First snow

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(Aphmau's POV)
The clothes Zane made for me are all too formal. Its like I'm going to eat with the king of the world....not that there is one. I decide to pull my hair up, since it was making my neck itchy. I pulled it up in a bun. I decided to wear the little thin clothed flats, instead of high heels. The guard was about to grab my elbow and I pushed his hand away.
"I can walk myself, Thank you" I have him a rude smirk. He scoffs and rolls his eyes.
"Whatever, princess." He said  scanning me up and down.
"In not a princess, I'm a Lord." I snap.
"Well, I hope you can be both." he lets out a small chuckle and walks a few steps ahead of me.
"You know high priest Zane has taking a liking to you. I wonder why." he snorts. I decide to keep my mouth shut, because I know I'll snap and say thing about him I might regret. The guard stops causing me to bump into him. He's a few inches taller than me. He signals to the door. I nod and gulp down. Keep calm, he's already soft enough to let you out of the cell. Keep this up and you might just live to see your family again. I swallow my fear and step inside. I find him sitting, with his hand lifting up his head, looking bored. As soon as his eyes meet mine he stand up.
"L-lord Aphmau." he clears his throat before continuing."I'm glad you made it." A smile warms into his face, almost a sheepish smile.
"Its not like I had anything to do- I mean, Thank you for having me." I courtesy. He pulls out a chair for me but doesn't go sit in his chair. I feel something in my bun. I lift up my hand and I finger some kind of hair piece.
"Like it?" I gulp down and nod. He tried to attempt small talk, but it makes me feel awfully weird. Hurry up, guys. I occasionally nod and give a small laugh. He tells me we are going out to the garden. I don't know what his plan is, but I know mine. He loops his arm into mine. I stay on guard searching the trees for an ambush. He puts a picnic area up. My stomach is in twists. He offers me some chicken, but I respectful say no. I gag at the thought of meat. Instead, I nibble on a pear And pop some grapes into my mouth. It's quiet, as I admire the garden. I attempt to hide my amazement, but I decided to focus on the garden itself. My attention snaps back at Zane as he lowered his Mask. His smile, instead of being snarky, was bright. I furrow my brows, somethings up.
"You know, how you said you liked my mask off....well...." he grabs my hand and I try to pull away. I don't plan on getting attached with this guy. His grip is strong yet gentle. He brings my hand up or his covered eye. He makes me lift up his hair.

My hand freezez

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My hand freezez. He looks so much more different. I can see his whole face. I tuck his hair behind his ear so I can see both his eyes.
"As weird as this may sound,I feel like I'm looking at an actual person, much less of the monster I know," he gulps and looks down. I continue to nibble on my pear. We continue to have some small talk. I start to have a stomach ache and excuse myself. Instead of heading back to a jail cell, I find myself to a room. I plop down on my bed. Zane seems like the guy I can make a peace deal with, but I can't love him. I already have my other half. I cover my face with my arms and before I know it tears start to prick at the back of my throat. I just want to go home. Back to seeing them. I notice I have balcony. I step outside. Definitely to high to tie some curtain together. If I fall it's immediate death. I bite my lip. I lean on the railing and look at the evening sky. I wonder if they are looking for me. My eyes open wide and the tears on my cheeks feel cold as a winter breeze hits my face.

 My eyes open wide and the tears on my cheeks feel cold as a winter breeze hits my face

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The first snow day of winter and I'm not there.... Laurence, are you going to find me?
(Laurence's POV)
I feel a shiver down my spine. I continue to look through the forest with Garroth, while Dante and Brian search the other side. I hear the twigs snap under my feet. I've been in auto pilot ever since she left.

 I've been in auto pilot ever since she left

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I don't sleep and don't eat much. In letting her disapperance swallow me and I can't stop it. The sun starts to come down and we still have no lead on where Aphmau is. I drop to my knees with my head in my hands, the snow soaking through my pants.Garroth sighs and kneels next to me.
"I know we aren't in good terms, but you've been struggling to cope with Aphmaus disappearance. As much as I get to admit guys are closer." he sighs and pats my back.
"I hope she's safe, Garroth. I don't know what I'd do if...." I trail of as I feel Garroth's hand tremble.
"Nothing will happen to her." I cock my head to the side and he points to an arrow. An O'kahsis arrow. Zane. I get up, but Garroth grabs my wrist. "In the morning Laurence." I hesitate, but I nod.
"I'll send raven to check. We should have an answer by then." I swallow hard and give him a weak smile.The rest of the nights is a series of toss and turns.
Hey guys, Miso here! I was wondering if I should do a truth or dare....or maybe a Q and A! I don't know. I don't have much readers, but I can try. Let me know what you think? Should I?

Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now