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(Aphmau's POV)
I have Zoey help me get dressed. I am wearing a purple maternity dress,fit for the baby. I have my hair up in a beautiful bun, with the hair piece Zane gave me. I walk out, with Zoey's help, of course. Laurence gives me a quick kiss and we heads down together.
"Remind me why we are dressed up. I mean I'm not complaining." he gives me a cute smirk, showing of his dimples.
"You'll see." I wink at him.
We walk up to the Phoenix drop hate and I take a seat. We wait for about 15 minutes. Then we hear rocks scattering and we see a fancy carriage. All of the villagers gasp and Laurence raises his sword but,i tilt it towards the floor. The smile on my face grows wider and Laurence sighs.I demand Dante to open the hate and Zane walks out. I hear Garroth grit his teeth. I get up and slowly walk over to Zane, his pace much faster. I hug him tight, at first he squirms but, then he accepts my embrace. The jaws off all my villagers drop.
"Zane! I'm so glad you made it!" he nods.
"Me too! The Lord of o'khasis sends you his congratulations." Zane smiles through his Mask and gives me a bouquet of purple flowers.  We hug once again and Zane congratulates me on my baby. I ask Laurence to escort Zane to our spare room. He isn't happy about it but, he agrees. I explain to everyone his appearance. I haven't been out of the house so they couldn't see my belly but, now everyone is going wild. Geez....
"EVERYONE! PLEASE!" that gets their attention and they look at me waiting. I clear my throat before starting again. "People of Phoenix drop! It is true, high priest Zane and I are in good ends. I have been thinking of an alliance. It is also my pleasure to tell you, a new member is upon arrival soon. I am a soon-to-be-mother!" everyone's eyes go wide. There is an uncomfortable silence before Kawaii~chan raises her hand. I nod.
"Kawaii~chan wants to know who the father of Aphmau~senpai's kid is."
I blush a light red and clear my throat again.
"The father is, one of my guards-" I get cut off.
"Is it garroth!?" I hear someone scream but I don't know who. I see Garroth blush a deep red.
"No, the father of my child is Laurence." everyone gasps and everyone starts to cheer. I laugh a little and Zoey helps me to walk to the house. The meeting ends and everyone whispers about something. I don't know what. I head to the house and Zane and I talk. We head to my room and Laurence stares at Zane. I assure him nothing will happen, and he sighs.
"Zane, I have so much to talk about!" hehehe. We talk for over an hour about stories and we caught up. I felt like I've known Zane for forever. Zane passes me two small boxes,
"What are these?" he smiles at me.
"The purple one is for you and the yellow one is for the baby." I carefully untie the bow on the purple one and it was a communication has golden engravings with diamonds. I smile up at him.
"Now, you can just activate it and we can talk." I hug him and he hugs back, finally. Next, I untie the yellow box. Its a little stuffed bunny.  I thank Zane a million times and then Laurence knocks on the door.
"Sorry for interrupting." he said sounding annoyed."but we need to borrow Aphmau, you can come too Zane." Zane and I look at each other and then follow Laurence too the plaza.
My eyes grow wide.

Hahaha cliff hanger! I'm so evil. T'ill tomorrow guys!

Just y'know the scene were APHMAU KISSES LAURENCE! *ahem* have a nice day!

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