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(Laurence POV)
Lucinda runs out the door, screaming. Probably because the last memory she has of me is... Murderer. I clench the blanket that is tucked around me and my eyes lay on Aphmau's pale body. I gear myself to move and I land on the floor next to her. Her cheeks are red and damp, her hair is mess, and her skin is cold to the touch. I cradle her in my arms as I whisper, "Aphmau....thank you. You brought me back. I'm so sorry. I should have fought...then...this would have never happened. I'm so sorry!" finally the tears that waited to fall, swam in my eyes. Her cold hand twitched and my ears rang,
"Laurence!" I girl with orange hair slung herself at me. "You're okay!!!" she cried into my shoulder. A man with blond hair leaned against the door frame. He smiled, but bags hung under his eyes. I pushed the orange-haired girl away from me. She had green eyes like forest and her hair got lighter as it went down. The man had blond hair and blue eye to pair with it. They looked at me confused.
"Who....are you?" The orange haired girl...started to stand up but fumbled back. The blond haired man fought her, but he himself was unsturdy.
"Laurence..." he made out.
How does he know my name? Who is she? And why is she crying?
I stood up and looked at Aphmau.
She's not Aphmau...
A voice echoed in my head.
Aphmau died to give you life... She's an imposter. They all are. Shapeshifters.
I covered my ears to keep the voice from mocking me, but that only made the voice louder.
Forget her. Forget. Forget. Forget.
The only thing you must DEATH.
I dropped to my knees in screams. Aphmau is dead. They killer my family.
Now hurry, my child. For your,new family awaits you. Kill them.
The orange-haired girl looked at me with fierce horror. The blond man hurried her out the door and he stepped closer with his hands in front of him.
"Laurence....I know everything has been scary, but I need you to call down. Look at me. Laurence. You are a father of her child. You are my best friend. Its me Garroth." He steps closer and I growl.
He's trying to fool you! Kill him!
My eyes scan the room as Garroth's voice is still forcing itself in. My eyes land on a diamond sword. Perfect.
I gut him and grab the sword as he stumbles back. His armor shines. Armor? This is making things a little complicated. He jumps to his feet and pulls out his own sword.
"Laurence! I don't want to hurt you!"
I prepare in stance.
"I do." I lunged at him and my eyes detect and unprotected area. His side. I throw my sword into him as he cried out pain. He curled up in a ball, trembling. The witch opened the door and froze to see her imposter companion bleeding out. I grabbed the girl with raven hair and pushed by her. She screamed behind me, but the voice in my head was the only importance.
Good. Now come to the harbor.
My legs directions to the harbor and I froze when bodies lay trailed. I man with hair as white as snow groans, blood dripping from his lips. A man with dark hair and a blue eye screams.
"Travis! No no no no no! Travis please! Don't go! I love you!" he cried out to the boy, who's skin is paling but the second. The white haired boy brings his hand up to the crying boy.
"I love you too. That's why i....fought for you." his hand slipped down the boys face. And his eyelids closed. The dark haired boy brought his hand to his face and wailed.
"Travis!" he looked up and his eyes widened at my sight.
"Laurence?"  he brought the white haired boy closer to his chest. Tears run down his face as his eye stares at me in fear.
"Laurence....why do you have Aphmau...." he looks down at his dead love and he hugs him closer.
"Imposter." I run by him as the voice echos in my head once again.
The ship.
A ship harbors and I swing the girl over, a boy with brown hair and reddish eyes catches her. I look back at the upset boy, now standing up and running. To us. To the girl with raven hair.  The ship begins to sail and he calls out.
"Laurence! Aphmau! Laurence you bastard!you did this! You killed them... You killed Travis!" he sinks to his knees and clenched his knuckles,
"I'm going to kill you." I laugh at his petty threat but his eyes lock with mine. This time they have an aura I've felt before. And it's intimidating. I look at a girl with light orange hair, near to a pink, and blue eyes. She has a smile of satisfaction.
"Good job, Laurence. I knew I could trust you,to get the job done." She walks into a chamber of the boat and my heart pounds. She was the voice...who led me through this. But for some reason... I feel like I've seen her before...
"Hi, my name is Gene. I think well get along quite nicely." I boy with black hair and blue eyes offers his hand.
"Laurence. I think so too." I say, shaking it. He gives me a smirk and my blood boils, but I'm not angry... My emotions are mixed up. But I know one thing. These,imposters deserved to die.

Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now