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(Aphmau POV)
I rubbed my eyes tiredly as I kept gripping Laurence's hand. He hasn't woken up since he fainted and Garroth isn't back yet. I know he's alive because his chest is still rising. Zoey took the children to Dale's house, so haven't seen them either. Its probably for the best. Their petrified faces carved into my mind. I squeeze his hand tighter to keep myself from crying.
"Laurence...What's going to happen when you wake up? Will I marry him? Or....." I rub harshly at my eyes and let go of Laurence's hand. I wipe my palms on my dress and swallow my tears. I glance at the plate of food Kawaii~chan left for me. I haven't even though about it before because I would feel guilty eating, especially in Laurence's condition. I picked up the plate and dusted the bottom. I stared at the muffins and set one aside, in case Laurence woke up. My eyes stared at the muffin and my mind was consumed by emptiness. That feeling when you are in deep thought, but not. Staring at something, but not. I was pulled back into reality when I realized that I was crushing the muffin. I devoured the muffin, not tasting it. I heard a knock on the door which was the only noise I've heard since the incident. Well, expect my voice. There is a silence and then the door swings open, frightening me.
It was Garroth. And Thank Irene, Cadenza. Tears welled at her eyes as her chest started rising faster.
"Laurence!" she tried to launch herself at his side, but Garroth hugged her.
"You must calm down first...He is..." he looked up at me to make sure that Laurence was alive.
"In not good condition...." Garroth continued. I got up and hugged Cadenza. We cried into each others arms and we calmed together. She walked over to his bedside and rested her hand over his.
"He's cold." she flinched.
"Laurence died....for a second...but then I- I think I brought him back to life." Cadenza's eyes blinked in disbelief. "Brought him back" I nodded my head and she looked at Laurence, tears threatening to spill. Garroth let himself out to retrieve Lucinda and Zoey, attempting his chance once again. I walked over to Laurence and planted a kiss on his forehead.
"Please...." I cried to him, quietly,"come back to me. I love you." I pronounced my love for him once again and met with Zoey and Lucinda right outside the door. I have to save him. We have to save him

The days when the leaves start to drop began. Everything seems to be falling lately the weather, the leaves, my hope, my happiness, tears..... I discussed to Zoey and Lucinda that Laurence is our family. We all have problems and.... Were not innocent either. Lucinda was okay, but Zoey seemed to want to rebel against everything I said. She held her tongue. Smart choice. Garroth hugged me and tried to ask me for anything. I appreciated his effort, but not even the world could fill the void anymore. Zane nodded at Garroth to leave and he wrapped his arms around me.
"Aphmau, I know you love Laurence....but you're killing yourself slowly. I can't just watch this story unfold. I just can't. I love you and letting you starve yourself do you can hold his hand is not something I'm going to allow."  All of the apologize I've been receiving have been nothing but hollow words that soon turned to air. Zane's words were much heavier than that. The held meaning that sunk into my heart.
"Thank you, but I can't go skipping while Laurence is dying either." I gripped Zane's hand harder as the memory of Laurence calling my name faded into my mind. He frowned for words were all he could give me. Support wouldn't bring Laurence back , but it would help me to. Lucinda motioned me into the room and I have Zane a last hug before entering. Laurence was pale and his chest didn't seem to rise. My ears thundered and my heart hammered like a mallet.
"He's not.........he's not gone, right?" my voice shivered as my arms constrained to hold Laurence. Lucinda bit her lip and looked down.
"The...potions were ineffective. Whatever that shooter shot him with was a powerful poison. The wound itself could have killed him." Lucinda looked at me with tears dripping down her cheeks.
"I'm sorry Aphmau. I tried to save him. But I'm a failure." she wailed. I cut off all other noises as my heartbeat struck my eardrums. My last breath was stolen and I looked at Laurence. I wasn't sad he was gone. I was mad he didn't want to stay. Of he wanted to stay he would have fought.
"Laurence! Get up! Get up! You can't just lie there!" I screamed at his cold face. I placed my hand over his heart.
"You said you loved me. You said you would die be for you hurt me. But I'm okay so don't die! Please! It was almost over...." I cried. I sharp pain spread from my hand and traveled up my arm. I light blinded me and my knees buckled under me. I then fell limp on the floor and my mind was nothing but a dead battery.
Laurence, you coward.

Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now