I'll be here

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(Aphmaus POV)
He chuckled at me and, in the lonvest time, kissed me. Ive missed this sensation so. I melted to the kiss in seconds and the air aeound me got lighter. I felt as if I could just float up and my stomach surely did. He broke at and leaned his forehead against mine.
"Thank you." We stayed the door a few moments and then he helped to my feet.
"We should head down for breakfast?" He hooked his thumb and I nodded in a agreement and so did my stomach.

(Laurence's POV)
I gave Aph and Lilith a kiss on the forehead and Levin and Malachi a fist pump. Garroth motioned me and i brabbed my sword. I felt unsteady and like my stomach was about to turn to liquid. I swallows my anxiety and tightened my grip on the handle. Screams filled my head. Cries, screams, groans, grunts, mercy calls. I dropped the sword and banged the sides of my head.
"Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Leave me alone!" I steady hand set on my shoulder.
"Don't think of it as a burden, think of it as a way to protect those you love." Garroth gave me a smile and I reflected it back to him. I held my breath as the handle fit snug into my hand and Garroth patted my back. It was quiet,  it a comfortable silence.
Meaningful silence is better than meaningless words Laurence. I remeber Aphmau griping at me for opening my trap at the wrong moment. Garroth bumped my shoulder and smiled at me, a mischievous smile.
"So?" He grinned.
"Er...S-so?" I stuttered, almost to nervous to ask.
"When are you gonna pop the question man?" He elbowed me.
I actually havent thoughof it recently. So many things have happened. Is now the right time? Should i wait some more...? But what if it takes years!?
"Relax, i was just pushing your buttons." He laughs and i nervously chuckle.
"Actually... I do want to ask for her hand in marriage...." I rub the back of my neck and Garroth grins again.
"Well, I am kinda a hopeless romantic...so... I can kinda help you there." I laugh and he smiles sheepishly.
"I just dont want to stress her out.." I sigh and He pats my back.
"Yeah...and so many things..." He looks down and swallows hard. We walk to the guard and Garroth swings at the air.
"So! If I were to get a ring...where could I find best quality?" I yell of the swishing kf his sword.
"Meteli!Beautiful stuff! Cadenza can help with the clothes too!" I smack my head. Duh. I go in for a couple swings and Garroth and I compete. Meteli...? How do I go there unnoticed..? Except....can I gwt someone to do it for me? No no. This is special I musy pick it out. I look at the sun and the sun burns me eyes. Good Idea. If I leave now I might make it back by sundown.
"Hey, Garroth. You tho k you can cover for me?"  He looks over at me and I roll my eyes.
"Meteli" he looks at me and laughs.
"That desperate are we?" I nodded.
"You have no idea." He smiles and swung his swordover his shoulder.
"Alright, ill cover. Long as I get to be the best man." I laugh and he smiles,
"I can promise that." He scoots me with his sword and I run off. I swing myself over a horse and the horse comes to a halt. I peer down and I find Zane.
"Zane?" He looks up at me and he looks past me.
"Do excuse me, I have something to er...do." I runs by me and he stumbles.what's his hurry?" I kickmy boots against the horse's thigh and with a neigh we go off.
I arrive at Meteli and my heart slams.
This...is where I first saw Aphmau.
The air is so much clearer and my mind sketches Aphmau walking over to me. I chuckle to myself and I walk into a little jewlery hut. Their diamonds are cut to an exquisite shapes. My heart bounces on a ring with two pink hearts.
Mine. Yours. Mine and yours. Ours.
"How can I help you sir?" I woman with short hair and a petite stature walks out with her hands on her hips.
"Oh em...? How much it this one?" She bits her lip and calls for someone.
"Eli! Come here!" She rolls her big eyes and a tall man walks in.
"What?" He asks annoyed.
"He wants to know how much this ring is." I scrunch my nose up in distaste of manners but she doesnt seem to care. I walk away with my life with the expense of 20 gold and 10 diamond.
~Time Skip~
I wapk in to see Aphmau with her lips bunched to the side.
"Where were you!? I was worried sick..." She sat down and leaned her head against her arm.
"I'm sorry....Cadenza wanted fabrics...from Meteli." I dcratched my neck and she sighed.
"You couldve told me....I though you left." I knelt beside her and kissed her cheek.
"Ill never leave. Ill always be here."

Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now