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(Aphmau's POV)
"Aaaahh!" I scream. I see Garroth run to me "A-aphmau?" I look up to him. His face turns twisted with fear.
"Where's his house?" I say through gritted teeth. Garroth points to his direction. "Tnt." I demand. Garroth hesitated and looked at me. "NOW!" he nods and runs off. I step in front of the place where Zane stayed.
"You demon. You contaminated my village with your dirty hands." finally the adreline stops and fear comes back to cocoon me. My tight grip loosens into shaking hands. Garroth sets the tnt down and I start it. We run back and Garroth hugs me from behind to make sure I don't get hurt. ( I'm sorry I also ship garmau, but it's larmau is time to shine right now so sorry garroth). I get up and bust into the house.
"ZANE!" before I can continue screaming my mind goes blank. I see skeletons. I drop to my knees.

 I drop to my knees

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A-are these my......people? I start to cry and Garroth runs up behind me. He stops cold on his tracks.
"I'll get Brian to identify these people." he has my same worry. He leaves to fetch Brian. I feel a sour taste in my mouth. I want to throw up. He is a horrible person. The stench stings my nostrils. Garroth comes back with Brian and grey wind.
"I'll search the perimeter.....I'm so sorry lady Aphmau."
I look at him His eyebrows drawn together.I sigh. " not now Garroth, we need to save Alexis." he nods. " Brian I need you to identify who these people are." with that Garroth walks off.
I come up to brian. "These bodies have been decayed for a while." I stay silent. " that means it can't be our people."he explains. " they could have been dug up. There is dirt on them. Keep searching." I nod.
Time slip :a few hours
I start to get annoyed. I get frustrated. I start to bang on the wood. I hear a clank. That's not wood......I dig my fingers into a small crack and manage to open a door. I smile from the success but, frown because I remember why this is all happening.I bite my lip and look back at Brian.then fear surronds me. Without one word to anyone I climb into the hole. This is for Alexis.I grip my sword. I squint my eyes to focus on anything in all the black. I see something in the corner of my eyes.
"What the hell is that...." I whisper to myself. I grip my sword tighter. It's not attacking me? I carefully take slow steps toward the creature. Beads of sweat slide down my face. As I get closer I see it's holding something.
Badump badump badump
A.....heart? I step in front of the creature and I'm pleased to find its not attacking me. The creature flinched at my sword.
"P-please....don't hurt me!" the thing quivers. What if this is a trap out by Zane? Does he think I'll pity? He's wrong There.
"I will if you don't start talking."
The thing starts to cry?
"I just want to go home!I didn't do anything! I promise! The many with a white cloak out me here, I just want to go home...." Zane that little..... I look at the specimen with softer eyes.
"Calm down.....tell me what-" I bite my lip. That kind of sounds rude."I mean who you are."  they nod. " thank you...I don't remember who I am.....its always been painful and dark." they start to cry again."but...,,there was one light and that was home."I start to run my temple."that doesn't make any sense!" the creature flinched when I raised my voice.
"T- the the man told my I as stage heart of the shadow Lord........he said the sacrifice of my humanity would be able to bring the shadow Lord back to his physical form....please You must believe me." I start to feel like my head is about to explode. "Yeah, I do" I look up to him. " aren't you gonna run?"
He? I'll just call him a he. He looks at me "I can't when the light touches me I hurt deep inside," I sadden for him. "Do you remember anything?"
"You look familiar other than that no...." "I see"
"I'll try to bring help." he stops trembling,
"Thank you but I don't think I can be saved, over in that corner is something that he was hiding it looked expensive. Take it as my thanks."  I nod. " thank you I'll come back if I can find help."
"If I'm gone....than you for helping me feel that feeling again......hope." I smile in response.I feel so awful just leaving it here.
Badump badump badump.
The heart catches my attention again.I bite my lip. Maybe this could be.....helpful? I decide to take it. I cringe at the feeling and stuff it in my backpack quickly. I cover my mouth so I don't start to gag. I look around. I'll come back. I start shiver. Yeah I need to get out of here. I search the walls and feel a ladder? I start climb up and I see the light again. It stings my eyes but I'm grateful. I run past Brian in search for Garroth I need to find him. I find him distressed.
"He's gone. I should be happy but.......I just want to destroy him!for what he did."
"Lets focus on Alexis Garroth."
He turns to me.
"Don't you thing that what I'm trying to do!? Isn't that what I've been trying to do!? Huh!? If just..."
"Garroth calm down..,,,please."
"I'm trying Lord Aphmau.....I'm trying so hard. If I just my feelings aside and just married everyone would be okay.......they would be okay." my heart tugs with sympathy but, I have to be strong.
"D-did you find anything?" I tell Garroth about the hole and the creature and the heart.7yyy by uu
"Let's go. I must see this." I nod and lead. We arrive at the place. I don't that the thing collapsed.
"I-it was here! How!?"
"Lady Aphmau I can sense the magic is here." he sighs. " just careful with that heart especially with Levin. Just go rest for tonight. I run my arm and nod. I see grey wind run against my knee whining. What's going to happen?

Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now