jealous much?

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(Aphmau's POV)
I walk into the village greeting every one a good morning. I head over to Kiki's been to check on Sean Connery. I'm so glad he's back to his normal size he's so cute!
"Squeek!" Sean Connery starts running around me and squeaking. I bring him up to my face and start to snuggle with him! I make a trip to the plaza. Donna and Logan still aren't back from there honey moon......
"Hey aph!" I jump and scream and turn around.
"Don't scare me like that!"
"Heh, sorry didn't mean too." I open my eyes and find it's laurence.
"Oh hey Laurence." I smile. Its actually been a long time since.....I've had a romantic? Conversation with him. I've been so busy. I feel kind of bad, i haven't had much interarion with my village at all. Maybe I should dedicate today to that....
"Aph?Aph!" I jump as Laurence hand stares at me. He puts his hand down. I meet his face and it's not a happy one.
"'ve been really spaced out lately. Have you been getting enough sleep?"
I look down emberassed."not...not really." I hear him sigh "it shows". With that He offers me an Apple. "Uh....?" I stare blankly at him as I grab the Apple."if your not going to sleep well then you should at least have a source of energy in you." he smirks. " know you don't have to drag me around."
"Well someone has to." he mocks me.
He sets his hand on my head and ruffles my hair.
"Hey!" I jump up to him angrily.
"Shortie!" he laughs and starts to run
"I'll show you what a shortie can do!!!!" I run after him.
I fall to the ground.
"Aphmau!?" I hear someone. I open my eyes and find Garroth crouching next to me.
"Aphmau!I'm so sorry! Are you okay!?!?"
"Yeah I'm okay. I should have been watching were I was going. Are you okay!?" he smiles at me and nods.he takes me by the hand and helps me up.
"Aph!!!" I watch Laurence run to me. My heart skips several beats."are you okay!?!?!" he gasps for air.
"She's fine." Garroth looks at Laurence coldly. "She is now that I'm here." Laurence flashes me a smile and Garroth rolls his eyes. Some of Laurence's hair falls into his eyes. Garroth laughs. "Getting long again?" Laurence rolls his eyes. "Yeah, but I still look better than you. Right Aphmau?" I see Garroth tense. Why did he drag me into this. I take a breath. "Actually none of you are my type." they both stare at me with surprise.I can tell they are waiting for someone's name.
"My type is my hot, amazing, handsome,cool, carved......." they lean in from suspense.
"Table." I hold on a laugh as they both look at me with 'what-the-heck' faces. I start laughing my face off and they watch unamused. I see Laurence smirk. He's going to play along.
"Aph! How could you!?!?! Our love is so strong even Kawaii~chan ships us!!"
"Actually, we already have a ship name. #tablemau." Laurence and I stare at each other while Garroth facepalms himself." we all share a good laugh. Garroth and Laurence suggested I go eat, and I agreed. Garroth offered to a company me and Laurence said he would to after. So now here we are. Practically, having a picnic. Laurence and Garroth start to share jokes. I laugh occasionally but, I slowly start to drift off to sleep.
(Laurence's POV)
I feel Aphmau's head on my shoulder and I feel the heat rush to my face. I smile and remember were not alone. I look at Garroth and I can literally feel the anger radiating from his body. I stick my tongue out at him and he grinds his teeth.
"I know how you are Laurence. Don't try anything."
"I don't know if Aphmau even feels like that anymore." he seems pleased for a second until he realized what I said.
"Shhhh." I bring my finger up to my mouth.
"Anymore!? What do you mean by that." he whispers.
"Aph used to like me." I smile.
He rolls his eyes. "You say that about every girl."
"Ask her yourself. I mean who wouldn't fall for me." I chuckle quietly.
"Whatever Laurence." He gets up slowly. "You should get back to duty."
I nod and pick Aphmau up bridal style. He stares at me angrily and then sighs. I hear him walk off and I head towards Aphmau's house. I lay her down in her bed. And cover her. I smile. "I love you Aphmau. I hope you know that."
I wake up to footsteps upstairs. Aphmau? What is she doing up this early? I hop out of bed and grogilly make my way upstairs. I start to hear mumbling in her room.
"What do I do!? What do I do!? It's okay Aphmau just breath. You'll figure something out, right? Of course, of course. Um......."I hear more pacing so I decide to quietly knock on the door.I hear Aphmau freeze.
"W-who is it?"
"Its Laurence. Just wanted to make sure you were okay." I lean on the door.
"Y-yeah I'm fine just complication." she barely mumbled the last two words.
"That's it? Here let me help." I say, reaching for the doorknob.
"N-no!" I hear her lean against the door."I'm too embarrassed."
"Aph I can help, I mean Cadenza was my sister after all. I would call her, but she's been sick remember?" it's quiet for a bit and then Aphmau slowly opens the door. I see her. Her hair is normal except for an in reversible knot at the end of her hair.
"What do I do!?" she whispers to me.
"All I need is scissors and a brush and a hairtie." she jumps at the words scissors but, nods and grabs all I need.
I snip off the hair with the knot, her hair still cascading over her shoulders. I brush out her hair and then start forming it into a braid, cute but simple.

 I brush out her hair and then start forming it into a braid, cute but simple

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When we are done her face lights up, "Thank you, Laurence." My heart hiccups but, I just nod.
"That's what happens when you don't brush it." I tease her. She makes and amused face and grabs the scissors.
"Garroth did say you're hair as getting long again. She slowly starts creeping up to me with the scissors,
"A-Aph......put the scissors down."
"Never!" she corners me me and reaches for my hair and I hear the scissors snipping. I try to wiggle out, but I can't go anywhere. Then she sits down and starts to laugh.
"In just playing dummy!" just then I realize how close are faces are and I think she does too because we share a pretty intensified blush.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while! It's getting harder to since I'm getting ready to go back to school but I won't stop posting! So keep an eye out for new chapters! Here is just a drawing a made for you my lovelies.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while! It's getting harder to since I'm getting ready to go back to school but I won't stop posting! So keep an eye out for new chapters! Here is just a drawing a made for you my lovelies

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And if that doesn't please you prepare yourself.

Baby zuzu! I love this little guy! Anyway guys I hope you guys are having a good summer I'll be posting soon!~love,Miso 💓

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Baby zuzu! I love this little guy! Anyway guys I hope you guys are having a good summer I'll be posting soon!
Miso 💓

Baby zuzu! I love this little guy! Anyway guys I hope you guys are having a good summer I'll be posting soon!~love,Miso 💓

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Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now