Happy past (Halloween Special)

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Hello guys!!!!!!
Happy Halloween!!!!!
I know my chapters have been some what....grusome. but don't worry, the love shall return!!!!
Now enjoy this Halloween special of when moments were still jolly.


(Laurence 's POV)

I set down the last mini pumpkin next to our little pumpin family. Aphmau came up to me smiling with the kids dressed as knights.....except Lilithl she wanted to "be like mommy".
"The kids are going to go with Kyle." She smiled down a the kids. They ran off to join Emma and Kyle. She said and leaned against me.
"Y'know? Maybe...we can go trick or treating too?" She smiled up at me.
"Oh yeah?" I laughed back. She grabbed my hands and lead me to the kitchen.
"Mhm" she covered my eyes.
"Dont open them!" She warned and I nodded obediently.  K heard some movement and she drew in a breaht.
"You can open them now..." I chuckled and I opened my eyes. My breath stopped and my heart pounded. She had cute purple ears and a swishing tail. She was dressed as a meifwa.
"D-do you l-like it?" She fingered with her tail, which I found adorable! I nodded and I kissed her. She took out some tan ones...
"Um?" I quickly smiled nervously.
"Oh come on, you didn't think I was go in out on a limb did you?" She smiled at me mischeviously.
"You tell a girl you love her,  and sh forces you to be a meifwa." I sighed sarcasticly.
"Oh come on pretty boy! We still have a couple of years left! " she elbowed me and I waved my hand.
""Yeah, yeah." She jumped and laughed.
"My favorite time of the year! " she screamed to the whole village. I saw her jump and playfully hum. She was childish sure, but I rather like  it that  way.
I love her
I símiles and she pointed  at the Gaurd tower.
"Its never  been  this decorated before!" She smiled in awe.
"Why don't we see the inside?" I smirked, cunningly. She knew
"I would be rather flattered so, Mr. Zvhal." She mocked in a British accent.
"After you Mrs. Zvhal... I MEAN-" I quickly stumbled over my words and she merely giggled.
"Why thank you." She kissed me and a closed the door behind us.
She was my happy in Happy Halloween.

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