If I go back

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(Laurence POV)

"Aphmau..." Don't cry. Why are,you crying? It pains me to see you cry Aphmau. My eyelids fall heavy over my eyes. My head crashes against something and my mind screams in pain. I open my eyes, but this time I'm not with Aphmau. I'm a dark place a remember. My mind starts to go in a frenzy and my blood freezes. The Shadow Knight's lair. That's....right. I can't die. I'm already dead. I'll just be trapped here again. My eyes try to produce tears, but my tears are worth nothing if no one can't see them. And I don't want anyone to see them. Tears are a sign of weakness here. My heart starts to burst and my skin starts to burn with increasing strength. I don't like it. Last time I felt this powerful, I lost the people I love the most. People I love the most. Aphmau. How am I....How am I going to see her? I crouch down and put my head between my knees. It's a nightmare. This is a nightmare. Yes that's all. Wake up. Wake up! Wake up! Go go go go. Okay, I'm going to open my eyes and everything will be okay. Aphmau will be sleeping next to me and Lilith will come and jump on the bed. Malachi and Levin will join and Zoey will laugh and tease us. Now. 3...2...1.Open.
I open my eyes only to be greeted with the same fear. That's when everything compacted in my chest. They all think I'm dead. Who will stand by Aphmau's side? Is she okay? And the,kids?  My,mind starts spinning and I stumble back only to be caught.
"Hello....Laurence." A sniving  voice brought me to trance. Maniac laughter tied around my as I tried to run, fight, do something.
"Well....I'm not too surprised you're here after everything that's been happening up there. Tell me. How is it you,get here hm?" A bastard with dark here and deceiving blue eyes pokes at me. While his henchmen are,no better.
"Gene." I manage to let out between gritted teeth. He cackles and paces around me.
"I figured you wouldn't let your guard down that easily." he sighs. "What. A. Shame. We were planning on forgiving you, being pals again. Y'know?" This time Sasha, the little girl who gets her hands dirty for him, laughs. Zenix, the one Who is in crazed with other peoples suffering,  snakes around me. I growl and he clucks his tongue.
"Now, now. Lets not get too excited." He pushes me and I hate closed behind me.
"Gene! You weren't like this before! You...you didn't step into any of this shi-" He bangs on the iron bars that hold me captive.
"Shut up! ever since Aphmau saved you life has been a living hell! I was forced to do this! Or else....." he turned on his heel, knowing he told me to much. Sasha have Gene a snarky look and he side into his arm.
"Were going to need you. High priest Zane has cut off all tied with us. Apparently he's living it up and picking daisies with Lord Aphmau. But now....we have a new boss." he smirked at me before continuing. "And let's just say....news of a so called 'amazing guard' broke off his chain and killed many." my heart pounded and Gene smiled, knowing he hit me where it hurt.
"Gene...let. Me go." I growled, bending the iron bars before them. Gene hesitated.
"The party just got started pretty boy." he pushed me back to the cell and my body collided with the stone wall behind me.
"Now shut up, and know you're place. Before she has to do it for you." he emphasized she. On purpose.
"She?" Sasha just smirked.
"Lets just say. She brought you with a VIP invitation." she poked my nose and I clawed at her. They left, or at least they weren't in my sight anymore. I jumped up at the iron bars again. I bet them before, so brawling them shouldn't be a challenge. As soon as my hand contacted with the back a shocking pain shot up my arm, sending me screaming. I heard a distant laugh.
"Oh! I forgot! You might not want to touch those!,it'll hurt!" I scowled at his comment and my hopes crumbled under me. Everything....I just wanted to be like everyone else. I wanted to laugh, fall in love, make a family, be a father, and die in peace. Aphmau....I'm Sorry. I should've fought. I just can't anymore. If I go back... What is there to live for anymore. If I go back, they'll drag me back down. If I go back....more problems will swirl,in your hands. I... Should just stay. It's better for everyone. In sorry Aphmau. I love you. But I'm not fighting. I'm not fighting for myself anymore.
Laurence, you coward.
My mind dissolves as Aphmau us voice echos in my mind. I shoot up in pain. It feels like my fire has been put out. My fire has been put out. By her tears. I start screaming as my whole being is being extinguished. Because I am the fire. I am the fire. I'm the fire Who is always there, waiting for something to devour in my awakening. My eyes go pitch black, once again. Like when I was blind. I hear Gene curse as Sasha screams. My body lights up and with a tick of a clock. Everything is silent. My eyes fade the black into light. I scan my surroundings. Aphmau lay sprawed on the floor beside my bedside as Lucinda starts to cry and wake her up.
"Aphmau! Please! I can' t loose you too!" her eyes meet with mine and she stumbled back.

Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now