best uncle ever

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(Aphmaus POV)
I feel something soft on my lips and I open my eyes.  Laurence is looking at me with his head propped up. I blush, no matter how many times we kiss I always get the same butterfly feeling.
"Morning sunshine." he says brushing my hair out of my face.
I slowly turn my body to face him. Everyday it feels like I'm getting heavier, it's quite tiring. He kisses me again and pulls me close to him.
" did you think this would happen?" I snuggle against him.
"Well, the first day I saw you, I was nervous to even say hi, that's when you came in and asked me for direction. You were so gorgeous, I mean you are so gorgeous. You smile lit up my world. I saw,my whole life with you." he caressed my cheek.
"Yeah?" I look at him.
"Yeah." we lay together just enjoying the warmth of each other. When I hear a voice.
"Sorry, Lord aphmau, for interrupting, but we have your reply." I get up and take the envelope.
"Thank you raven, you may be dismissed." then raven flies off.
I sit on the bed and open the letter.
Dear Lord Aphmau,
It is understood I may not have earned your trust to fulfillment but, I can wait. I am glad to hear that everything is fine over there. I would love to see you again! Just say the word and you got it, although, my father is getting impatient. I understand you are home but, my father must know,your answer and soon. Please take care Lord Aphmau.
Your friend,
I smile as I notice a dried flower in the envelope. Laurence gets up and plants a kiss on my neck.
"What's that?"
"Oh, ,nothing. Just a letter from a good friend." He clocks an eyebrow at me and I stick out my tongue. I carefully hide away the letter and start to get dressed, nothing fits me anymore. I look over at Laurence, who is chuckling under his breath.
He let's me use one of his shirts and I put on some sweats. Laurence joins me downstairs for breakfast.
"Ugh, zoey. Can you ask Cadenza to make me bigger clothes please? I think I might let everyone know today." It's been 7 weeks since the news. We think I've been pregnant for 4 when I found out. She nods and passes my a bowl of fruit parfait. I nibble on a strawberry when we heard a knock. Garroth waited at the door.
"Lord Aphmau, I needs to check up on you since you haven't lately. Is everything okay?"
I nod. I hesitate and look over at Laurence. He gives me a smile of approval.
"Garroth.....I need to speak with you." he closes the door and takes a vacant chair. His eyes are clouded with curiousity.
His eyes widen and his jaw drops.
"W-who is t-the f-f-father?" he looks at edge.
"Its......" I looks down.
"Its me,Garroth." Laurence puts his hand on my back.
Garroth gulps down hard.
"O-oh. Congratulation Lord Aphmau. I will protect this child with my heart."
I give him a reassuring smile.
"You'll be the best uncle ever." his eyes light up a little. He gives me a hug and says he should get back to work. Laurence jaw tightens as he walks out. He's holding something in.
(Laurence's POV)
I've been such a jerk to Garroth. I need to apologize to him. He loved Aphmau....and I got angry at him for feeling that way. He's my best friend, and I let my jealousy get in our friendship. I get up and Aphmau looks at me, worried.
"I'll be right back." I miss her fire head and head out side. I find Garroth At the docks.
"Garroth!" I yell over to him.
He looks at me, pained.
"Garroth...I'm Sorry..... I've dreamed of this day and how we would be able to care for the baby, not to fight because who was the father. I'm sorry. I miss you, Garroth."
He looks at me and gives me smile and then frowns again.
"I can't believe you slept with aphmau!"
I roll my eyes.
"I know. I wasn't planning to.... I just got carried away in the moment." he gives me a hug.
"I promise to be the best uncle ever." he looks at the ocean and tells me a plan. I listen in intently. This will be great.
This isn't my drawing but I thought it was so cute! It's about zanvis...btw.

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