you're beautiful.

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(Laurence's POV)
I sit in bed. Just staring at my hand. I made Candenza bring a mirror just to check that my hair wasn't blue.And did I look good. No wonder Aphmau fell for me. I chuckle to myself. I see my door open.
"Now to check on Laurence."
I see Aphmau. Her hair is a mess and she looks exhausted.
"Laurence how are you feeling-"
"Aph!" I place my hands on both her cheeks. "I can see you! I can see everything again.!"
She smiles brightly. "It was Irene." I cock an eyebrow. "I made a statue. It got rid of all the bad stuff and turned it into diamond. But I think you can see because of ungurth. His soul is in the statue." she smiles lightly.
"Aph.......I can see you."
"I know."she brings her hand to my eyes."they are blue?"I nod.
"Your beautiful." I say and she snorts.
"You're a dork."she giggles
"You like me that way." I comeback.
"Guess so." Her lips brush against mine. And she blushes bright red.
"Now I can see your reactions." I smirk. I arch my back so I can reach her and she stands on her tiptoes. I kiss her and she kisses back.I press her towards the wall and she slings her arms around my neck pressing my lips against hers.she runs her hand through my hair and I place my hand in the small of her back. We pull apart trying breath. I look down at her and we smile.
"L-Laurence maybe ....this isn't right...."
"Awww why?"
"Zoeys already into us." she whispers. I chuckle.
"So? What does it matter if we are a boy and a girl crazy for eachother?"
" woah easy boy crazy is not how I feel,"
"Ok how about passionate?"
We lean in closer and we kiss again.

(Aphmaus POV(

I bite my lip as we lay sprawled on Laurence's bed. I start to laugh.
He cocks an eyebrow at me. I face towards him.He places his hand on my cheek and his other is draped over my belly.
"Don't get too used to this ." I mock him.
"Already have." he smiles. He kisses me but lightly so it feels like a feather.
We just lay there admiring one another.
"I should get going," I break the moment.
" I'm coming with you.I can see now."
"Alright alright," we get up and start up to the village.
"Aphmau! May I have a word with you." Garroth looks over to Laurence."alone." Laurence gives

Garroth the death glare and Garroth returns it

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Garroth the death glare and Garroth returns it.

I nod and look back at Laurence. I smile and his face softens.
"What's up?"
"I don't want you being with Laurence alone lady Aphmau. He can see now."
"Garroth I know what you're trying to say but, loosen a bit. I trust Laurence."
"I don't." he growls.
"Garroth....." I search for words, to prove Laurence innocent. But Garroth is right. As much as I hate to admit it.He hugs me tight.
"I don't want anything to happen to you Aphmau."
"I know." I hug him back. He lets go and his face turns red.
"S-so j-j-just be c-careful." he stutters.
"I will." I place a kiss on his cheek and make my way back to Laurence.
"Aphmau i-" Laurence starts
"Don't care. I give his hand a squeeze and he smiles.
"Thanks ." I nod.
We check in everyone and it's back to normal......sort of. Alexis is still asleep but her condition is stable.
"I'm boooooored." Laurence complains.
"This is part of being Lord Laurence and you insisted to come."
He rolls his eyes. "I thought its be more fun.
"Define fun.?" I cock an eyebrow at him. He smiles.
"Nevermind!" I get up and make my way to the docks.
"Awww come on aph you loved it." Laurence walk in front of me walking backwards.
"Psht careful." he looks confused and runs in the a tree. I laugh so hard tears are at my eyes.
He rubs his face with the funniest face expression EVER!
"Aph not funny " he continues to rub his face.
"N-no.....haha.....I-it's.........hahahahahahahaha h-hilarious!" I clutch my belly trying to stop to breath but I can't.
"I'll show you what's funny. maybe you should have worn shorts today."
"Meep! Laurence! You perv!!!!" I pull my skirt down. He starts to crack up laughing.

A few minutes of pouting and laughing we settle down under a tree with a great view of the docks

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A few minutes of pouting and laughing we settle down under a tree with a great view of the docks.
"I love spending time with you Aph."
"As do I" I give him a knowing smile.We lean against the tree hand in hand.
Bawk bawk bawk bawk
I open my eyes to see all the racket.
Oh my Irene.......please help me Now.
"Well isn't it the awful chicken house builder."

Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now