Stay with me

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So...This is Laurence's point of view when Zane went into the forest after that its back to present times.
(Laurence's POV)
I let the falling leaves of Autumn swirl their way around me. The cool breeze didn't help my overflowing anger. I wish I could just cork it and hide away for 13 years like good wine. I put my head between my legs and I hear the leaves chatter. I growl and swiftly turn on my heel. Zane shows up and puts his jands in front of him in defense. I let my shoulders relax and he gives a smile. He plops next to me as I sit on my marked tree. The tree didnt deserve to be hit and mistreated, but lots of people are hurt without deserving it. Sounds familiar huh? Zane looked over at me and I noticed his face showed signs of battle. Bruises and cuts lingered and faded into his face. I drew in a breath and he chuckled emphatically.
"Aphmau, needs you." He whispered and I learned against the tree,
"Zane, I havent been with Aphmau for too long and I'm only causing her pain and troubles. Heck, I made our grave yard multiply by 3! I'm just making things worse. If I stay with her, ill just feed her a life of pain." I rub my eyes and he laughs. A pure hearty laugh.
"The only thing that will hurt her more than you being here is not being here." Zane smiled at the moon. He pointed at the moon. A speck of a lighter tone of white the moon danced through the black night sky. I looked at him for explanation, but he just shrugged and tilted his head to ward the stone road. I looked and Aphmau, holding her hands open, looked at the moon. She had a smile of hope on her face and my heart bursted in flames.
I wish it all got better. Her voice wrapped around my throat and Zane got up. I quickly reached for his hand and he looked at me.
"I'm so sorry...." I bowed my head to the ground and Zane knelt beside me.
"I forgive you because Travis showed me how much he truly cared for me....and now its my turn to show him too." I released his hand and he disappeared into the brush. I peeked out of the forest and, from the corner of the eye, saw Aphmau peeking over at me. I couldnt help but smile, a reall smile, an amazing smile. I hadn't smiled in so long I Almost forgot how to.  I turn to meet her face and she stumbles back a little.  "Hey."
She looks down. "Hey..." I look at her still open hands and I look at the moon. Another smile escapes me. I grab her hand and she jumps. I let out a breath and the breeze flows through me. "Everything will be fine. I promise."
(Aphmau POV)
I snuggle against the warm memory of yesterday and a hand brushes my hair away. I crinkle up my nose and sneeze. I hear a laugh and I open an eye.
I jump and Laurence falls unexpectedly.
"L-Laurence!? Since when..." I push my bangs from my face and he looks at me, smiling. His bags are lighter than before, but his skin show a no sign of having color. He laughs and pick himself up from the floor. "Sorry... I forgot we havent been together in a while." He sat next to me on the bed and sucked in a breath. I ket out a small laugh and he smiled in relief to know I wasnt bothered. I saw the doorknob wiggle and all three kids bursted into the room. Malachi looking older and older every second, but not becoming one inch less intellegent. Levin is still wanting to a guard, but hes got the flirties for a girl. Lilith....she's still bittersweet. Laurence opens his arms for them to give him a hug and Malachi smiles and, surprisingly, gives Laurence a hug too. I hear Zoey call the kids, her voice still rough and her structure still to thin, but now she can walk. Ive been forcing her to take walks and to eat more and she's getting better with time. Garroth is healing incredibly fast and has bonded tightly with Levin. The kids stumble downstairs and Laurence looks at me.
"Im sorry I wasnt myself for so long. I love you. I love them. I realky do and Im so sorry." He trembles under fear and I slide over to him. I push him to my chest and he wraps his hands around me.
"Please stay with me..." I whispered.
"Of course....will you?" He looked back at me, his eyes glimmering with a new light ive never seen before.
"Without doubt."

Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now