Of course (Last chapter)

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(Laurence's POV)
I look out the frosty window and my breath fogs it up. I doodle a heart on it and it started to drip.  The snow outside is miraculous. Covering up the scars of Mother Earth. Covering up memories we all rather forget. My forhead touches the window and I shiver from it's cold touch. Aphmau is outside with the kids. Cadenza came back with Kawaii~chan and Dante....and their little girl Nekoette. Donna and Logan are back and everyone is stable. I think Garroth may be falling for Cadenza. My fingers curl around a simple wooden box. This box holds my future. I step bacl from the window pane and my reflection smiles back at me. Dont be scared. Now or never.
I sigh and sruff the box in my pocket. I find the Aphmau with snow spotting her dark hair.

Her eyes lock with mine and my heart screams in panic

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Her eyes lock with mine and my heart screams in panic. I cant do this. I need more time
Brain: You idiot you have been planning forever!
Heart: what if she isnt ready?
Brain: you had a kid with her shes practically putting the ring on herself!
Heart: what if she says no?
Brain: she won't
"Laurence?" A tiny hand waves in front of my face.
"Erm? Oh sorry" i shake my head and my heart hammers.
"Do you...do you think we can go on a walk?" She looks over at Kiki letting the kids play with the animals.
"Sure." She loops her hand into mine and we start walking.
"So where are we going?"
Heart: oh! to the-
Brain: shut up!
"You'll see." I chuckle. She smiles and lays her head on my shoulder.
"This feels nice. We havent been able to do this in so long..." She takes in a deep breath and releases it. Fog dances around my face and she smiles at the snow. She closes her eyes as we walk in rhythm. Already knowing the steps to the performence. My heart scitters.  My destination is in view. She flutters her eyes open, snow catching in her eyelashes. She looks stunning.
(Aphmau's POV)
I see the statue of Irene and my heart pounces. Tears threaten to spipl but I demand them back. Laurence helps to sit me down at the rim of the statue. The water is frozen over and Irene's hands hold snow as if she were a littke kid, seeing snow for the very first time. Laurence sits next to me and i snuggle against him for warmth.
"Aphmau...I'm really sorry for everything that has happened. I've caused you so much trouble and I feel discpuraged everytime I think of what I've done to you. Ever since I met you I could see my life in your eyes. You are perfect. You are intelligent and caredul. You are a leader and independent. You are gorgeous and breath-taking. If I were to describe you it would take me years." My heart twists and my eyes welcome back the tears that willingly run down my cheeks. He tears himself from my body, leaving the ghost of his warmth.
"I guess.... What i'm trying to say is...I want you to be with me forever even... Even if I mess up some times. I want to live out tue rest of my lufe with you." Lauremce gets on one knee and the world swirls in slow motion.
"I just want you to know I would die before I ever let anything happen to you."

"I love you, Aphmau."

"Of course, my love"

"I knew you would fall for me eventually."

Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now