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(Laurence's POV)
Its almost sun rise and Aphmau isn't back yet......I'm starting to worry. Then I hear someone open the door.
"Soooooo......tired.....just.....five minutes." I smile knowing it's Aphmau. I catch her when she falls next to me on the bed.
"Laurence why are you in my room."
"It is!? Oh my stupid blind brain I had no idea." I smirk trying to play dumb.
"Haha" she yawns. "You're lucky that I'm too tired to...." and with that she's asleep. I wish I could see her. I gently rub her head.when I'm sure she's asleep I pull her closer. I wish I could have held her for longer  but the tired hit me. So I lay asleep next to her.

 So I lay asleep next to her

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TTime skip: morning

(Aphmaus POV).
I wake up I'm my room. I thought Laurence was with me. I rub my arm emberassed that this is becoming a routine. I find a platter of blueberry pancakes with a note.
Didn't want to wake you up. You were so tired. Zoey is playing with Levin and I went for a walk. Now don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Now go do your Lord business, my love. I'm not taking that one back. Please be careful.
I smile. He's such a dork. I put on my armor and make my way downstairs.
I want to talk to Garroth about maybe letting me have a resting day.I open the doors and speak of the devil.
"Good morning lady Aphmau."
"Morning. I'm Garroth I know that it's not the Right time with all the madness going but...."
"Lady Aphmau if you need to talk a day to gather your thoughts then go right ahead. We are working on keeping the stuff at bay."  he smiles.
"Every Lord needs some time too."
"Thanks so much garroth." he nods.
I make my way to the village. I don't want to talk to anyone today. Just me and nature. I walk in the direction where the Lord's house was. I bite my lip remembering Zenix.  I take some breaths and walk east of it. I don't know where  I'm going but, I don't care. I sit down under an oak tree.
I hear humming so I follow the tune.its Laurence. He starts to sing little bits and then starts to him the parts he doesn't heart starts to beat unreasonably fast.I close my eyes shut. Start to breath heavy. I open them and Laurence is in front of me.
"Hi love." he says casually. I scream so loud and push him to the ground. I clench my search cause it feels like I had a heart attack.
"Oh my Irene. Laurence you can't sneak up on people like that." he just sits on the floor laughing.
"I didn't know it was you so it would been awkward if it was someone else." he starts to laugh. He takes liking to sitting on the floor so he gets comfortable.
"Why were you spying on me?" He smirks.
"I wasnt! I told Garroth I was taking a day off." He smirks "to see me?" I roll my eyes. " no to relax."
"Uh -huh." I start to walk away and he carefully picks himself up.
He starts to follow me. "Well then, we should relax together." He searched for my hand. "I want to be alone, laurence." he pouts.
"Fineeeeeeee" he finds my hand. " I knew you couldn't resist me."
We sit under a tree again.
"I need to figure out this black stuff."
"Well I'm pretty sure raven knows about."
"How do you know  raven?"
He paused. "U-ungurth." I see him start to shake.
"Laurence.,,..." I pull him into a hug.
"I'm fine Aphmau." He says.
"It's okay Laurence. I'm here for you."
He smiles and pulls me toward his chest."I would lean on you but you're too short." he chuckles a little, and I smile with him.
"I'll let that one slide."
"On being generous are we?" he puckers up.
"Nooooot that generous." he starts to laugh. " I love when we joke like this"
"Me too."
I lean on him. "I didn't know being a Lord was so stressful.".
"Seems like it." he answers back.
"In going to kick you out of my house."
"W-what!. Why?" he looks shocked.
"I let Dale and Molly use my room."
"I don't mind me sharing mine," he smiles.
"Yeah ok don't get to ahead of yourself Casanova." he chuckles
"That's me,"
I stick my tongue at him. And he echoes, we just sit there and laugh.
"Laurence thanks for sitting here and annoying me but, I should go to raven.for the stuff." he nods.
"I'll wait at home. But I think I'm going to stay here a little longer,"
I get up and grab my sword. Now where was the Dragon cave again?I walk and seem to be lost. Then I see the wyverns.what's going on here?
I walk up to raven. "Ungurtg,,,...he's gone."
"I'm so sorry," I say.
"Why are you here.!" he demands.
"I'm here because of something black and purple eating my village."
"I rip between our world s........alright I'll help. Inside are some materials you'll need 5 Tanzania and 10 chiseled quarts do not take more than you need, or else it won't go well."
"Okay. Is that all?"
Raven looks over the little shrine where a thing in the middle is glowing."a soul fragment,,....." raven gets the glowing thing and sets it in my hands."
"This was ungurths soul. Place it in the middle of the statue and fill it with water." I nod "thank you."
(i was too lazy to write how it actually went. I'm getting to the good stuff. 😏)
I walk into the the wyverns cave and grab as much chiseled quart and Tanzania I can grab. I run home. My village will be saved.

(Laurence's POV(
I start to make my way home carefully.I go down stairs and lay on my bed. I smile. 3 years ago I didn't think my life would be this. I'm a shadow knight. But man was I blessed to have met her. I'm lucky. U wave my hand in front of my face. Sort of. Everything I see is black. I look up at the ceiling,probably. And then a blinding light covers my eyes.
"Arghhhh." roll off the bed covering my eyes, it felt like someone stabbed my eyes out.
"Laurence!" I hear Candenza and I reach out for her. I start to rub my eyes,
"I'm fine I'm fine." I gasp for breath Its just-" I open my eyes and instead of seeing the nothing I see my beautiful, caring, smart sister.
"C-cadenza, I can see you! I can see everything!" I start to cry.
"Laurence!" she hugs me tight.
"Candenza I'm sorry for always being a jerk. I love you!
"I love you too brother"

Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now