melancholy heart

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(Laurence POV)
I groan and snuggle Aph closer to me as I hear some horns. She whimpers and open a her eyes. A weak smile appears on her face and then she yawns.
"Good morning." I say as I kiss her forehead. She nods and lifts herself from bed to look out the window. Her eyes widen as she looks at me and back outside. She fishes through her closer and chooses a elegant lavender dress.
"Can you help me?" I nod and button the back of her dress.
"Why are you getting ready?"
"The Lord's son is here!" she dashed out and I followed. The Lord's son was an attractive guy, which kinda made me more protective of Aph.
"Good day, lady Aphmau." he said as he kisses her hand. She put on her brightest smile and nodded.
"As to you as well." I glanced at Garroth who looked confused as well. I don't remember getting a letter of his up bringing.
"May we talk over tea?" His eyes darted over to me for a quick second.
"Alone." he furthered his request. Aphmau looked at me and back at him.
"Why of course." The brunette escorted my love away from me. I gritted my teeth and I felt Garroths hand on my shoulder.
"I'm sure its just concerning the Phoenix Alliance." I nod. Yeah, that's probably it.
I left circled worn into the dirt from my pacing. Aph.....why is he here!? I finally sat down and put my head in my hands.
"L-laurence....." I lift my head up to meet Aphs teary eyes.
"Aph....what's wrong?" I embrace her as she cries into my shoulder.
"I'm so sorry!" she sobs leaving my shirt wet, but I don't care.  Worry knaws at my brain as she gathers her breaths.
"I love you...." I nod.
"I know, and I love you just as much." i keep her in my embrace, a barrier against everything.
"Laurence....I'm engaged." My breath gets caught in my throat and my heart stops. She's engaged....and it's not me. My heart start resign and I want to knee that guy's face in. I want to blow him off the face of the Earth so I can Aph. I want her all to myself. She's mine. I calm myself and nod. Aphmau would never marry someone unless it was for the fate of Phoenix drop.
"I understand Aph. I know that you love me and I will never stop loving you. I know this is important, do what is needed, m'lady." I seal my lips before I can burst into tears. She starts to cry again and I hear a knock on the door.
"Mommy? Daddy?" a little squeaky  voice calls. Tears prick at the back of my throat. Not only will I be losing Aph, but the kids as well. Will they start calling him daddy too? I Snyder at the thought.
"Yes, sweetie?"
"Auntie Zowie says dinner is ready!"
"Well be right there , love"
I hear her little slippers tap down the stairs and I let out a breath. I look at Aph's eyes,now puffy from crying.
"I'll go downstairs, feel free to come when you're ready." I kiss her forehead and I leave Aphmau sitting on the bed, stunned.
I brush my hand through my hair and rub my eyes.
Lilith runs up to me and wraps herself around my leg. I let out a sad chuckle as I walk with her still clinging to my leg. I pick her up and brush her hazel hair from her eyes. I kiss her forehead and tickle her tummy. She let's out cute giggles and pushes my hand away. Zoey flashes me a glare and I set Lilith down.
"Dad! Look what I made with Brendan!" Levin runs up to me with a little wooden hammer.
"Woah! That looks great bud!" I ruffle his hair. Stay happy. Happy happy happy happy. For them. For Aph. For Phoenix drop. Aph finally comes down and sits next to me. She, too, acts as happy as she can. Form time to time shell look at me allowing some of her sadness to appear in her eyes. Zoey kept looking at both of us, trying to figure out the thread. I walked with Aph upstairs and she stopped me at the bedroom door.
"I think....I think I need some time alone." that was the final blow to my heart. I let a few tears slip and I nodded.
"I just need to get used to not being with you." I hugged all the kids and let them know I was going to Uncle's place. They assumed it was a sleepover. Malachi didn't buy it, and Zoey didn't either.
Zoey stopped me at the door.
"Laurence, what's going on?"
" the string was cut." I leave the house before I break down.
I left the house with my melancholy heart.

Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now