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(Aphmau POV)
"What?" I stumble back, but catch myself before I fall. Her laughter bangs inside my head. My heart starts to bang and I plant my feet on the ground. She grins at me and take a few steps toward me.
"I'm so sorry inconvenience. I didn't mean to make so much mess on your land. Your guards were quite bothersome." she smiled as she slithers closer. As soon as she's in reach I grab her hair and punch her square on the nose. She stumbles and I kick her in the gut to complete her fall. She blurts out a scream as her body collided with the floor. A familiarly young boy entered the room.
"My lady!" he helped the snake in shape of a woman to her feet. His eyes met mine and my blood boiled.
" ah! Lord Aphmau! It's been so long..." he smiles in my direction.
"Not long enough." I snap back. He flinched and smiles.
"Ouch! Yeah, sorry. But you were just too immature, that's why many in your village has to die today... Including Travis." I stepped back and his name slipped my lips.
"Brian..." He cackled and exited the room, leaving me and the snake alone. She cleared her throat and dusted her dress.
"Well, that was quite rude of you." She tucked her hair back in her hooded coat and she rubbed her nose gently.
"Nevermore, I still need you, Irene."
I saw Laurence looking over the railing and My heart thumped. Out of love or anger, I'm not sure. He looked out to the ocean where my land once was.
The lady leaves My not my chamber the chamber and the silence swallows me again. A few seconds later Laurence peeps his head in and he closed the door behind him. He glances out and then looks at me. His pupils are small and his skin looks pale. His eyes scatter and finally land on me. I prepare myself for whatever he insults me with. His voice is gone but his lips form one word.
I jump to my feet to call out for him, but he leaves immediately. Did he just come to warn me...? I quickly pick up the hem of my dress and shoot out the door. My heart hiccups when I see two soldiers with slashed throats. My eyes start to sting and I run past them. I hear voices and I hide behind a barrel which, smells like it, contains rum. I hear them speak and I lean my head to the barrel.
"Our lady is weakening..." one guard sighs.
"I think it's because she's been holding on to that shadow knight to long." another yips. Laurence.
"That... Or its because she was in the same room with Lady Irene." the discussion is over and they continue to walk off. I draw a breath and peep over the barrel. I knew it! Laurence would never do this...but I think he can see what he's doing. That means he saw himself kill people...and he couldn't stop himself...I need to find Laurence.
The coast is clear and I creep around the barrel. My feet start to race and I pain digs into my skull.
"Where do you think you're going?" a guard grabs a handful of my hair and drags me. I claw at the air trying to injure him somehow. He chuckles at my petty attempt for freedom. Her throws me back to the chamber and then reports the guards death. I run my scalps and I bite my lip from crying out. I hug myself... I pity myself because no one else will.
"Aphmau!" my name screeched in the wind and I stand once again. I dared to take a look outside and I saw raven... Along with Zane. And Garroth? I thought he was dead...
Zane's eyes locked with mine and my heart hammered.
"Aphmau!" he hugged me and his eyes searched my face.
"Did they hurt you?" I wish I could answer no, but....they did. I responded my looking at my hands and he scowled.
"Those bastards." he gritted his teeth and I grabed the hem of his coat.
"Zane.. Please! Don't hurt Laurence..." he looked at me and kept walking. Garroth started swinging and slashing at guards who dared to face him. Raven kept watch up above. I sank to the ground and covered my ears to keep the screams from guilting me.
I felt a rug on my arm and I met with piercing blue eyes.
"Get up, Irene! I need at least you alive!" the snake tugged at me and a snatched my hand away,
"No! The others! Laurence-" she slapped me.
"You stupid girl! I don't care for them. There are many people left for me to rule over! Now let's go!" I saw Garroth turn towards me.
"Aphmau! ...ivy?" the snake turned her head towards Garroth.
"Hello....old friend." she smiled and Garroth grit his teeth.
"Let her go." he yelled.
She smiled and drew her sword in his direction.
"Lets make a deal... You take her....I die and I take all your friends." she puts the offer on the table. Garroth quietly nods his head and a squawk breaks through the air.
I see raven dive towards ivy. And a scream fills the boat. I see a beheaded female body sprawled and bile goes up my throat. I feel sick to my stomach and Garroth pats my back.
"Lets get Our Laurence, back."

Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now