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"SURPRISE!" i hear everybody yell. Tears of joy threaten to spill. I cover my mouth. Everybody comes to congratulate me on my baby. I see Laurence, nicely dressed (hehehe), walk up to me.
"You did this didn't you." I say smiling at him.
"And if I did?" he smirks and gives me a quick kiss. I hear a horrible screeching sound, and I find out Its Kawaii~chan.
"Aphmau~senpie!!!!!!!!" I see her jump up and down and I laugh leaves my lips. Laurence sets his hand on my belly and whispers something in my ear. I snuggle my head into his neck. I hear Zane excuse himself and see him walking towards me. My smile grows even wider.
"Surprise!" he says putting his hand in my shoulder, Laurence let's out a small growl.
"A little late huh?" I say sarcastically. He gives me a small smile in return. Everyone gives me gifts for the baby. Some are boy toys and some girls. (this is back in the day so they don't know until the baby is born.) I smile and thank each one of my friends. Logan mocks me and the baby, as usual. Dante give me a little doll, similar to rag doll Anne but, so much cuter! We party and I hold back 9n drinking any alcohol. As usual, Laurence helps himself to a drink or two. Garroth gives me something so beautiful. He gave me a book his mother used to read to him all the time along with a blanket he had when he was little.
"Garroth? Are you sure?" I look at him.
"This baby, if other than you and Laurence, means the world to me....I mean us." he gives me a bright smile and I pull him into a light hug.
Zane takes me home, insisting Laurence stay and enjoy the night. Laurence refused but, drunk Garroth held him back.
"Thank you Zane." I say as he lays me down.
"No problem, Aphmau." I smile up at him brightly.
"W-what?" he says bringing up his Mask closer to his nose.
"That's the first time you called me itself that is." he hugs me suddenly.
"Yeah....thanks for being my friend.....Aphmau." he sits next to me as I slowly fall asleep.

(Laurence's POV)
(wow it's been forever since I used Laurence.)
I walk up to Aphmau's house after dealing with Garroth. Man, was he a hot mess. I sigh. I see Zane exit Aphmaus room.
"She's fast asleep." he brings up his finger up to his Mask. I nod.
"Look, I know you don't like me, I can see every reason why but, can you not show your hatred in front of Aphmau?" he looks at me, his eyes concerned. I can tell he really cares about Aphmau but, does he care for her more than business?
"Yeah." with that I open the door and walk in to see Aphmau sleeping. I carefully fit my way into the bed, trying not to else her. I bring her closer to me and before I know it I was asleep.

"Fhshananxf!!!fhdhagejvhfi!?rhsgajsudb!?" I hear Aphmau trying to say something but, my mind takes a while to focus in.
"LAURENCE! LAURENCE WAKE UP!!!" she shakes me awake.
"What's wrong!?!?" she gasps for air for a second and looks at me sweat beading down her forehead.
"I THINK....ah...I THINK MY WATER BROKE!!!!" she screams at me. I flinch as her nails dug into my shoulder. I nod at her and sit her up. I run out of her room.
"ZANE!ZOEY!CADENZA!SOMEONE!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs.
I see Zane running up the stairs.
"What's wrong!?"
"Aphmaus water just broke."

Welp! I'm back in school and in having to study hard, ugh already. But! I will still continue to draw for you and write! So I just made a quick drawing for you!

Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now