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(Aphmau POV)
The soreness in my body has healed, but the massive hole in my heart is yet to be stitched. I've tried to fix everything, but it's too difficult. Our village turned into a grave yard for the soldiers who died that day. We don't have many family left. Kawaii Chan and Dante are in Meteli along with Cadenza. Lucinda stayed here to try and help the soldiers. And Travis...I do,t know where Travis is. Ever since Zane told me he died I haven't seen his restless face. Levin and Lilith have been healing well. Laurence has been helping, but I know he's still afraid to look at me. And I don't blame him. So many things have been happening....
"Mommy!" I see a little girl in a beautiful white dress with flowers spotting it.
"Lilith, you look beautiful sweetie." I say as she hugs me.
"I love you, mommy. I'm going to tell you that everyday because I never know when I won't see you." she hugs me tighter as tears well up in my eyes. Levin gives me a smile. He's been training with Garroth ever since the incident because " of you aren't here... I wan to be able to protect Lilith and even Malachi!" I wave at him as he helps Garroth to his feet. Garroth has healed well, thanks to Zoey. Although he still has trouble doing some things. Levin eagerly rushes out the door and Garroth looks back at me. He fives me a sincere smile and follows Levin outside. Liliyh plants a small kiss on my cheek and hops out of my arms to greet Laurence, coming back from his walk in the woods. I know he diesnt just go there to walk. I went out to look for him and i saw how he controls himself so well aeound us. He took out his sadness, anger, guilt, everything in the woods. He accepts Lilith's hug and she tells him "I love you daddy!" His chuckle is hollow, but it makes Lilith happy. She runs outside to go with Lucinda. He sits down and rests his head in his hands.
"Aphmau....I killed him. I killed Travis." His hands begin to tremble and a take a seat next to him.
"Did you see him?" I lift his face for him to look at me and he swallows.
"..No. I saw Zane. I destroyed him. I..." His voice cracks and his eyes search my face.
"No...Laurence. This isn't your fault. Its all better now. Look at me." I raise his chin again. "Sometimes bad rhings happwn...but you didn't do this." My mouth feels dry like an abandoned desert. He nods and his eyes look petrified. Like he's seen a ghost.
"Come on Laurence. Lets go, you mjst rest." I help him uo to my room, but he disagrees. He hasn't been wanting to sleep in our bed since. I help him down to the spare bedroom, instead. I bite my lip and rub my eyes. He's eyes are always aware, scared. Some nights I hear him scream and leave to the same forest. If He's screaming from fear or anger.....I'm not sure. I walk out the door and the sun shines, stinging my eyes. I have to find out. I see Lucinda watching Lilith pick some flowers.
"Lucinda." I call for her and her bagged eyes answer.
"Yes?" Her voice seems swollen and she stays gripping her arms.
"Have you seen Zane?" Her eyes grow and they dart to the floor.
"N-no. No, I haven't." She looks back at Lilith, her nails digging into her arms.
"Lucinda, please." I beg. I grab her arm. She sniffs and she looks at me.
"I haven't seen him!" She yells and Liliyh jumps.
"Mommy?" She looks at me and I just wave st her.
"Nothing honey. Just...keep getting pretty flowers. Lucinda rips her arm from my grip and bites her lip. I sigh and walk past her.
"Please get some rest Lucinda." I suggest and she ignores me. I go into the guard tower, nothing. Guard dorms, nothing. I see Garroth supervising Levin and nodding in approval. Yes, that's right. I walk over to him and he flinches.
"Aphmau?" I nod and whisoer to him, " Have you seen Zane?" He looks down and nods.
"Last time I saw him, he was in Lucinda's home." I thank him and wave at Levin. I walj over to Lucindas and i knock on th door.
"Zane! Are you in there?" I hear something break and I open the door. "Zane?" I creep around the corner and i hear a thump from upstairs. I swallow hard and begin to go up that twisted stairs. I hear more bangs and I finally arrive at a door. The light peering from the door crack flashes on and off. Meaning someones in there. "Zane? Its aphmau... I want to speak with you."
"Aphmau?" I hear a short sob. "Aphmau, please leave me be. I must be left alone. Just for now...." I hear him lean against the door and i lean back against it.
"Zane, please come out." I hear the door rattle and it opens a crack, just enough for me to see his face. A bruise fades under his eye and a scabbed cut marks under his chin. His eyes are red and puffy, from recent tears. He nkds at me and quickly slips out the door.
"Zane...how are you?" His eyes dart back to the door and then to me.
"..." He swallows and opens his mouth, but nothing comes out.
"Why are you with Lucinda?" His pupils shronk and his eyes dart back again to the door.
"She's....helping me heal." His voice quivered as he fidgeted his his hands. I reached over for the doorknob, but he smacked my hand away. He looked surprised that he smacked me, it didn't apologize.
"Zane...what's in that room?" His eyes dart back and forth and i lift his face.
"Zane." He closes his eyes and sighs. He reaches over for the doorknob and my breath gets caught in my throat.
No. This isnt possible.

 This isnt possible

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Travis' death

Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now