fear covers his eyes. I give him a soft smile and close the door.
I make my way to the old guard tower.I him a familiar tune probably from the song Laurence was singing.
"Garroth!?hello?" I see Garroth without his armor and with a blue plad shirt. I cock an eyebrow at him.
"Am I not wearing appropriate clothes or....." He blushes and offers me privacy to change or I didn't need to. I nod and take my armor off.I go. Up to the balcony. To see Garroth.
"So what's up?" I say casually.
"A-Aphmau I m-mean l-lord Aphmau I um need to tell you s-something." he starts to rub the back of his neck.

(lucinda POV)
I can't believe Garroth is finally going to tell Aphmau his feelings. I squeal to myself. I quietly go upstairs and hide behind the wall."A-Aphmau I m-mean l-lord Aphmau I um need to tell you s-something."
Oh Irene he's a mess. Good thing backup lucinda has a special treat. Hehe. I grab my love/confidence potion and throw it at him.
"I um ow!"
"Oh my Irene Garroth are you ok!?"
I better sneak out before things start getting interesting.

"I um ow!""Oh my Irene Garroth are you ok!?"I better sneak out before things start getting interesting

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(Aphmau's POV)
"Garroth!" I brush his hair over and see I scratch on his forehead. Why would someone do this?An ambush. A groan breaks my concentration.
"Garroth you're okay mmfph!"
He grabs my cheeks and pulls me into a kiss. There not soft and passionate like Laurence's but more hungry and desperate. He lets me go but only to breath. "Garroth I can't i-" he picks me up by my waist, I try to push him away but his grip is so strong.
"Mmmm!mmmmm!" Garroth this isn't you! He pushes me towards a walk and presses me close. I knee him in the in the no-no spot and he groans. I try to run towards my sword but he hugs me from the back. "Stop it garroth! Leave me alone!help help!"
He turns me around and slaps me. It stings and I'm scared. I weaken but, I have to put up a fight. I bite his hand and He drops me. I start to crawl so He can't grab me as fast. Me grabs my leg but I kick him in the face, he doesn't flinch. He starts to pull me towards him. I try to fight but he's got me in a defenseless pose. He starts to pull down my sleeve and I jab him in the throat and he bit my shoulder. I screamed out.
He starts to cough out blood. I'm sorry Garroth. I run out of the guard tower clutching my shoulder. I feel blood. I start to cry out. I run into the house.
"L-Laurence!" he runs out of the room."Aph what's wro-" He pauses. Black start to creep into the edges of my eyes. Garroth wasn't himself "d-dont hurt him." I fell into him and everything turns black.

Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now