failed plan

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(Aphmaus POV)
I start searching the cell for a loose brick or maybe a hole, but nothing. This place is locked tight. I pull on the bars when I hear foot steps.....shoot.
I dash to my bed and pretend to be asleep. I can hear my heart beat racing. I'll admit I'm a bit scared but, I can't let him see through me.
"Get up." I'm surprised it's not Zane's voice. Its an O'kahsis guard. I nod and get out. My only way to get out is if I'm out of that cell. He opens the door and I push past him. I hear him yelling but I'm in tunnel vision. My brain is only focused on getting out. The way back home? I don't know. I'll figure it out. I run through a maze of halls and I see more guards join the chase. I see double doors and focus my attention there. I push through. I was right. I'm finally outside. I hear more yelling, but I don't care. Then I hear a slight whistle and a pain in my arm. Every thing blacks out.

(Zane's POV)
I hear some yelling down the hall. I get up and walk past my door.
"What's going on!?"
"Sorry for the interruption sir, but she's on the loose." I hear more yelling and stomps. I grab my coat and run outside (it's the early days of winter)
I know my guards could do anything right now, I call out her name. I have to catch her before they do.
"Aphmau!" i see her keep running. Why would she stop for me? I bring up my pace as fast as I can. I see an arrow. Dig into Aphmaus arm. I scream as she drops into the ground. No. My Irene....I see the guard smiling to himself proud.
"What were you thinking!?" I yell.
He looks down at my and then to the side ashamed,
I run over as well as some other guards. She's out cold. I see the guards lift her. The start to carry her inside. That arrow was to close to her heart....let's hope it didn't puncture anything too vital. I run in and call a healer magicks.I see them take the arrow out carefully and I cringe. That stupid girl....what was she thinking? I scoff to myself as they wrap a clothe around her arm.
"So?" I ask, intentfully.
"Well. Shell live but, she's got a broken bone and some torn muscle.
In going to have to stitch her up."
I fidget with my sleeve cuff.
"How long until she's healed?"
I see her study the question. "Around a month?" my eyes grow wide.
"A month!?!?" she nods. I rub my temple. Isn't this going swell.
"Alright. I'll wait to see her wake up. I need a couple word with her." she furrows her brows.
"B-but sir!" I stare at her and she walks out,
"Please let her rest." then she scurried off. I sigh, the only way to keep these people in line is with fear. Sadly.  I sit in a chair at the corner. I start to get sleepy and then I hear groan.

(Aphmau's POV)
I cry out as a pain bolts into my arm. Tears prick my eyes. I place my hand on my arm and I grit my teeth in pain. Tears stream down my face in pain. I feel someone remove my hand from my arm and help my get up. I scream. They lean me against the wall.
"Calm down." I hear a man's voice. Not any man's voice, Zane's voice.
"Let go of me you monster!" I see his hands hover over my arm as pain washes over his face. He let's his arms drop by his side, then he drags a chair next to me.
"What were you thinking?" he looks at me, cold serious.
"What do you think? I was trying to get the heck out of here." a few more tears roll down my cheek.
"Arrow dug into your arm. For being stupid." he sighs.
"No. For being desperate." I snap back. He stares at me then his eyes soften.
"You're going to have to stay here longer than planned." I laugh through my tears.
"Just kill me, you dirty basta-" he gets up, making the chair squeak. I see him grip his arms to his side. He has his eyes closed. For some reason, I'm a lot more scared then I was.
"Look." he lets out a breath. " I f I had a choice.....I .... I would have." he gulps. Liar.  He takes a few seconds. Exhale and inhale. Then he looks at me. He crouched next to me.
"I don't like it either, princess. But hey, I need you to be healthy." I growl at him and his snarl comes back. I hate him so much more than yesterday. So much, I want to kill him.
(no! Zuzu!💗)
He grabs my face.
"Tough it out, darling." I whip my head out of his hand. Tears start uncontrollably stream down my face.
"W-why?." I choke on my tears.
He hand hovers and then he sits back down on the chair. He puts his head in his hands. I hear him  sigh and he looks at me. He smiles. Genuinly?
And leaves.
Time skip
I wake up my arm sore. I grit my teeth, it hurts like heck. I see a guard at my door and a letter on the chair.
My guard will escort you to meet me. Please don't try anything stupid. Its better you not, you're in no condition. And pleases so for a shower and a new exchange of clothes. I asked for a set of clothes especially made for you.
I crumble the letter in my hand.
"Let's go." I demand.

Sorry that there isn't a story drawing, I couldn't think of anything 😅
Anywho, to make up for it I made a chibi drawing of flirty trashvis (travis)

Sorry that there isn't a story drawing, I couldn't think of anything 😅Anywho, to make up for it I made a chibi drawing of flirty trashvis (travis)

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I love you all!

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