on the verge

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(Aphmau PoV)
My head starts spinning, I cling onto Laurence for balance. His eyes are burning into Garroth's skull and Garroth pushes through the crowd and runs away. I feel Laurence's body shift as if he wanted to go after Garroth, but he doesn't move. He picks me up and the crowd makes an opening for him. Not because he's carrying me, but because they are scared of him. Zoey looks at me, her face drained from color. Laurence's tears up and my heart crushes. Maybe pushing him away wasn't the best choice. He is gaunt and his eyes are shallow. He is no longer the Laurence I once knew. But, he is still the Laurence I love. Nothing will ever change that. Laurence kicks open the guard tower door in and sets me o, his bed. He goes back outside after giving me one more glance. He is scared for his life.
(Garroth POV)
I hear Laurence crying out to me, but I keep running. I know I shouldn't be running but I just saw Laurence kill someone. He.... He was going to kill Aphmau too. What if this happens again and he kills some of the people he once loved. The fire inside him doesn't know the meaning of love. That's what I'm afraid of. The fire that is always burning inside of him, waiting to be fed something to grow off of. I don't know what I'm going to do it where I'm going I just let my legs carry me far from Laurence's calls.
"Garroth please I need to-" Laurence's voice is cut like a knife in the air. My legs betray me and stop to look back at him. I see him laying in a pool of blood slowly squirming. An arrow through his abdomen. His name blurts out. I hold I,to him like a lifeline as I look into the face of his silencer. She's a girl with light orange hair and blue eyes. I grit my teeth and I hear Aphmau. I look back and then back at the silencer. She's disappeared into the dark. I feel my face wet and I hear Laurence heavily breathing. Aphmau screams at the sight of Laurence's crippled body. She starts to mutter "I'm sorry". I pick Laurence up and run to the still shocked wave of people. I spot Zoey,the forever young lady, looking like she aged years in matter in minutes.
"Zoey, please help him!" she looks at me and flinched. Her eyes rested on Laurence's chest, still rising. I scoffed when I realized she was useless. Aphmau tugged on my shirt, her eyes puffy and Her cheeks stained with salty tears. She motioned me to her house and we ran. I set Laurence on the bed and my hand were covered in his blood. Aphmau ransacked Zoeys options and spell books. I just stared at my friend. He was starting to wheeze and my heart started to compress. I shake my head and Aphmau is on the verge. I grit my teeth in anger and grab my sword. One of these villagers will help Laurence...if it's the last thing I do.

Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now