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( Aphmau's POV)
The soreness in my arm wakes me. I get up and put a vantage around it again. I step out of my room to find a nurse or a healer magicks. My footsteps echo in the big hallways.
"H-hello?" I half-whisper. The only thing that answers is my echo. I balance whether I should keep going or not. I decide to go back to my room and put some leftover ointment on my wound. I hear a slight tapping noise on my balcony.
Tick tack tick
I get up to see where the noise originated from. My heart hiccups and I nearly scream.
"Raven!?" I whisper, wide-eyed.
"Hello, Lord Aphmau." his voice soothing. I smile due onto my face as I try to hold back tears.
"Raven, I want to go home. I miss home." I fiddle with my fingers.
"Laurence misses you."
At last, year's tear through my barrier. I nod.
"I miss him too."
"Has he done anything to you." his eyes speculate the bandage. I shake my head. I explain to him my failed plan to escape and how Zane was getting to comfortable around me.
I hear clicking down the hallway.
"Raven tell Laurence and Garroth in okay, but to hurry. And tell the boys I love them." he nods before I shut the curtain and dash over to my bed.
"Aphmau?" I hear Zane's voice.
"Y-yeah?" I sit on my bed, trying to slow my heart beat.
"Can't sleep?" he walks over to me and sits next to me. I shake my head and he smiles. "Me neither. Want to take a walk?" i nod and he hands me a coat. The only noise is the crunching of the snow.
"I'm.....we're...letting you go home tomorrow morning." he says picking at his gloves. The word home make my heart fill.
"Really?" I look at him.
I smile.
(Zane's POV)
She smiles at me. Her eyes filled with life again. I gulp down hard.
"My....father....wants to form an alliance with you." I manage to make out. She looks at me, the spark in her eyes gone.
"After....everything, I don't know how my people would feel...I mean of course I want to be your ally, but..." she trails off as she spots a squirrel.
"That's understood." I sigh. "Aphmau. You know me as a slave of my father. Do his dirty work." she nods.
"I want you to know me as me." Her smile returns. She pulls down my mask and moved my hair over.
"Continue" she waves. I stand there.
"U-um well....I Like to draw.... And I like to fence! B-but..." I take a second to glance over at her. Her smile is planted but, her eyes prove curiosity.I take a breath before continuing.
"I like to garden. flowers mostly" I finish my little self bio. She nods.
"Me too! Although. I don't get much time with Lord business. I farm sometimes." she looks back up to the moon.
"Lord Aphmau?" I start to fiddles with my mask.
"C-can we be friends?" she turns to face me and her face lights up.
"Of course. We are secret friends." she brings her finger up to her lips. I nod.
I slide my hand into here and she starts to skip. I laugh slips my lips and she freezes.
"You should laugh more often."
I let her go back to sleep and the rest of the night is peaceful....for the first time. In the morning, we pack up a carriage and I let her take some fruits and other goods. I let her take the clothes made. She left promising she would write to me. And then she was on her way.

(Aphmau's POV)
The road was long,but I'm here. I race out of the carriage, careful with my arm. I race to re guard tower. I barge into Laurence's room. I catch him putting his shirt on. His eyes grow wide when he sees me. My smile grows wide. I run to his waiting arms. I smash my lips into his and. We deepen it.
"Aphmau! Are you okay!?" he touches My arm and I flinch. I nod. I feel him everything that happened as he embraced me. He runs my arms gently and his lips brush against mine. Hand in hand we go I've fro my house. Levin and Malachi rush to me.
We share hugs and kisses. Zoey rushes to me,tears swimming in her eyes. They have a little party to celebrate my return. Laurence and I dance to songs. Garroth and I share I dance before Laurence snatched me back. There was amazing food. I didn't eat much, i just nibbled on some cake and some fruit while, Garroth, Dante,Laurence, and Logan shared some alcohol. I tapped on Laurence's shoulder stating I was ready to go home. He nods and waves good bye as he escorts me home.
"I'm glad you're back, beautiful." he plants a kiss on my forehead.
"Me too." the background starts to get a bit hazy, but Laurence makes sure I stay awake. He carries me to my room in and sets me on my bed. I close my eyes. And everything goes dark.

just a picture of katelyn

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just a picture of katelyn.
"Sometimes people aren't as bad as you make them out to be."
Anyway! I hope you have lovely day/night~

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