Fearful Nightmare

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I flinch when Garroth opens the curtains and the s un burns through my eyelids. I groan and Garroth rolls me off my back.
"Come on Lauremce, you were doing better. Don't slack now." He shakes me awake and I swatt at him.
"Alright..." I utter out. He helps me to my feet and we head out. I hiss at the sun as it glares onto my newly paled skin. I see aphmau walk towards us. Well, at least she's in better condition than I am. That's good.... I look at her, my face a mask.
"Good morning to you both. Garroth. ...Laurence." she spits out my name like it's toxic. I nod at her and she slips out two invitations. I snatch away from her and walk off first. I ball the letter in my hand to keep myself from running to her. To tell her I'm sorry I wasn't good enough. But that would only make things worse. So much worse. Garroth calls out to me, but my legs keep running on command. I hide behind a tree hoping to hide myslef from everything. Wishing this was a dream and for it to real as well.
"Laurence?" I voice reaches for me h rough the darkness surrounding me.
I blink away my tears and meet Zane's face.
"Z-zane?" I manage to let out before I break into trembles.
"I heard. ... about the planned marriage. I just want you to know Aphmau is breaking inside too." I look away from him, not wanting to hear her name anymore. Every time I think of her, I remind myself that I couldn't make her happy. Zane pulled me into an embrace.
"Zane!?" I hear Travis call after him.
Zane pulls away and his eyes are clouded with fear which strikes me odd.
"Please take care of yourself Laurence." He pleads, his voice laced with concern. He walks off and Travis glances at me and their mood changes. I'm once again alone. To help myself from letting the darkness swallow me again. Something in my chest feels hot. Not comforting like how I felt around Aphmau, but like a feeling I've experienced before. I gasp out for a breath of air as my mind bursts with the memory of my past. My eyes go black as I remember being a Shadow Knight. I call out for Aphmau but my lips betray me and clamp shut. An arm wraps around me as I break out in shudders.
"Its okay, laurence, just breath." Their calm voice leads me out from my terror and I open my eyes to see Aphmau and man other villagers. Hey stare at me wide-eyed. I get up and dash away from those I could have called my friends just days before, now they feel like strangers to me. Their faces burning into my mind. Fear, anger, emberassment,and sadness all rise up my throat like bile. I close the door behind me and cocoon myslef in my room. This is the guard tower she took time to build... I hear slamming on the door, but my mind blocks it out. How am I going to keep living like this? I wish that guy never existed! I start to pound on my wall. My knuckles crack open, but the pain is invisible compared to the growing void in my heart. My blood paints itself onto the wall. I'm Leonardo Di Vinci and this is my artwork. My anger doesn't last long, since I'm to weak from my lack of nutriention. I look at my bed, the note from Aphmau crumbled laying there. I smooth out the dents and open the letter. Her cursive writing stares at me, but it's not hers. It's his. His words dance on the paper with incredible class
Dear Laurence,
I'm proud to announce you as my man of honor. I have noticed that Aphmau is quite fond of you so I would like you to present yourself as a gift to her from me. If you could arrive at this very special moment for her and all Phoenix Drop that would be greatly appriciated. T'ill then, farewell.
Your friend.
I swallow down my pride and lay the letter on the floor beside my bed. My back yearns for rest, so I lay on my bed. I look at my knuckles, stained wih my blood. The screams and knocks from the other side of my door are long gone. This is a nightmare. I'm a nightmare.

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