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(Aphmau's POV)
I bite my lip as I wave good-bye to Laurence. He's gotten so much better...unbelievably fast. I feel like he's hiding it from me, he has a tendency of doing that...
"Mommy. Zoey went with Kiki can I stay with you?" Lilith looked at me with pretty-please-with-cherries-on-top eyes. I sighed and patted her her head with a nod. Zane broke through the door.
"Aphmau!" He caught his breath in panic. His eyes flickered over to Lilith and our stares clashed.
"May...may i have a word or two with you?" He calmed his tone,but his eyes showed distressed. I looked over to Lilith and she pouted up the stairs.
"What is it Zane?" I kept my voice in a mid-whisper just in case Lilith was eavesdropping. His eyes scattered.
"Travis...he's awake. And he's not happy. Aphmau, Travis has been hiding some secrets from us." His Adam's apple bobs up amd down as my heart scitters. I grab my coat and look to the stairs.
"Ill be right back sweetie! Wake your brothers up!" I dash out the door and the snow under my feet crunch. I try my best to swallow the snowball in my throat. Zane doesn't dare look back to see my reaction, he just keeps on walking.
"What do you mean.... Secrets?" The word tastes like poison on my mouth. Zane freezes still, like an ice sculpture.
He continues walking and I hear a glass shatter in Lucinda's house followed by a shriek. My pace races and Zane jolts to the door.
"Lucinda!" Her name rises into the air. Silence slices the air. Zane barges into the door and we see Lucinda standing above Travis with a broken bittle in hand.
"Guys!' She weeps. She stumbles over into my arms and Zane kneels over Travis.
"Zane....hes fine. He was just unstable for the herb. Hes okay." Zane takes a thankful breath and his eyes scan Lucinda.
"Im okay." She answers his mental question.
"Whats going on..?" I help Lucinda to her feet. She looks at me and then at Zane.
"Travis....isnt aa human as we thought..." She gulps and pulls her hair back.
"Hes part demon, lord aphmau." She spits outthe word demon like it left a bad taste in her mouth.
"What?" I demanded further explanation.
"Its seems....he wasnt keeping anything from us if he didnt know....Travis is dead, but a potion he was given as a child without his consent is playing its part. Its both a blessing and a curse. Hes part demon Aphmau." Zane's forehead creases. He didnt know this either.
" Travis... What potion?" Zane sputtters out. Lucinda fiddles with her hands.
"Forever potion. Hes been possesed by this potion since a child. Baby Gravis is locked inside, asleep' whupe the potion builds its own memories and personality. The Travis we know may not be who really is..." Zane stumbked back as if hit bare in the chest. Hes breath fumbles and his eyes are torn.
"So...what you are saying...if the potion realeses Travis he wont know how I am?" Zane cries out and Lucinda nods. Zane looks at Travis and his eyes capture on Travis' limp body.
"When do you think he'll be concious?" The question slips and Lucinda takes a shaky breath.
"About an hour. Why?" She places the broken bootle in the sink.
"I must have a word with him." She looks over at Zane and he nods in approval.
"Very well. I think I'll take a walk. Would you join me, Zane?" He loooed at me and I have a reassuring smile. Ill be fine. He takes Lucinda's hand and they close the door. I help Travis up to a chair. I kneel beside him and wait. And wait. And wait. And-
"Mmm?" I see Travis' lips part. His lavender flesh fading.
He starts to growl and then his chest wells up with air and then shrinks.
"A......Aphmau?" His eyes are glowing green.
"Yes! It's me! Yes! Are you okay!?" My heart patters with excitement and Travis lets out another growl. The purple in his hands growing darker.
"No....Not really. Where....Where is Zane!?" His eyes grow and they dart around the room.
"He's fine. Physically..." I let out a sigh.
"W-what do you mean physically?" His eyes squint.
" died trying to fight for Zane. Zane refused to bury you and your skin started to tint. Tra is you came back from the dead." His eyes roam his chest, trying to feel his heartbeat.
"W-what is happening to me!?!?" He screams out to me and I flinch. I set my hands on his shoulders.
"Its okay. You're back. Lucinda is working on a remedy. You're okay, Zane shoukd be back any minute."
I glance at the door and Travis groans.
"my head feels like a bomb." I nod and give him some water. Click
"Zane I just dont know..." Lucinda's voice echoed through the roam.
Zane opened the door and his eyes clashed with Travis'.
"T.....Travis?" Zane's eyes swimmee with tears and Travis jumped to his feet.
"Zane! Im so glad you're okay!!!" Travis wraps his arms around Zane. He places his hands on Zane's cheeks and Travis kisses him.
"I love you! I can't believe this....youre okay. You truly are okay!!!" Zane cried and Lucinda covers her mouth with her hand. I smile and Travis groans, alarming Zane.
Tra is puts hand up.
"Im okay..." Zane and Lucinda help Travis stand straight.
"You should get some rest." Lucinda sneaks a recommendation in. Zane nods and I look out the window.
"Ill come back tommorow. I have my own little bugs to check on." I giggle and Travis chuckled. I slip out and I see Laurence leaned against a tree. His eyes grow wide and he stumbles to get up.
"A-A-Aphmau!" He starts to nervously laugh with both hands behind his back.
"Laurence?" I step closer to him amd Levin calls after us.
"Guys!!! Look what Uncle Garroth gave us!!! Levin waves a sword in the air and Malachi laighed from behind him. Laurence lets out a breath. I turn to see him and he stiffened up again.
Whats he hiding?
He wapks next to me and the cherry blossoms begin to lose their color.
"Hey Aph?" Laurence grabs my hand.
"Will you......" He looks down and swallows.
"Will you always be happy with me?" I sniled and leaned my head on his shoulder.
"I will always love you." I giggle


Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now