All is fair in love...and war?

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(Laurence's POV)

"So....what do fiancee do?"
Heat runs into my face.
"U-um I don't know?"
She turns and smiles.
We walk into the house And aph helps me to my room.
"Care to join me? I try to be suave.
"Um I can't not tonight."
"I'm pretty sure fiancee kiss goodnight." I give her a mocking smile.
She places a kiss on my cheek.
"Nice try Prince charming. Now get to bed. I'll check up on you in the morning."


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"Alright...."  I sigh.She gives me a hug and walks out the room.
I lay in the bed and go to sleep with a smile on my face.

Time slip:morning:
(Aphmaus POV)
Zoey shakes me awake.
"Aphmau! Aphmau!"
I jolt awake. " Zoey what's wrong!?" I'm already jumping out of bed.
"Aphmau!i......I feel the air darken."
Zoey's eyes are cold with fear.
"Please....please go check on everyone."
I nod. " don't worry, Zoey." I give her a trusting smile. I burst into levins room to assure he's okay. He's sound asleep I let out breath. I quickly make my way downstairs and find Laurence. My heart jumps a little. His faces looks distressed. He grabs me by the shoulder a sheet of worry covering his face. "Aph, something isn't right! This feeling....." he runs his hand through his hair. "Its the same as when I came from the nether. This isn't right. What's wrong!?"
"Laurence stay here I'll find out."
"Stay save." he gives me a weak smile. "My love." instead of me blushing I get encouragement from his words I nod and open the door outside is kawawii~chan screaming. With Brendan while Garroth tries to control the situation. I walk up to kawaii~chan.
"Aphmau~senpai. It hurts! This bad feeling Kawaii~chan doesn't like it!"
"What's wrong?"
"There's a dark presence. Very dark. Its frenzied my magical so I can't sense it."
"What do I do?"
"Find the place where it's coming from." she starts to complain about headaches I look over to Brendan.
"She just woke up like this. She started panicking so I carried her here. What wrong!?"
"I have no idea...." I answer him. I breath and make my way to the village.this has to be zane. What did he do!?
With so many thoughts on my head I arrive to the village.I find Kiki panicking she just keeps mumuring too fast too fast too fast.
"Kiki what's wrong?"
"Aphmau, the animals ran out of the farm in a panick. The world it's too fast....too fast."
I run past her. Everything was fine yesterday and now it's like hell has risen.  I run and my heart stops. I very dark aura hits me and I find the black and purple growing elements devouring the village slowly.I find brian outside his house.
" have to help Alexis!"
I run into the house I find Dale screaming. "Don't worry my little princess I'll save you!" He's ......crying.
I turn to molly, tear glistening in her eyes.
"Aphmau help this. Thing. Engulfed Alexis. W-what do i do? Please help us."
I get down on all fours and start trying to break this. It doesn't work it's impossible to break it. I grab my pickaxe and keep striking it. It isn't working!what is this stuff!? I can't breaks it? What? How? What happened? Is Alexis okay? What do I do!? Thoughts start to overwork my brain.I run out and find grey wind. His fur changed I go up to the loving dog but, I receive growls. I turn the corner to the plaza to find the stuff all over the plaza and fire covering most of the land. When I look up. My panick turns to rage. Its Zane. As I start to walk up to him I see Alexis. My breath gets caught in my throat.
Oh no. I step closer to Alexis. I have to save her.
"Not one more step lady Aphmau." he grins."you're going to wish you never questioned me. Now witness THE TRUE POWER OF THE SHADOW REALM!  A light flashes and alexis, oh sweet, innocent,loving,beautiful alexis, turns to a monster in a second just in front of me. She wears the same armor as those in the nether realm. He turned her into a shadow knight.She runs toward me and begins to slash her sword around. She works with her sword like she's been training for forever. I drop my sword. I can't hurt her. I start to walk backwards. No Alexis. As soon as I think this is the end the sword is never slashed down. I see Emma.She walks up to shadow knight alexis.
"Have you seen"
Alexis takes her helm off and speak one simple heart wrenching word.
"" and then she drops to the floor. I run up to her,
"Aphmau.....This woman called me 'mama' Why?" she looks at me her face full of fear, confusion, and sadness.
I trun around gripping my sword.
"Zane..." I turn around ready to find out how I'm going to kill him. But he's gone...
"COME BACK HERE YOU COWARD!IM NOT DONE WITH YOU. I HOPE YOU GET DRAGGED TO HELL, WHERE YOU BELONG!" I scream at the top off my lungs. Emma rushes over to me to calm me down.
"You won't get away with this, Zane" I whisper under my breath. It's not a threat it's a promise.

 It's not a threat it's a promise

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