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( Laurence POV)
My brain snapped like a wire. My fears filled what used to be memories.
I killed so many with my hands and not my mind. Relief filled my hands as they cooled. But my happiness didn't last for long. I got up from this....this dungeon. I got up and a mirror brought my distraught appearance to reality. My neck was covered with bruised and .y tongue was as blue as the calming lake water. But this was not calming. No. This made my blood rush and it filled my head. I heard a shriek echo through the boat. Aphmau? I gripped my chest to keep from screaming her name. If I did that they would know I'm not in control of that woman's dirty hands. I threw some water on my face and pushed my hair out of my face. I quickly grab my coat and rush out. The water on my face stings cold as the freezing air welcomes me to a bloody battlefield. Dead men lay sprawled on floors decorated with their blood. Some of them are limping or groaning, but most don't make it far. I quickly draw my sword for any sense of an enemy and my heart collapses when I see an angel with blood marking her steps.
"Aphmau!" I call out to air. She doesn't stop in her trail nor glances in my direction. She just keeps running.
"Aphmau! Hold on!" nothing.
A man with dark hair catches my eye. He snarls as men challenge him. With a flick of a wrist is competition is no more. His jaw tightens as he looks in my direction. I will kill you.
The threat pounces on my skull as Zane grips his sword signaling battle.
"You let him die! You let them all die! You almost killed Aphmau! let me die." He looks down as tears roll down his face.
"Travis didn't deserve to die." His sadness Fed to his raging anger he had against me and I don't blame him. If he had let Aphmau die I would cut his tongue off clean.  I smiled at him...not to mock him, but to show him I accepted his anger. His glare softened, but his sword stay pointed at my heart. Zane crumbles to the ground.
"I can't...." he throws his sword to he side as he hugs himself. I walk over to him and he looks at me with pale blue eyes.
"I can forgive you, but I can never forget." He drew in a breath to balance out his heart beat and a hand settled on my shoulder. I gripped my sword, but a voice welcomed my calmness.
"Laurence.....?"  Garroth?
I turned around and he have me a smile, but his hand lay clutching his side.
I choke on my breath as I remember stabbing him clean in the side.
"Garroth I'm so sorry.... I didn't..." I but the inside of my cheek thinking of an excuse for letting myself be taken over so easily. He smiled and patted my shoulder as Zane helped his brother balance. They both looked as if their hearts have caved in....and as if mine was about to too. My eyes widened in alert as my footsteps pounded on the wood of the ship.
"Aphmau!!!" I saw her getting ready to jump over the end her sorrow or to escape safely. I'm not sure, but I'm glad I stopped her. Her dark eyes met With mine and her lip quivered. She let out a gasp and her cheeks were stained with dirty tears. Her hands and Her dress were stained with blood of those who had fallen today. Either good or bad. She reached out for my, but quickly brought her hand back to her chest.
"L-Laurence...?" she asked,her voice shaky.
"Yes....I'm so sorry." I quickly wrapped my arms around her as she sobbed into my shoulder.
"I thought I lost you to that snake! She killed Travis and Dale and..." She let cries fill me with guilt as I hugged her closer to my slow beating heart. Her nails dug into my chest as she seemed comfort in my murderous arms. I heard footsteps, but I wasn't alarmed since they stopped at the sound of Aphs cries. I held her hand and she dried her tears on my shirt.
"It's time to go.." Garroth called for our leave in this massive graveyard, not like home was any better. She squeezed my hand in his her face under her hair.
"Okay..." I helped her over the railing as Garroth, already in the rescue boat, helped her in. I jumped in and held onto Zane's shoulder for balance as the boat swayed under my feet. My throat closed as I saw it was Brendan who rowed over to us at Raven's plead. I grabbed one of the oars and assisted Garroth I'm pedaling while Aphmau used Zane as a wall to lean on. She was soon asleep. I was disgusted with My own being, how could I have let this happen to her. I promised her I would die before I hurt her..,.but I am afraid that promise was broken long ago. My arms sting in exhaustion as the docks finally came to view. Instead of having a smile in relieve to be here, long dead bodies of our warriors and theirs lay scattered among the red-tinted sand. I carry Aphmau, afraid for her to wake at this, and I run to see the village. I burst into the house and I see Zoey, no, I skeletal like woman with the face of our beloved Zoey. Her smile for mere memory is replaced by bones covered with thin skin. Her eyes are extinguished and she slowly looks over at me.
" ready." She collapses to the floor and I hear footsteps down the floor. I see the pale faces of my three children. They pause at my appearance, but then quickly rush to attend to Zoey. Lilith runs to me and hugs my leg.
"Daddy! I missed you so much! I thought you joined Thorgi!" She cried into my pants and Levin joined me for a hug, quickly drowned in worry for his mother, who lays in my arms.The kids set Zoey down on a chair and force her to eat and drink as I sneak by to our....I mean Aphmau's bedroom. I lay her down and move her hair out of her face. Her face looks stressed and her voice curls into my name.
"" She squirms under the grasp of a nightmare. And I kiss her forehead. A tear appears on her cheek, but it's not here.
"I love you, seems as the world has other plans for us....and I fear it does not involve us being together..." I make out to her as her breaths steady. I cover her and lean against her wall. The room fills with my efforts not to cry...but it's all in vain. I've already fallen to deep into this pit. She saw a side of me I didn't even knew existed and some had to pay with their lives.Even some she loved.Aphmau I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve any of this. Maybe our fate was an allusion.

Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now