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(Laurence POV)
"You're going to be a great father!" I hear Garroth laugh as he gives me a bear hug. I let out a small chuckle. Then, I feel a warm sensation in my chest. Garroth and I have been inseparable aver since I met him. He was a shy guy and it got annoying sometimes but, I got him to talk. Eventually.
"Garroth!" I laugh.
"Sorry, I'm just so excited to see you! And Aph. And um.....?" he looks at me waiting for her name.
"Oh! Lilith. Her name is Lilith."
" it's a girl! Pffft. We all know how that goes." he said playfully elbowing me. I shiver.
"I still have a a couple years of an angel then it's all Aph!" I say laughing with him.
"What's all Aph?" I see a steaming Zoey in front of us, her hands on her hips.
"Meep!" Garroth and I say in unison. Zoey is sweet and helps around but, she can be scary at now.
"Oh...hey Zoey! We were just talking about lilith-" Garroth start but I elbow him harshly in the gut.
"I mean how Lilith.......genes are all Aph's!" he gives her a sheepish smile.
"Well isn't she lucky she didn't get any of his genes!" she giggles.
"H-hey!" I say calling at her, she just walks off to host other visitors. Talking of visitors.....I haven't seen Zane. I need to make sure Lilith is being supervised. I turn around and see Zane standing outside, through the window. I nudge Garroth and I get his attention.
"Hm?" I point at Zane.
His eyebrows knit together.
"Garroth you haven't talked in years, I know it's been rough but, he's here now." Garroth nods and walks outside.
(Garroth's POV)
I gulps down hard as I open the door. I walks outside and see Zane leaning against the house. He's looking at the moon, fidgeting with his Mask. And for the first time since we were young, I see him smiling.
I take a breath and walk over to him. He must be dazed off because he still doesn't notice me.
He turns around, a light blush spread along his face. He looks at me for a second and then His face turns cold. He looks back at the moon and his face softens again. The moon....? I decide to stand next to him and I stare at moon with him. This is the closest I've been with Zane without being angry or.....or scared. Finally Zane breaks the ice.....but his words are just as cold.
"What do you want?" he snaps. I flinch and look at Zane, still ignoring me.
"I wanted to say hi to you.....the real you." I give him a small smile, something I haven't done in a while.
He scoffs.
"That Zane is gone."
"To me he is....but not to the moon." he looks at me a smile tugging at his mouth.
"Its not the's Aphmau. Did you know she was this understanding?" he looks at me smiling brighter this time.
"Since I laid eyes on her." I chuckle and to my surprise he joins.
"She can change anybody." I say.
He blushes a light pink and fidgets with his mask again.
"Yeah....yeah she can."

(Aphmau's POV)
I stretch my arms and place my hand on my still swollen belly. I laugh, how am I going to work off all this baby fat!? I hear the door wiggle and I see Zoey at the frame.
"Hey, sweetie. How are you feeling?" she hands me a glass of water and some strawberries.
"Im okay! What's going on out there?" I see past Zoey. I hear laughing and cups clinging.
"Well everyone wanted to see Lilith and we ended up having a party and a looooooot of drunk people." she giggles.
"That's great...." I groan, I'm still sore from the birth.
"I'll make you medicinal tea. It helped a lot of people. Like Molly!" she start to walk for the door.
" Zoey! C-can you call Laurence for me...?"  she looks at me with her eyes full of light. Zoey's always been like that. A Ray of pure sunshine. She smiles and nods at me and closes the door. It not long before I see Laurence's dimpled smile looking at me.
"Hey, beautiful. How are feeling?" he kneels next to me and kisses me. I giggle at his "charm".
"I'm feeling okay. How is Lilith?" He holds my hand in both of his.
"She's perfect. Perfect." He gives me a weak smile and I see tears swimming in his eyes.
"She the perfect little person." I share his smile.
"I hope she got your dimples because They are adorable."I say trying to flirt. He chuckles.
"I hope she has your soul. Because that's what makes you perfect."

Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now