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(Aphmau POV)
Swaying prys my eyelids open and I rub them. My body feels heavy and soar. I look around and I find I'm in closed in wooden walls. Murmurs bleed through the door and I get up.
"Morning." I sweet voice alerts me. I sling back and I found myself grateful it's just Laurence.
"Laurence? I'm glad you're okay!" he rolls his eyes, which seems so unlike him.
"Where are we?" I gets closer to him and pushed me away.
"Get away from me you dirty bi***"
I caught myself from the fall and tears stung my eyes.
"Laurence?" He drew his sword and I stumbled on my dress.
"Don't touch me,with your dirty hands."
"Laurence! I want to got home! What's wrong,with you! Where is Zane, Travis, Garroth, Zoey..." I crumbled to my knees and he laughed at my weak posture.
"Oh Travis? "He circled around me, eyeing me head to toe. "He's dead. And Garroth you say? He's dead to, but by my own hands."he proudly dropped to my,level and met with my eyes. Travis is dead. Garroth is too. And the one I loved killed him.
"Laurence..." I sunk my chin and he clicked his tongue.
"Aw look at me,princess." he raised my chin in a despicable matter. His smile taunted me and I heard his name from the other side of the door.
"In not done with you, yet" his threat suffocated my thoughts and I rocked on my knees, crying.
"Travis I'm so sorry. Garroth I'm sorry. You guys were always there for me! I let you die!" I pleaded for forgiveness from those who I'll never see again, until my sobs took me in. Loneliness comfort me. From the ugly truth. Loneliness fed me pretty lies. I fell asleep on the floor as the seats rocked me and the silence sang me a lullaby.
"I just want you to know I would die before I ever let anything happen to you."
His words echoed as a token for love.
Pretty lie
Securing arms wrapped around me and I met eyes with a murderer. He hovered over me, yet I lay still. Not taking him in nor pushing him away either. In conflicted with my feelings.
He killed Travis and Garroth. Get ride of him!
But you love him and , deep inside, he loves you too.
His lips curled into a smile.
"For an imposter you are quite the beauty."
His flirts would always bring warmth to my cheeks. But... For some reason... It felt like a threat. Loving him felt like a threat.
"Aphmau I love you. I want to be able to do that with you." Laurence chuckles. I frown.I don't know why I can't be with him. Something just tells me not to make it official for some reason.I don't know why....

The memory impacts my heart and Laurence eyes look troubled. His eyebrows furrow and his eyes look scared. His hair falls into his eyes and I tuck it behind his ear. He flinched and his eyes grew wider. His lips formed words, but silence blanketed them.
I'm sorry, I love you.
I looked him and his eyes turned glassy again and I lost ties with the true Laurence.
Someone is controlling him.
"Actually princess, I have a free night." He smiled and I squirmed underneath his grip. He trailed kisses along my neck and I fought. But his grip only got stronger on every move.
His names echoed from the other side of the door. He rolled his eyes and got off.
"Well that's No fun." he smirked in my direction and winked.
"Make space for me tonight." he left the room and I saw two guards waiting for an escapee on the other side. I brought my knees to my chest a knock thundered through the chamber.
"Good day Lord Aphmau." a woman with long orange hair and piercing blue eyes entered my room with a swift motion. "Or should I say... Lady Irene."

Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now