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(Zane's POV)
"WHAT!?" I shout. Laurence brings his finger up to his lips. I roll my eye.....s.... Then, adrenaline kicks in. I run down.
"Zoey!" I see her run out...dark bags hanging under her eyes.
"Aphmau....." I gulp and Laurence steps in.
"Aphmau's water broke."
Her eyes open wide and she runs upstairs.

Time skip

It's been a couple of hours since know. They say the birth is going to be early as in now.
I grab Aphmaus hand and Laurence keeps talking to her and letting her squeeze his hand. She groans. Its time. (okay, I'm not going to explain birth to you so I'm going to skip that part)
"It's a girl!" Zoey says, sweat beading down her forehead. Aphmau smiles but winces in pain.
"Lilith..." that's the last thing Aphmau said. Then she fell asleep.

Laurence POV

I cradled the new born baby in my arms as she slowly wiggled

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I cradled the new born baby in my arms as she slowly wiggled. Her sight for blurry as tears flooded me eyes.
" look just like your mother." I snuggle her close to me as Zane sat down and we shared a smile. Man to man.
"You're going to be a great dad." he said, his eyes clouded with sadness. I wonder if his father was good...Lilith started to make babbling  noises and I let out a laugh as I wiped my eyes before tears fell. Zane said he will leave me some time and he left the room. Aphmau was sound asleep...I gave her a kiss on the fore head. Then, I sat down and swung Lilith back and forth slowly.
"Lilith you are a lucky girl." I made a funny face at her and continued."Your mommy and daddy love you very much and Phoenix drop is a beautiful place. You have two brothers named Levin and Malachi! Daddy hasn't asked mommy to marry him but, I promise it will come soon. Then we can be a happy family." I plant a kiss on Lilith forehead." Then you will be older and Okay with Kyle and Alexis! But no boyfriends missy!" I hear Lilith make a cheerful noise. "Already want one? How am I going to deal with you!" I laugh. Lilith wiggled a little and then falls asleep. I keep rocking her and slowly my eyes start to close.

I hear my name being called.
"Laurence?" I rub my eyes and find that Lilith is not in my arms anymore.
"Calm down! Lilith is with Aphmau!" I see it's Lucinda is talking. I swear I feel like she's trying to seduce someone when she talks like that.
"Thanks? Is Aphmau awake?" I say getting up from the chair.
"Yeah but, I would give her some time. She's still in a lot of....pain. Beautiful baby you got there." she winks at me, so I decide to play along.
"Only cause she's got my genes and Aphmaus too." I laugh.
"Riiight, anyway dinner is ready I figured you might want to eat." I nod.
"Wait....why are you here anyway." she pauses and looks back at me.
"Well...after Aphmau gave birth she sent Zoey to fetch all of us girls to see her. So yeah." she turns around and walks into the kitchen and I follow her. 
"LAURENCE!" Garroth walks up to me and pulls me into an embrace.
"You're going to be a great father!"

Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now