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(Aphmaus POV)
I gripped my shirt as my heart thundered in my ears. Bile threatened to rise up my throat and i covered my mouth in disbelief. Zane looked at the ground, sniffling. Travis. Travis....Travis? Travis lay on a silk bed with patches of purple blotching his skin. Zane walks over to the bed and squeezes Travis' hand.
"Zane...what is happening? Why are you letting him rot without a proper burial?" I let the words spill out of me with frustration. He blinks tears out of his eyes and clenches his teeth. "Travis ain't dead Aphmau! I was going to bury...him...but Lucinda! She told me there was a faint beat. Then.....then this happened..." He swallowed hard as purple faded into Travis' skin. He looked at me with pleading eyes. "If...this doesn't work ill bury him bit please...please! Let me try...I wabt him back...aphmau... I love him. " Zane's shoulders tremble as he grips back his pain. I fidget with my shirt unsure of what to do. I was mad that Zane of all people would do this... But. If it was Laurence would i do the same? If there was still a chance.... I have done this before. I let out a shaky breath and calmed my posture.
"Alright...ill give you three days." He smiles weakly in relief that his love has a second chance. He nkds and lets go of Travis' hand. "Thank you aphmau, thank you. Thank you thank you!" His blurry blue eyes show a glimpse of twinkle but it disappers as soon as it appears. I nod and motion him to join me outside.
"Zane... I don't know what to do." I shrug as he closes the door behind him. He draws a quick breath and realeases it along with his feelings. "I'm sorry but i dont think i can comprehend?" He looks at me and his mouth twitches. I look down and Zane embraces me. "With Laurence... With the kids....neck with the while village!" I throw my hands up in fury. He looks at me with sympathy and he comes to a halt. He grabs both my hands in his and gives me a smile.
"He'll come around. Its gonna take a littke nore than a couple of days for him to heal." Zane pulls me into a hug and he walks into the forest. I look down into my hand and there lay a single petal of a white rose.  Something about it made tears claw up my throat. I closed both my hands around it and blow into both my hands. My hands become humid and I let the wind take the rose. I wish it all gets better. I look at the moonlight as the petal blends with its shining white light. I sigh and see Laurence walk out of the woods.  I walk behind him and i can see him smile. Not a pity or sympathy smile, but one that makes the corners of his eyes crinkle and that show his dimples. My heart skips and he turns around. The fsmilar bags still hang under his eyes, but they don't bother me.
"Hey." He calls.
"Hey..." I look at my hands where the petal once was. Laurence looks up at the moon and smiles at me. He takes my hand in his and he lets out a quick breath.
"Everything will be fine. I promise." He whispers into the my wish floated into his heart. I smile at him and tears swimin my eyes.
"Mommy!" I see a little shadow holding anothers hand. Lucjnda smiles in our direction and giggles as Lilith waves a bunch of flowers in the air. I giggle and laurence squeezes my hand.
" i almost forgot how perfect this place really can be." I draw in a breath and, like Zane, realeased it along with my feelings.
There is always a better tomorrow.

Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now